Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Heart Essay examples - 1801 Words

â€Å"The heart† The Heart is a very important organ in the body. It is what keeps your blood flowing and your organs going. It is a tireless muscle that pumps more than two thousand gallons of blood every day. The blood that is pumped is filled with nutrition and oxygen (Colombo 7). It travels through out your body in less than sixty seconds. So it needs to be taken extra good care of. When abuse is put on the body, the heart’s performance is not at its best. The Heart is a major organ that needs loving and care. Everyone has only one and by abusing it, they are cutting their live span little by little. People can live their lives freely but how they choose to live them could be the difference between life and death. The heart is a pump†¦show more content†¦This is why patients who are in comas or vegetable states live because although they may have no nerve function, their heart beats on. The heart is what keeps all living breathing species alive, animals or humans. If the heart was to shut down but the nervous system continued and was active, it would not matter. The entire body would shut down because once the supplier no longer delivers what is needed; organs will no longer function correctly, therefore causing irreversible damage. Arteries are what carried the rich oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the organs throughout the body. The Veins are what bring back the carbon dioxide blood to the heart. It then has to be put through a cycle so that it can be shipped back out. Blood travels from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve, to the right ventricle. From there, it is pumped to the lungs, the oxygen-rich blood goes to the left atrium and then through the mitral valve to the left ventricle where it goes to the aorta to be pumped around the body (Colombo 7). What looks to be a complicated process that would take hours or minutes is actually done in a matter a seconds. As the population ages heart failure is expected to increase exceptionally. About twenty-two percent of men and forty-four percent of women will develop heart failure within six years of having a heart attack. â€Å"Thirty years ago patients would have died from their heart attacks!† (Couzens)Show MoreRelatedThe Heart Of Heart And Heart1569 Words   |  7 PagesFundamentally, the heart works as a pump for blood to the various parts of the human body. It is made up of four chambers with two sections, upper and lower, on each side. The heart’s right side pumps blood to the lungs to be oxygenated then the blood returns to the heart’s left side for pumping into the body’s circulatory system that consists of blood vessels that transport the blood throu gh all body organs. Heart failure does not necessarily translate to the complete non-performance of the heart. 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