Friday, January 31, 2020

Virtues of Saint Monica and Rebekah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Virtues of Saint Monica and Rebekah - Essay Example Saint Monica of Hippo is a Christian saint and the mother of Saint Augustine (Bohol Philippines Travel Guide). Saint Monica was a Berber descent, the indigenous people of North Africa, but she has never showed an attitude of an unschooled, undisciplined person. Instead, she grew to be virtuous despite the many temptations to be proud and rebellious (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Saint Monica’s virtues were highlighted in her marriage. Although she was brought up a Christian but her parents married her to an older pagan, Patricius, who was also occupying an official position (Pope Hugh). The character of her husband was a true test to her faith. His temper was said to be violent and he was observed to have been of dissolute habits, making Monica's married life far from being a happy one (Pope Hugh). Patricius was also written to have given to adultery while married to Monica. Patricius was written to have been annoyed with Monica’s alms deeds and habit of prayer (Bohol Philippines Travel Guide). Saint Monica also received quite an amount of hurts from her mother in-law who seemed to dislike her (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Monica was living in a society with prevalent domestic violence, but something in Monica made her different from the rest of the women and she enjoined them to follow her steps. What made Monica survive the tests of faith and why she was able to convert her husband and her children to faith in Christianity? During the difficult times that Monica was facing, she did not rebelled against God. Her situation seemed to have brought her closer to God rather than away from him. "Monica attended church daily and cultivated the virtue of patience" (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Her advice to the other advised other wives, who were beaten was to hold their tongues around their husbands, rather than proudly withstand them (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Her virtue was that of submission of obedience, as Saint Augustine, her son said that although domestic violence was prevalent that time, her mother was never beaten by his father because of her obedience (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Specifically, she was quoted saying "If you can master your tongue, not only do you run less risk of being beaten, but perhaps you may even, one day, make your husband better" (Bohol Philippines Travel Guide). These virtues and wisdom, in addition to her sweetness and patience made her exercise a veritable apostolate am ong the wives and mother in her community. Monica bore her burdens patiently that's why even though her husband was causing her pain, their life together was relatively peaceful (Women for Faith & Family). She also continued with helping other people despite the resistance from her husband. It was because she exercised the power of prayer that she was able to withstand the temptations to be in despair and to rebel against her husband. Through much prayer, she was able to convert her husband into Christianity a year before he died. It took her 30 years to pray for her husband (Bohol Philippines Travel Guide). It was such a marvellous victory for Saint Monica. More victoriously, she was also able to win her mother-in law through her gentleness, respectfulness and patience (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.). Aside from being patient, gentle, obedient, respectful and fervent in prayer, Monica showed persistence in asking help for her son. It was written that Monica asked help from a bishop who also used Manichaean before he became a Christian for several times although she was always rejected. In the end, the bishop consoled Monica saying, "the child of those tears shall never perish" which she took as a sign from God (Women for Faith & Family). Monica's persistence was shown more dramatically when she followed her wayward and dissolute son

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