Monday, December 30, 2019

Feral Cats - 1467 Words

Feral Cats have become a large problem in Oregon, as well as surfacing across the nation. Feral Cats should be Trapped, Neutered, and Released instead of being Trapped and Killed. The Cats should only be euthanized in the case of irreparable diseases. These cats deserve animal liberation in the sense that they feel pain just as we as humans do, and we as humans possess the moral duty to prevent that pain. With a non-egalitarian view of Biocentric Individualism view on things we can determine the solution to the outbreak of feral cats. There were two different videos on Wild, Feral Cats on Oregon Field Guide. One called â€Å"Wild Cats† and the other â€Å"Cats and Birds†. The first video â€Å"Wild Cats† shows a cat colony sanctuary near the†¦show more content†¦Just spaying and neutering pets is very helpful, and secondly pet owners can keep their pet cats inside so they cannot hunt for small animals or breed with outside, feral cats, by doing this it would cut down on the need to euthanize so many feral cats, and save birds, and other urban wildlife from becoming a play toy or dinner. Feeding a cat is humane for a day, but it is not enough. These animals need to be trapped, neutered, and released unless they have some horrific feline disease that would debilitate a natural and healthy life. Cats deserve to be liberated in a sense because we as humans can see that the cats have a sense of when they are in pain or when things are pleasurable, but in another sense these wild cats attack rare birds, and why do they do it? -Because it is in their nature as a wild cat, not because they want to exterminate a rare species of birds. Angus Taylor talks about the moral community and our duties in the moral community. For example, we should not let these animals suffer; they are wild, run the risk of being hit by a car, there is a high percentage of these cats who are carrying diseases such as feline leukemia or FIV, and will live a short painful life full of suffering. So what is our moral duty? We as human beings have the capacity to help the problem. We can stop the problem where is starts by realizing that we have a moral duty to stopShow MoreRelatedFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts : Tnr And More Essay2390 Words   |  10 PagesFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts: TNR and More With feral cats posing ecological and public health threats, many different techniques, reflecting a range of moral and ethical values, have been proposed and implemented. 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