Monday, December 30, 2019

Feral Cats - 1467 Words

Feral Cats have become a large problem in Oregon, as well as surfacing across the nation. Feral Cats should be Trapped, Neutered, and Released instead of being Trapped and Killed. The Cats should only be euthanized in the case of irreparable diseases. These cats deserve animal liberation in the sense that they feel pain just as we as humans do, and we as humans possess the moral duty to prevent that pain. With a non-egalitarian view of Biocentric Individualism view on things we can determine the solution to the outbreak of feral cats. There were two different videos on Wild, Feral Cats on Oregon Field Guide. One called â€Å"Wild Cats† and the other â€Å"Cats and Birds†. The first video â€Å"Wild Cats† shows a cat colony sanctuary near the†¦show more content†¦Just spaying and neutering pets is very helpful, and secondly pet owners can keep their pet cats inside so they cannot hunt for small animals or breed with outside, feral cats, by doing this it would cut down on the need to euthanize so many feral cats, and save birds, and other urban wildlife from becoming a play toy or dinner. Feeding a cat is humane for a day, but it is not enough. These animals need to be trapped, neutered, and released unless they have some horrific feline disease that would debilitate a natural and healthy life. Cats deserve to be liberated in a sense because we as humans can see that the cats have a sense of when they are in pain or when things are pleasurable, but in another sense these wild cats attack rare birds, and why do they do it? -Because it is in their nature as a wild cat, not because they want to exterminate a rare species of birds. Angus Taylor talks about the moral community and our duties in the moral community. For example, we should not let these animals suffer; they are wild, run the risk of being hit by a car, there is a high percentage of these cats who are carrying diseases such as feline leukemia or FIV, and will live a short painful life full of suffering. So what is our moral duty? We as human beings have the capacity to help the problem. We can stop the problem where is starts by realizing that we have a moral duty to stopShow MoreRelatedFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts : Tnr And More Essay2390 Words   |  10 PagesFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts: TNR and More With feral cats posing ecological and public health threats, many different techniques, reflecting a range of moral and ethical values, have been proposed and implemented. 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I have 3 cats, all rescues, 2 from adoption event sponsored by PetSmart and the othe was only with me until I could find her a good home. That was almost 3 years ago. Not every animal is lucky enough to have nice, warm, loving home or get adopted into one. The numbers are staggering. Having recently moving almost directly in middle of what I learned to be an undocumented feral cat colony, it breaks my heart seeing so many hungry and scared cat and kittens every night livingRead MoreThe A Cold Winter Night970 Words   |  4 Pagesdesolate, icy road and you are tired and in a bad mood. You spot a flash of red up ahead. A family of cats is hiding in a torn box on the edge of the road. You have two options, drive by and believe that they will be alright, thinking someo ne else will help them. Or two, take a few seconds out of your busy schedule, clean out the back of your car and carefully put the cats in, you know that you don’t like cats but are willing to help. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The War on Terror and the aAbuse of Human Rights Essay

September 11, 2001 was the date of one of the worst terrorist attacks ever to this day, this event has drastically change how people live everyday life, and also the course of history. In the morning on September 11th three planes were hijacked, with the intended purpose of killing American civilians. Two of these three planes were flown into the towers of the world trade center, while the third was aimed at the pentagon. Because of this for the last decade the United States, among other countries, has fought a war on terror around the world that has resulted in new laws and policies that have drastically taken away the rights of human beings both in foreign countries and domestically. The war on terror has changed the lives of millions†¦show more content†¦(Eviatar) Even though the American government is one of the most powerful governments in the world, they still have to follow laws and make laws that benefit the helpless people of the Middle East. Unfortunately for some the people in power get to make the laws that are followed, meaning that the laws often benefit those in charge, but they do so at the expense of hurting innocent people who are not as powerful. America has taken a hybrid war-law approach to the situation in the Middle East; however the hybrid of the two approaches takes away virtually all of the rights and freedom of the innocent people of the Middle East. Although what is happing in the Middle East is said to be a â€Å"policing action† they follow wartime laws that are much more lenient for combatants than our regular foreign policy. One policy is, â€Å"In war but not in law is it permissible to use lethal force on enemy troops regardless of their degree of personal involvement with the adversary â€Å"(Universit y of Maryland) which basically means you can kill anyone who helps the enemy, or is within their ranks, this would include the ability to kill another soldier even if it were to be a child who cooks for them. Also in war but not law collateral damage that is â€Å"foreseen but not intended† (University of Maryland) is permissible. This is the law that has allowed for the destruction of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Dave the Black Boy-Man Anger Free Essays

Introduction In his article, Zinnias (1993) says, without creativity, advertising could not exist, and due to its nature, creativity is hard to be measured. In his opinion, any advertising campaigns succeeded Just because they â€Å"break commonly accepted rules of what a commercial message should be or say’. As everyone knows, with creativity, practitioners could produce totally different and uncommon advertisements, while what about the rest of them? This paper is being written for discussing and impairing three different video advertisements of beer. We will write a custom essay sample on Dave the Black Boy-Man: Anger or any similar topic only for you Order Now Moreover, doing a further discussion about creativity in advertising, to find out whether advertising could still exist without creativity, and both the positive and negative sides. 2. Creativity in Advertising What is creativity? According to Darwinian and Jeweler (201 1), creativity advertisements are ads which make relevant connections between products and target audience and present commercial ideas, â€Å"in an unexpected way’. Creativity in Advertising is differing from that in other domains, due to the existence of products ND target audience. No matter what advertisement it is, it should serve the product or service, to increase its popularity or selling. That is how creativity in advertising cannot be like art creativity which could be whatever the artists like. The first paid newspaper advertisement is an announcement for selling estate in 1704 (Bishop 2013). After reading the text of that ad, we can tell that at the beginning of advertising, there was no creativity. Publishers Just expressed their selling messages directly. While in modern society, why creativity seems so important for advertising? Due to the development of global economy and technology, people have seen enough advertisements, especially ads of different brands in one same category. The use of creativity is to catch people’s attention, make them know the brand better than any others. Back to the topic, is it real that in modern world, advertising could not exist without creativity, or should it be advertising sometimes could be more effective with creativity? . Examples 4. 1 Carlton Draught – The big ad The big ad for Carlton Draught is an advertisement full of creativity. It matches the heartsickness of creativity which is â€Å"in an unexpected way’ (Darwinian and Jeweler 2011). This ad used the scenery Just like in the movie Lord of the Rings, the effective use of magnificent view and music catches audience’s attention right from the beginning. Th e funny lyric does not tell audience what ad it is until â€Å"for Carlton would cause people’s negative feelings. However in this ad, audience is already curious about the product. Furthermore, it describes men’s desire for Carlton Draught when the â€Å"body’ and â€Å"beer† run towards each other. This ad with creativity is tie memorable thus audience would hardly forget this ad and product. What is more important, is consumes’ positive emotion on this ad would turn into the emotion on the product. That is how advertisements with creativity could be effective. 4. 2 Heinlein – not expensive This is an old ad of Heinlein. Compare to the former one, this ad does not have creativity in it. This ad is more like an ordinary beer ad which expresses the commercial message in an ordinary way. This Heinlein ad describes the process of a man drinking Heinlein. It shows the characteristics of beer well. The purpose of this advertisement is to make audience eel desire for beer by effectively use scenes like beer flowing and water on the bottle. However, it is not that memorable as the Carlton Draught ads because it shows what any beer is. Consumers would not be able to remember this ad and its product over time. Moreover, the biggest problem of this ad is that it does not match its slogan which is â€Å"not that much more expensive†. This ad does not make full use of creativity as â€Å"the big ad† does, to make audience easily remember and like this brand. 4. 3 Toasting Beer – Space ship Comparing to the former two ads, this beer ad from China does try to use creativity. However, this ad could be any other brand or even any other product because it delivers the selling message in a common and expected way and the â€Å"creativity’ (a space ship) in it is really not relevant. It uses extremely normal commercial message when it tries to make audience feel they want to drink beer. And it tries to use a space ship flying over to impress the audience. It is an ad without creativity since the whole advertisement expresses the message in a very ordinary way. However, this kind of ads without creativity help this brand remains one of the top sellers for recent years (USDA 2010). The reason of this phenomenon is that, this brand is a very old brand in China and it already has great brand awareness. The use of this ad is to enhance consumers recall of the brand (Till and Aback 2005), and it works. 4. Advertisements with creativity 5. Advantages The creativity in advertising brings several advantages. First of all, advertisements with creativity could make audience remember the products much more easily. About the products. For example the Carlton Draught ad, audience would feel like watching a movie (Kenya 2007). This helps to make them remember this ad, thus remember the product much more easily. Secondly, ads with creativity will hardly cause audience’s nega tive feelings. Since there are already numerous advertisements in modern society, most people do not like ads keep showing around them. The consequence of consumers’ negative feelings on the ads is that they will have negative emotions on the product or service and normally people will not choose the brand they do not like. The advertisements with creativity could ratify this issue by making consumers like the ad thus like the brand. 5. 5 Disadvantages Although creativity in advertising is effective, it still has some drawbacks. Sometimes, practitioners over emphasize the creativity part and forget that the ads should be relevant between brands and target audience. It will make people confused and difficult to understand the ads. If audience cannot understand what the ad is trying to tell, they would not get the selling messages properly, and it would not fit the function of advertisements (Cover et al 1995). Furthermore, unlike ordinary ads, a creative ad is usually more difficult to produce and express. A wonderful creativity like Carlton Draught ad needs a group of practitioners’ wisdom and hard work to design and to implement. . Advertisements without creativity Advertisements without creativity are those who tell the commercial messages in expected ways, namely ordinary ads or normal ads. As the ad of Toasting Beer proves, advertisements do exist without creativity. 6. 6 Advantages Hegel said â€Å"all that is real is rational†, in this case, ordinary ads also have their advantages. Ordinary ads are much easier to design, produce and implement. Because they do not require for a large group’s brain storm, normal ads are usually cheaper than creative ads. Moreover, due to the fact that it does not have creativity inside, an ordinary ad could fulfill the function of advertising, which is to tell target audience the commercial messages, in a direct way. 6. Disadvantages Comparing to advertisements with creativity, the disadvantages of ordinary ads are obvious. Firstly, audience ignores ordinary ads (SCM 2012). People think these ads are boring and sometimes even forget about them. Secondly, ordinary ads can hardly possible. When it happens, ads could not even fulfill its basic function which is benefit claim. Thirdly, ordinary ads are all similar, especially ads of the products in the same category. Therefore it would be much more difficult for consumers to remember the ads and the products after watching them. So that normal ads would hardly be effective. The most important one is sometimes practitioners and publishers like to repeat the same short ads which have only a few words three or more times continuously. This method does help to make people remember the product. However, it will always cause peoples negative feelings. Negative feelings sometimes could be used for deeper promotion (Young 2006), however, sometimes are quite deadly and needs practitioners to be risky. . Conclusion Ultimately, it is widely accepted that the creativity is an important component of advertising. With the element of creativity, the practitioners could make successful ads and advertising campaigns. The creativity could be beneficial to the broadcast and benefit claim of the products, services or concepts. On the other hand, at the right beginning of advertising activities, there were only simply notifications without any creativity, and they still had the basic function of ads. This evidence shows that advertising could still exist without creativity. These ordinary ads are rational and sometimes are also useful based on different brands’ backgrounds and current situations. How to cite Dave the Black Boy-Man: Anger, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Communication in a Workplace for Openly and Professionally

Question: Discuss about theCommunication in a Workplace for Openly and Professionally. Answer: Introduction. An ideal workplace is characterized by great communication among workmates. In such an environment, employees communicate freely, openly and professionally. Interpersonal communication explains how well a person communicates with his/her colleagues (Eisenberg et al 2009). However poor communication exists in many organizations and is one of the major reasons for conflicts in these organisations and even in our relationships with others. Case study. I have witnessed this a lot of times in my relationships with friends and family. I have also seen it in one of the biggest Non-governmental organizations in the country. For example, there is an incident where my sister, an employee in this NGO found herself in a lot of trouble due to poor communication. She is a program manager in this organization which works with refugees and focuses on the girl child refugees. She has a boss, who is the regional manager called Jane. One day, a lady called Linda (a foreigner) went to Jane and informed her of her interest in helping to educate two orphaned girls between the age of ten and twelve. These girls should be refugees and if possible siblings. Jane informed my sister and asked her to make arrangements and identify the two girls. She quickly did so and started working on the papers to legalize the process. After two months everything was ready and the two girls, who live with their aunt were to move to the capital and start living with Lin da. Earlier on, she had asked the aunt for her consent and she had quickly agreed. She had used an interpreter who could speak the aunts native language since she did not understand English. However, when the time to travel came, the aunt was disappointed because she had agreed thinking that she would move too with the girls which was not the case. She went ahead and said that she was forced in to it and tricked by my sister. This case was quickly forwarded to the relevant authorities and my sister was being accused of child trafficking. To make thinks worse, Jane had not informed her boss of these developments all along hence there was a lot of confusion, friction, frustration and worry. If the aunt had understood what my sister meant when she was asking for her consent then maybe there would have been no such problem. If Jane had informed her boss, the country director, about the arrangement then such a problem would have been easily resolved. This is a very big organisation that was undergoing a lot of challenges due to poor communication. Being an observer, the incident did not affect me directly, however I was sad and really felt bad that my sister had to go through all that. I think the incident would have been avoided if the organisation had paid more attention to communication. I felt angry and disappointed that such a respectable organisation would face such mere challenges. My sister on the other hand was left so scared and even thought of resigning. However, the case was resolved but she was left demoralized and she has been seeking employment elsewhere since then. The lady was not able to help the two girls which was so unfortunate. Everyone was left disappointed. What were the reasons for the poor communication? Unclear objectives. One of the major causes of poor communication in most organisations is undefined objectives (Dixon 1998). The organisations objectives must be defined for there to be no conflicts. For example, the duty Jane asked my sister to carry out, this is, to identify the two girls does not fall under my sisters responsibilities as the program manager but due to undefined objectives, she went ahead and did it which was later used against her. Language barrier. My sister and the aunt could not speak the same language. If they had been able to communicate without the interpreter then maybe the aunt would have known what she was giving consent to. Poor leadership. There is a chain of poor leadership in the organisation. There is no communication among the managers and it is evident the managers hardly know their responsibilities and roles. Personal issues. Personal issues have an effect on communication between employees in organization. For this reason an organization should have a policy against romantic relationships in the workplace (Dwyer 2012). In case of fights and arguments, the employees should take it upon themselves to solve them(Tourish and Hargie 2004). Personal issues between Jane and the regional director has been witnessed by many. Maybe that was the reason she did not inform him of the on goings which led to more harm. How to improve communication Defining the organisations objectives. Objectives and goals should be defined. Everyone should know their roles (Gerard and Ellinor 2001). Sorting out personal issues. Jane and the regional director should sit down an sort their issues to avoid such cases in the future. Train on better leadership. The leaders should be trained as often as possible so as to make them better leaders (Walker 2011). If this does not work then it would make more sense to have them replaced with new better leaders. Insights gained for the development of interpersonal communication in work-based settings For there to be effective communication in a work place, every employee should work on his/her own communication skills (Gergen et al 2004). Team communication should be everyones priority. There are ways of developing interpersonal communications in this setting. They include: Having an open-door policy. This is where you let your office door be open to everyone at all times. Closing your office door creates a barrier ( Fairhurst 2007). It is hard for other people to interact with you. When you have an open door, it shows that you are open to interactions, discussion and sharing of ideas hence more communication. This shows that other employees can trust you. Work on your emotional intelligence. For there to be effective communication in a work place, you as an employer should work on how you relate with others. You should work on your self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management (Mazutis and Slawinski 2008). Research and plan. As an employee, you should make it a point of importance to collect relevant information and use this during important conversations to avoid confusion and inaccuracy (Isaacs 1999). Monitor expectations. Do not assume. Your assumptions may not always be write. When interacting with a co-worker monitor how he/she expresses himself/herself. Get to know what one expects from you. Understand him/her. Take note of your audience. Understand who you are talking to. Different employees have different personalities, character, weakness and strengths (Eunson,2012). Communicate with everyone with this in mind as per their personality. Self-evaluate yourself. Get to understand who you are. Know your strengths and weaknesses. You can ask for honest opinion and feedback from your fellow colleagues and even managers to help you learn more about yourself (Downs 2004). How can these insights inform the way you communicate with people in the future? Taking into considerations the insights mentioned above, I think in the future I will be able to communicate even better with my workmates. I have realized I hardly take time to understand my audience and this might have led to communication breakdown in the past. For this reason, I plan to learn on how to pay more attention to my audience to ensure the message is passed on correctly and with no misinterpretations. Working on my emotional intelligence is an insight I found the most important. This is not only good for communication with my colleagues but it is also important for me to grow as a person (Miller, 2012). Applying this in the future would lead to even better relationships in the workplace. Conclusion. I have learnt a lot about communication and I have come to realize it is one of the most important aspect in the workplace. Every individual in the workforce should pay more attention to it so as to ensure maximum productivity in the work place. Reference List: Dixon, N.M. 1998, Dialogue at Work. Making Talk Developmental for People and Organizations, Center for Creative Leadership, London. Downs, C.W. Adrian, A.D. 2004aa, Assessing Organizational Communication. Strategic Communication Audits, Guilford Press, New York. Dwyer, J. 2012, The Business Communication Handbook, 9th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. (Available via UTS Library Open Reserve) Eisenberg, E.M., Goodall, H.L. Tretheway, A. 2009, Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint, 6th edn, Bedford/St. Eunson, B. 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, 3rd ed., Wiley, Milton QLD. Gerard, G. Ellinor, L. 2001, Dialogue at Work: Skills for Leveraging Collective Understanding, Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Gergen, K.J., Gergen, M.M. Barret, F.J. 2004, 'Dialogue: Life and Death of the Organization', in D. Grant, C. Hardy, C. Oswick L. Putnam (eds), The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse, Sage, London, pp. 39-59. Fairhurst, G.T. 2007, Discursive Leadership, Sage, Thousand Oaks. Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New York. Mazutis, D. Slawinski, N. 2008, 'Leading Organizational Learning Through Authentic Dialogue', Management Learning, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 437-56. Miller, K. 2012, Organizational Communication. Approaches and Processes, 6th edn, Cengage Learning, Boston. Tourish, D. Hargie, O. 2004, Key Issues in Organizational Communication, Routledge, London. Walker, R. 2011, Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd international ed., South Western, Mason.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Critical Assessment of the Agricultural Subsidies of the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU)

A Critical Assessment of the Agricultural Subsidies of the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU) Introduction Subsidies are deployed as a means of boosting production, by giving financial grants from one party to another in order to increase production beyond the market equilibrium. From an economist’s perspective, funding has been adopted in different contexts to give varying implications and significance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Critical Assessment of the Agricultural Subsidies of the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines subsidies as â€Å"measures that keep prices for consumers below market levels, or measures that keep prices for producers above market levels† (OECD 2006, p.3). Many economists argue that the term subsidy can be applied to mean all forms of payments made directly by a government to various producers. In light of these explanations, this paper considers subsides as including direct means of regulating the equilibrium between consumption and supply of products and services in the market, among them being cash grants coupled with provisions of interest-free loans from the government. Low-interests loans, tax wavering write-offs of depreciation charged on assets, rent rebates and insurance are also considered among the alternative forms of subsidy. The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between the US and the EU agricultural subsidies. The basis for this research is founded in existing literature that relate to economic theories on taxes and subsidies. In addition, to expand on the discussion involving the similarities and differences in agriculture subsidies within the US and EU, as well as their implications on economy, a literature review of economics of subsidies and taxes will be considered first.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Le t's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The paper further presents the differences between the US and the EU agricultural policies, concerning the legislation on agricultural subsidies and the critical reception towards these policies. This section is followed by a discussion on the similarities between the US and the EU’s agricultural policies in the context of benefits to farmers and influences on income. Lastly, the effects of agricultural subsidies on famers, from the dimension of family budgets and taxes are given substantial attention. Economic Theory on Subsidies and Taxes To understand the economic theory on subsidies and taxes, one needs to be aware of the function of subsidy and tax accords within the area of global trade pact. One will get to understand why the government upholds such accords as well as identifying the most preferred way of handling the subsidies within the global trading schemes. Therefore, studies pertaining to the economic impact of subsidies have provoked mixed reactions from economists. For instance, Krishna and Panagariya (2009) argue that, â€Å"subsidies are a form of protectionism or trade barrier by making domestic goods and services artificially competitive against imports† (OECD, 2006, p.236). Such protectionism impairs the ability of consumers to consider and select imported goods and services, in their pursuit of alternative goods that are produced outside a nation’s boundaries through unethical or illegal channels (Anderson 2005, p.165). In the economic sense, subsidies are unethical because they distort the market and impose higher economic costs. In addition to this case, there are different types of subsides that have been outlined. Amegashie identifies employment subsidies, production subsidies and export subsidies as three that are granted by governmental or non-governmental organisations (Amegashie 2006, p.8). Export subsidies take the form of financial support that is offered by a government to exported products and services, in an effort to improve a nation’s balance of payments (Amegashie 2006, p.8). From an agricultural product context, exporting subsidies is significant in nations whose GDP is mainly derived this particular source. However, the impact of export subsidies varies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Critical Assessment of the Agricultural Subsidies of the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the Court of Auditors (2003) argues that, as evidenced by the case of the EU, export subsidies may result inartificially low prices of subsidised products. Furthermore, fluctuations in milk production costs may also occur, as shown in the graph below. Fig 1: Milk products production cost fluctuations in the EU in comparison to other parts of the world Source: Weers and Hemme (2012, p.13) Production subsidies have a key role to play when it comes to product yields. Production subsidies â€Å"encourage suppliers to increase the output of particular products by partially offsetting the production costs or losses† (Krishna Panagariya, 2009, p.237). Thus, the chief aim is to create a means of expansion for the production of certain products at much lower prices than the market forces would make possible (Mankiw, 1997). In doing so, governments also offer their support to consumers of the produced products. In an agricultural context, production subsides may also be provided by offering technical support and financial assistance to help create new agricultural firms and processing plants, possibly on a regional basis. Moreover, employment subsides and incentives, such as social security benefits, are sometimes offered by governments to boost employment levels in certain regions and for certain industries (Szymanski Valletti, 2005). They may also con duct research into new areas of development that would lead to more absorption of unemployed persons.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although subsidies may be seen as a plausible way of regulating and controlling the markets, they attract controversies over their overall impacts on the performance of a nation’s economy. Subsidies influence competitive equilibrium, and from the fundamental principles of supply/demand relationships, particularly in cases where the demand for a given product goes beyond the supply, prices normally fall. Consequently, reduction of goods supplied to levels below the equilibrium quantity results in price hikes (Covey et al., 2007, P.41). Supposing that the bazaar for any product operates flawlessly â€Å"at the competitive equilibrium, the overall effect of subsidies is to increase the supply of goods and services to levels above the equilibrium quantity† (Kym Will 2011, P.1303). This move leads to an increase of costs beyond corresponding gains of the subsidy. That is, the amount of increase is proportionate to the size of the injected subsidy and hence a â€Å"market failure or inefficiency† (Jerome et al. 2006, p.16). For this reason, some economists claim that subsidies are undesirable in a competitive market. This claim is particularly significant in cases where foreign competition is desired. In support of this assertion, Westcott and Young (2004) argue that, instead of lowering the prices of goods and services, subsides make goods produced within a nation, cheaper in comparison to those produced in the foreign nations; hence incredibly reducing foreign competition. In the context of agricultural goods, giving subsidies(especially in the developing nations) implies that such nations are barred from engaging in the international trade in a more competitive manner, since they receive substantially lower prices on products traded on the global market. In economic theory, offering subsidies in the form of tax wavering is considered as an attempt of protectionism (Wyatt Ashok, 2010, p.1927). In such scenarios, market distortion occurs, acc ompanied by social welfare reductions. On the grounds of economic logic, World Bank policies advocate the total removal of subsidies offered by the developing nations, even though it has no mandate to enforce this removal (Westcott Young, 2004, p.11). The impact includes a reduction in revenue generated by producers operating in foreign nations, which can cause tension between the European Union and the United States, and the nations in the developing world that are known to be offering economic stimuli in the form of subsidies. The developing nations protect their local industries against the influx of foreign products. Such foreign products cost less in the developing nations’ markets due to the economies of scale in the production processes and techniques for production used in the developed world’s industries. In summary, subsidies can provide a short-term solution to an industry. However, on a long-term basis, they end up being unethical, often evolving into nega tive effects (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2007, p. 26) Comparison of the US and the EU Agricultural Policies The subject of subsidies and tax reduction for agricultural products is approached from different directions, yet in similar ways for both the EU and the US. Subsidising the agricultural sector is done with the ultimate objective of boosting aggregate demand or investment in the agricultural sector (Becker 2002). In accordance to the theory of economics of subsidies, such an attempt causes the cost of production for agricultural products to be lowered for both the US and the EU. Consequently, making products become cheaper than importing them. In both the US and the EU, it is appreciated that the removal of subsidies has the impact of dampening economic activities in the agricultural sector. This blow is dependent to certain issues associated with the agricultural sector budget balance. Appreciating the role of subsidies and taxes in shaping the agr icultural sector in the US and the EU warrants consideration of the differences and similarities between their different approaches to agricultural subsidies. Differences between the US and the EU agricultural Policies Legislation on Agricultural Subsidies The US and the EU have put policies in place that encourage their farmers to produce certain agricultural products at much lower costs, in comparison to the global costs of such products (Alston 2008). Although there have been less legislative efforts to encourage the production of various products in the EU, the governing bodies have implemented policies that ensure farmers receive subsidies for producing certain commodities such as dairy products (Alston 2008). In similar fashion, the US has created a process to facilitate subsidy offers for farmers that produce various products, mainly cotton, through legislation such as the 2010 Farm Bill (Babcock 2007. Subsidising US cotton results in low global market prices of the crop, whe rein levels of making cotton produced elsewhere is unsustainable in the market. Hence, many nations are opposed to the legislation provided in the Farm Bill 2002. For instance, Brazil challenged the US subsidies for cotton farmers at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), stating that this distorted the cotton market at an international level. They further argued that it encouraged an increase in income to large-scale farmers at the advantage of the small-scale and poor farmers in the developing world. This case lasted from 2002 to 2008, when it was concluded with Brazil being the victor. In support of this argument, Riedl (2008, p.316) believes that policies encouraging subsidising of the agricultural products in both the EU and the US products have an opposite impact. However, despite the opposition to the continued indirect funding of the EU and the US farmers through subsidies, Summer (2013) proposes that it is imperative to stop offering direct incentives for production, because s uch a strategy for boosting production makes farmers in the US and the EU compete unfairly with others across the globe. Critical Reception of Agricultural Policies From the above arguments, subsidies on agricultural products, especially by major global giant producers like the EU and the US, are not received in good faith within the international arena. In relation to this, LaBorde (2013) postulates, â€Å"a series of weather-related shocks in 2012- including severe droughts in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and the United States- contributed to global food prices remaining high for a fifth consecutive year† (LaBorde 2013, Para.5). Although the EU and the US do provide subsidies to different agricultural products, they have refused to heed to these calls. Rather, they have opted to increase subsidies on agricultural sectors domestically. Such strategies have long-term implications on the worldwide food systems, coupled with impairing food securities in the developing nations (Babcock, 2007: Alston, 2008). Similarities between the US and the EU Agricultural Policies Benefits to Farmers According to Westcott and Young (2004), one of the major similarities between subsidies of the agricultural sectors in both the US and the EU is that subsidising has resulted in lowering the costs of production. In fact, â€Å"in 2005, the US government gave farmers agricultural subsidies amounting to$14 billion and in the European Union, dairy farmers received subsidies amounting to $47 billion† (Westcott Young 2004). This equates to more than the sum earned by every person (on average) in the developing nations. This explicitly implies that the US and the EU farmers were able to produce their products much cheaper than those outside of their countries because of government subsidies. Consequently, based on research by Drabenstott (2008), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service’s (2007), foreign traders found it difficult to introd uce their products into these two markets, since the price of the subsidised farm products were lower than those they could sell their products at, even for them to break even. Although such subsidies resulted in stimulation of, and therefore, over-production of subsidised agricultural sector products, farmers in the US and EU benefited in that they were able to place their surplus products in the market in higher quantities. This case meant that the consumption of the products also increased. Influences on Income In 2002, cotton farmers in America earned much of their revenues from the country’s administration through subsidies brought into force under provisions of the Farm Bill (Morgan, Gaul, Cohen 2009). These subsides also stimulated overproduction of cotton in 2002. Much of this excess production was sold to the global markets at much lower prices well below the break-even points of cotton farmers in the developing world. Similarly, in the EU, in 2004,  £3.30 was spe nt in the exportation of sugar worth £1(Oxfam International 2004, p.39). Although, the subsidies had a positive impact on the incomes earned by EU farmers, global market distortions occurred. Subsidies for agricultural products in the US and the EU have an overall impact of protecting revenue losses that are likely to be encountered by EU and the US farmers. However, in the US for instance, farm subsidies favour large-scale farmers over small-scale ones, with non-farm families’ incomes being negatively impacted (see Fig 2). This situation is inappropriate, especially considering that most of the farm families are located in rural areas where the cost of living is lower. Fig 2: Differences between incomes for large farms and small farms in the US Source: (Becker 2002) Effects of Agricultural Subsidies on Famers Family Budgets Farm policies that are realised through subsidies are meant to provide relief on farmers’ household budgets. Unfortunately, they produce opposi te effects, as Becker (2002) states they, â€Å"harm family farmers by excluding them from most subsidies, encouraging the merging of family farms, and raising land values to levels that prevent young people from entering farming† (p.17). This suggests that agricultural subsidies fail to provide relief to the struggling farmers, especially those who are new to farming, because overproduction results in low prices of agricultural products. In turn, the net effect on the capacity to fund family budgets is minimal. Tax Farm subsidies have the overall impact of increasing the cost of living through increased taxes. As the economy for both the US and the EU continues to boom, congress also increases the subsidies offered to farms. Wyatt and Ashok (2010) support this assertion by claiming, â€Å"After averaging less than $14 billion per year during the 1990s, annual farm subsidies have topped $25 billion in the current decade since the passage of the 2002 farm bill, the most expen sive farm bill in American history† (Wyatt Ashok 2010, p.1931). This argument implies that all spending by the federal governments has to be funded by taxes levied from citizens. In the US, Morgan, Gaul, and Cohen (2009) put the costs of farm subsidies at $216 per household in the form of yearly taxes, with an additional extra charging of $104 per household as escalated food prices. Conclusion The central purpose for enacting farm subsidy policies is centred on the need for alleviating poverty among rural farmers, and provision of food security by encouraging over production. Noting this purpose, the paper argues that scrutiny of the impact towards agricultural subsidies from an economic perspective, fails to contend with this aim. This is because such policies result to disadvantaging small-scale farmers outside the EU and the US, since the subsidies result in over production. The repercussion is to lower the prices of products in the global market, with the result that farm ers’ operations in other nations without the subsidies never break even. Within the US and the EU, subsidies create an imbalance of income between families that own farms and those that do not. Agricultural subsidies make families that own farms to earn higher incomes compared to those that do not own farms, yet families owning farms live in the rural areas where the cost of living is low. Hence, overall, farm subsidies have negative impacts on a nation’s economy, even though farmers (especially large-scale farmers) benefit incredibly from higher incomes. The underlying issue however, is that this is achieved at the expense of the smaller farmers operating in the same global market, who do not enjoy farm subsidies. References Alston, J 2008, Lessons from Agricultural Policy Reform in Other Countries: The 2007 Farm Bill and Beyond, American Enterprise Institute, New York. Amegashie, A 2006, ‘The Economics of Subsidies’, Crossroads, vol. 6 no.2, pp. 7-15. An derson, J 2005, ‘Tariff Index Theory’, Review of International Economics, vol. 3 no. 2, pp. 156-173. Babcock, B 2007, Money for Nothing: Acreage and Price Impacts of U.S. Commodity Policy for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton, and Rice in American Enterprise Institute, The 2007 Farm Bill and Beyond, AEI Press, Washington, D.C. Becker, E 2002, ‘Land Rich in Subsidies and Poor in Much Else’, The New York Times, January 22, pp.17-18. Chapman, D, Foskett, K, Clarke, M 2006, ‘How Savvy Growers Can Double, or Triple, Subsidy Dollars’, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, vol. 2 no.1, pp. 121-127. Court of Auditors 2003, Special Report no 9/2003 concerning the system for setting the rates of subsidy on exports of agricultural products (export refunds), together with the Commission’s replies, Court of Auditors, London. Covey, T et al. 2007, Agriculture Income and Finance Outlook, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, New York. Dra benstott, M 2008, ‘Do Farm Payments Promote Rural Economic Growth? Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Centre for the Study of Rural America’, The Main Street Economist, vol. 8 no. 1, pp. 57-61. Jerome, M, Stam, D, Milkove, L, George, B 2006, Indicators of Financial Stress in Agriculture Reported by Agri ­cultural Banks, 1982-99 AIS-74, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Krishna, P Panagariya, A 2009, ‘A Unification of Second Best Results in International Trade’, Journal of International Economics, vol. 52 no. 2, pp. 235-257. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing a Critical Essay

Writing a Critical Essay Writing a Critical Essay While writing a critical essay, your purpose is to convey in your own words the sense of what the text is saying. Explain how the text creates its meaning. Open your critical literary essay with a thesis statement which demonstrates your point of view. The body of your critical essay is a presentation or defense of your interpretation. While writing critical essay, you should present your understanding of the text. In the conclusion of the critical essay, you sum up your findings, restate your thesis statement and arguments briefly. If you wish, you may extend the significance of the reading - comment on cultural or moral or technical significances of the topic and techniques of the text. You may also start writing critical essay in other way. For example, note what the main difficulties are to an interpretation of the novel. It is important to give the reader a sense of how you are proceeding in the critical essay and why: Critical Essay Help While writing a critical essay outline, you should describe the message that author wanted to bring, the significance of the book. Describe what the book is about, enumerate the major parts of the book in their order and relation, and define the problem that the author is trying to solve. Try to find the most important sentences in the book and use them to support your argumentation. Determine the author' solutions of the problem. Writing a critical essay means that you begin to argue with the author and express your point of view. Choose a specific topic that you want to explore further in your critical essay. The goal of the critical essay writing is to persuade the reader to accept your point of view. Include a thesis statement describing the subject you have chosen and why it interests you. You must have a clearly defined argumentative thesis. Write the thesis statement somewhere in the first paragraph, preferable it should be the last sentence.Read the books that you feel will be relevant to your chosen topic. Write your ideas as a summary form to create the basis of critical essay writing. Along with this summary, make an outline for you critical essay. Each idea should be started with new paragraph; each paragraph should have its topic sentence. The reader should see the development of your analysis by looking at the beginning of each paragraph. At the end, when you think critical essay is ready, proofread and correct all mistakes. Custom Critical Essay Writing Service If critical essay writing is a challenging assignment for you, do not panic! We are available at any time of day and night to help you with any step of critical essay writing. is experienced in custom writing and we know how great critical essay should be written! Popular posts: Research Paper Conclusion Persuasive Research Paper Paper Research Help Writing a Research Paper Free Research Paper

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Heroin Abuse Health Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Heroin Abuse Health Policy - Essay Example Abuse of heroin is becoming very prevalent among young women because of its high availability at lower prices. The individuals who consume the drug are mostly from the poor family background. Consumption of the drug often results in very bad consequences among maternal child parents during the withdrawal period. Among the withdrawal effects include malaise, sweating, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea, and cramps among others. With the implementation of this policy, it is expected that individuals will benefit from it a great deal. The people will be educated on drug abuse. They will gain the knowledge and life skills that will help them overcome drug and substance abuse related problems. The society will also benefit from this health policy in terms of the improved socioeconomic lifestyle of the people. Businesses are likely to blossom since the monies used to buy drugs will now be channeled into legitimate business activities (Cross, and Karen, 2001). The rate of crime is also probable to reduce drastically.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chapter 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 5 - Assignment Example Nordstrom’s success largely comes from its customer service focus, but as shoppers move to a more virtual shopping experience, Nordstrom’s advantage in this area will be negated somewhat. Nordstrom’s biggest competitors will come from the online shopping industry. 1. Tesco has already established itself as the market leader in the United Kingdom, so there is not much more improvement on offer there. Of course, Tesco will still continue to add customers, but at a much slower rate than previous years. One area that Tesco could look at is opening stores in poorer countries such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Bolivia, to name a few. Shoppers in these countries do not have the same disposable income as westerners do, so Tesco would have to target these poorer countries will non-conventional methods. 2. Tesco can take its customer loyalty programs to the next level by offering it to children of parents who are already Tesco customers. This way, Tesco can gain a customer early in life and will have a lifetime of spending habits from which to work

Monday, November 18, 2019

Key Differences Between Civil Law And Criminal Law Essay

Key Differences Between Civil Law And Criminal Law - Essay Example In this respect, people are likely to be convicted of the crime they committed or to be set free on the bases of lack of substantial evidence to charge them with the crimes they could have committed. According to different issues in administration of justice between two or more people or concerning organisations, there are two kinds of laws that can be identified. These laws include the criminal law, which deals with crimes and legal punishment in which the offenders are accorded the due punishment and; and civil laws, which is designed to settle disputes between two people or organisation and ends up in the compensation of the victims. These kinds of laws are used to handle different cases and they give different kinds of judgement for what should be done in a case where one party is found guilty (Padfield, 2006, p4). They also differ in terms of filing and appealing as well as in terms of the kind of the people who should be involved in approving the judgment of the case. The evalu ation of these laws gives incite of how cases are handled in a courtroom where a case is presented to the jury for determination of the issues and passing of judgement. In determining a case, it must first be categorised according to its effects on the state or the involved and it is handled according to different laws that are in the state. In this respect, different cases can be filed by specific parties in case they happen to affect two parties who are present in the case or their representatives. For example, in criminal laws, a case can only be filed by the government or a state against an offender in a certain issue. This means that a defendant to such a case is asked to disapprove the evidence raised by the government through its different organs so as to be set free, failure to which, they will be subjected to different punishments. The filing in a case falling under the civil law is done by a private party who was affected directly by the offence that is reported in the cas e in a court of law. This means that a person affected in the case are the only people who can file a case against the people who offend them and them or their representatives like lawyers are supposed to follow the proceedings of the case (Padfield, 2006, p47). Another difference between the two laws is that in the case of civil law, victims are punished by reimbursement or compensation to the person who wins in the case. The court in involved in a case of civil law orders a person to make compensation to the people they offended and that means that they are asset free on the condition of making full reimbursement or presenting a plan to do so. It means that an affected person do not necessarily have to suffer in prison in the case of losing a case in the court but can go free but at a condition that they will be able to make compensation for things they have done on the people. Civil law does not award any cases of punitive damages unless in a tort law where the intent of an offen der is determined to have been malicious, negligent or a willingly disregarding the person involved in the case. On the other hand, offenders in the cases dealing with criminal laws are incarceration in a jail, they can be charged a fine payable to the government or in some cases they are executed. Crimes falling under the criminal law are divided into two categories according to the punishment length of incarceration and the severity of the cases. In this case, there are felonies, which are given the maximum punishment of incarceration in prison for a period length of not less than one year and misdemeanours crimes are given a maximum incarceration in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparison On Classification Techniques Using Weka Computer Science Essay

Comparison On Classification Techniques Using Weka Computer Science Essay Computers have brought tremendous improvement in technologies especially the speed of computer and reduced data storage cost which lead to create huge volumes of data. Data itself has no value, unless data changed to information to become useful. In past two decade the data mining was invented to generate knowledge from database. Presently bioinformatics field created many databases, accumulated in speed and numeric or character data is no longer restricted. Data Base Management Systems allows the integration of the various high dimensional multimedia data under the same umbrella in different areas of bioinformatics. WEKA includes several machine learning algorithms for data mining. Weka contains general purpose environment tools for data pre-processing, regression, classification, association rules, clustering, feature selection and visualization. Also, contains an extensive collection of data pre-processing methods and machine learning algorithms complemented by GUI for different machine learning techniques experimental comparison and data exploration on the same problem. Main features of WEKA is 49 data preprocessing tools, 76 classification/regression algorithms, 8 clustering algorithms, 3 algorithms for finding association rules, 15 attribute/subset evaluators plus 10 search algorithms for feature selection. Main objectives of WEKA are extracting useful information from data and enable to identify a suitable algorithm for generating an accurate predictive model from it. This paper presents short notes on data mining, basic principles of data mining techniques, comparison on classification techniques using WEKA, Data mining in bioinformatics, discussion on WEKA. Introduction Computers have brought tremendous improvement in technologies especially the speed of computer and data storage cost which lead to create huge volumes of data. Data itself has no value, unless data can be changed to information to become useful. In past two decade the data mining was invented to generate knowledge from database. Data Mining is the method of finding the patterns, associations or correlations among data to present in a useful format or useful information or knowledge[1]. The advancement of the healthcare database management systems creates a huge number of data bases. Creating knowledge discovery methodology and management of the large amounts of heterogeneous data has become a major priority of research. Data mining is still a good area of scientific study and remains a promising and rich field for research. Data mining making sense of large amounts of unsupervised data in some domain[2]. Data mining techniques Data mining techniques are both unsupervised and supervised. Unsupervised learning technique is not guided by variable or class label and does not create a model or hypothesis before analysis. Based on the results a model will be built. A common unsupervised technique is Clustering. In Supervised learning prior to the analysis a model will be built. To estimate the parameters of the model apply the algorithm to the data. The biomedical literatures focus on applications of supervised learning techniques. A common supervised techniques used in medical and clinical research is Classification, Statistical Regression and association rules. The learning techniques briefly described below as: Clustering Clustering is a dynamic field of research in data mining. Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique, is process of partitioning a set of data objects in a set of meaningful subclasses called clusters. It is revealing natural groupings in the data. A cluster include group of data objects similar to each other within the cluster but not similar in another cluster. The algorithms can be categorized into partitioning, hierarchical, density-based, and model-based methods. Clustering is also called unsupervised classification: no predefined classes. Association Rule Association rule in data mining is to find the relationships of items in a data base. A transaction t contains X, itemset in I, if X à  t. Where an itemset is a set of items. E.g., X = {milk, bread, cereal} is an itemset. An association rule is an implication of the form: X  ® Y, where X, Y ÃÅ' I, and X ÇY = Æ An association rules do not represent any sort of causality or correlation between the two item sets. X Þ Y does not mean X causes Y, so no Causality X Þ Y can be different from Y Þ X, unlike correlation Association rules assist in marketing, targeted advertising, floor planning, inventory control, churning management, homeland security, etc. Classification Classification is a supervised learning method. The classification goal is to predict the target class accurately for each case in the data. Classification is to develop accurate description for each class. Classification is a data mining function consists of assigning a class label of objects to a set of unclassified cases. Classification A Two-Step process show in figure 4. Data mining classification mechanisms such as Decision trees, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Bayesian network, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Support vector machines, etc. Classification methods classified as follows: Decision tree: Decision trees are powerful classification algorithms. Popular decision tree algorithms include Quinlans ID3, C4.5, C5, and Breiman et al.s CART. As the name implies, this technique recursively separates observations in branches to construct a tree for the purpose of improving the prediction accuracy. Decision tree is widely used as it is easy to interpret and are restricted to functions that can be represented by rule If-then-else condition. Most decision tree classifiers perform classification in two phases: tree-growing (or building) and tree-pruning. The tree building is done in top-down manner. During this phase the tree is recursively partitioned till all the data items belong to the same class label. In the tree pruning phase the full grown tree is cut back to prevent over fitting and improve the accuracy of the tree in bottom up fashion. It is used to improve the prediction and classification accuracy of the algorithm by minimizing the over-fitting. Compared to other data mining techniques, it is widely applied in various areas since it is robust to data scales or distributions. Nearest-neighbor: K-Nearest Neighbor is one of the best known distance based algorithms, in the literature it has different version such as closest point, single link, complete link, K-Most Similar Neighbor etc. Nearest neighbors algorithm is considered as statistical learning algorithms and it is extremely simple to implement and leaves itself open to a wide variety of variations. Nearest-neighbor is a data mining technique that performs prediction by finding the prediction value of records (near neighbors) similar to the record to be predicted. The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm is easy to understand. First the nearest-neighbor list is obtained; the test object is classified based on the majority class from the list. KNN has got a wide variety of applications in various fields such as Pattern recognition, Image databases, Internet marketing, Cluster analysis etc. Probabilistic (Bayesian Network) models: Bayesian networks are a powerful probabilistic representation, and their use for classification has received considerable attention. Bayesian algorithms predict the class depending on the probability of belonging to that class. A Bayesian network is a graphical model. This Bayesian Network consists of two components. First component is mainly a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in which the nodes in the graph are called the random variables and the edges between the nodes or random variables represents the probabilistic dependencies among the corresponding random variables. Second component is a set of parameters that describe the conditional probability of each variable given its parents. The conditional dependencies in the graph are estimated by statistical and computational methods. Thus the BN combine the properties of computer science and statistics. Probabilistic models Predict multiple hypotheses, weighted by their probabilities[3]. The Table 1 below gives the theoretical comparison on classification techniques. Data mining is used in surveillance, artificial intelligence, marketing, fraud detection, scientific discovery and now gaining a broad way in other fields also. Experimental Work Experimental comparison on classification techniques is done in WEKA. Here we have used labor database for all the three techniques, easy to differentiate their parameters on a single instance. This labor database has 17 attributes ( attributes like duration, wage-increase-first-year, wage-increase-second-year, wage-increase-third-year, cost-of-living-adjustment, working-hours, pension, standby-pay, shift-differential, education-allowance, statutory-holiday, vacation, longterm-disability-assistance, contribution-to-dental-plan, bereavement-assistance, contribution-to-health-plan, class) and 57 instances. Figure 5: WEKA 3.6.9 Explorer window Figure 5 shows the explorer window in WEKA tool with the labor dataset loaded; we can also analyze the data in the form of graph as shown above in visualization section with blue and red code. In WEKA, all data is considered as instances features (attributes) in the data. For easier analysis and evaluation the simulation results are partitioned into several sub items. First part, correctly and incorrectly classified instances will be partitioned in numeric and percentage value and subsequently Kappa statistic, mean absolute error and root mean squared error will be in numeric value only. Figure 6: Classifier Result This dataset is measured and analyzed with 10 folds cross validation under specified classifier as shown in figure 6. Here it computes all required parameters on given instances with the classifiers respective accuracy and prediction rate. Based on Table 2 we can clearly see that the highest accuracy is 89.4737 % for Bayesian, 82.4561 % for KNN and lowest is 73.6842 % for Decision tree. In fact by this experimental comparison we can say that Bayesian is best among three as it is more accurate and less time consuming. Table 2 : Simulation Result of each Algorithm DATA MINING IN BIONFORMATICS Bioinformatics and Data mining provide challenging and exciting research for computation. Bioinformatics is conceptualizing biology in terms of molecules and then applying informatics techniques to understand and organize the information associated with these molecules on a large scale. It is MIS for molecular biology information. It is the science of managing, mining, and interpreting information from biological sequences and structures. Advances such as genome-sequencing initiatives, microarrays, proteomics and functional and structural genomics have pushed the frontiers of human knowledge. Data mining and machine learning have been advancing with high-impact applications from marketing to science. Although researchers have spent much effort on data mining for bioinformatics, the two areas have largely been developing separately. In classification or regression the task is to predict the outcome associated with a particular individual given a feature vector describing that individu al; in clustering, individuals are grouped together because they share certain properties; and in feature selection the task is to select those features that are important in predicting the outcome for an individual. We believe that data mining will provide the necessary tools for better understanding of gene expression, drug design, and other emerging problems in genomics and proteomics. Propose novel data mining techniques for tasks such as Gene expression analysis, Searching and understanding of protein mass spectroscopy data, 3D structural and functional analysis and mining of DNA and protein sequences for structural and functional motifs, drug design, and understanding of the origins of life, and Text mining for biological knowledge discovery. In todays world large quantities of data is being accumulated and seeking knowledge from massive data is one of the most fundamental attribute of Data Mining. It consists of more than just collecting and managing data but to analyze and predict also. Data could be large in size in dimension. Also there is a huge gap from the stored data to the knowledge that could be construed from the data. Here comes the classification technique and its sub-mechanisms to arrange or place the data at its appropriate class for ease of identification and searching. Thus classification can be outlined as inevitable part of data mining and is gaining more popularity. WEKA data mining software WEKA is data mining software developed by the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Weka includes several machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either call from your own Java code or be applied directly to a dataset, since WEKA implements algorithms using the JAVA language. Weka contains general purpose environment tools for data pre-processing, regression, classification, association rules, clustering, feature selection and visualization. The Weka data mining suite in the bioinformatics arena it has been used for probe selection for gene expression arrays[14], automated protein annotation[7][9], experiments with automatic cancer diagnosis[10], plant genotype discrimination[13], classifying gene expression profiles[11], developing a computational model for frame-shifting sites[8] and extracting rules from them[12]. Most of the algorithms in Weka are described in[15]. WEKA includes algorithms for learning different types of models (e.g. decision trees, rule sets, linear discriminants), feature selection schemes (fast filtering as well as wrapper approaches) and pre-processing methods (e.g. discretization, arbitrary mathematical transformations and combinations of attributes). Weka makes it easy to compare different solution strategies based on the same evaluation method and identify the one that is most appropriate for the problem at hand. It is implemented in Java and runs on almost any computing platform. The Weka Explorer Explorer is the main interface in Weka, shown in figure 1. Open fileà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ load data in various formats ARFF, CSV, C4.5, and Library. WEKA Explorer has six (6) tabs, which can be used to perform a certain task. The tabs are shown in figure 2. Preprocess: Preprocessing tools in WEKA are called Filters. The Preprocess retrieves data from a file, SQL database or URL (For very large datasets sub sampling may be required since all the data were stored in main memory). Data can be preprocessed using one of Wekas preprocessing tools. The Preprocess tab shows a histogram with statistics of the currently selected attribute. Histograms for all attributes can be viewed simultaneously in a separate window. Some of the filters behave differently depending on whether a class attribute has been set or not. Filter box is used for setting up the required filter. WEKA contains filters for Discretization, normalization, resampling, attribute selection, attribute combination, Classify: Classify tools can be used to perform further analysis on preprocessed data. If the data demands a classification or regression problem, it can be processed in the Classify tab. Classify provides an interface to learning algorithms for classification and regression models (both are called classifiers in Weka), and evaluation tools for analyzing the outcome of the learning process. Classification model produced on the full trained data. WEKA consists of all major learning techniques for classification and regression: Bayesian classifiers, decision trees, rule sets, support vector machines, logistic and multi-layer perceptrons, linear regression, and nearest-neighbor methods. It also contains metalearners like bagging, stacking, boosting, and schemes that perform automatic parameter tuning using cross-validation, cost-sensitive classification, etc. Learning algorithms can be evaluated using cross-validation or a hold-out set, and Weka provides standard numeric performance mea sures (e.g. accuracy, root mean squared error), as well as graphical means for visualizing classifier performance (e.g. ROC curves and precision-recall curves). It is possible to visualize the predictions of a classification or regression model, enabling the identification of outliers, and to load and save models that have been generated. Cluster: WEKA contains clusterers for finding groups of instances in a datasets. Cluster tools gives access to Wekas clustering algorithms such as k-means, a heuristic incremental hierarchical clustering scheme and mixtures of normal distributions with diagonal co-variance matrices estimated using EM. Cluster assignments can be visualized and compared to actual clusters defined by one of the attributes in the data. Associate: Associate tools having generating association rules algorithms. It can be used to identify relationships between groups of attributes in the data. Select attributes: More interesting in the context of bioinformatics is the fifth tab, which offers methods for identifying those subsets of attributes that are predictive of another (target) attribute in the data. Weka contains several methods for searching through the space of attribute subsets, evaluation measures for attributes and attribute subsets. Search methods such as best-first search, genetic algorithms, forward selection, and a simple ranking of attributes. Evaluation measures include correlation- and entropy based criteria as well as the performance of a selected learning scheme (e.g. a decision tree learner) for a particular subset of attributes. Different search and evaluation methods can be combined, making the system very flexible. Visualize: Visualization tools shows a matrix of scatter plots for all pairs of attributes in the data. Practically visualization is very much useful which helps to determine learning problem difficulties. WEKA visualize single dimension (1D) for single attributes and two-dimension (2D) for pairs of attributes. It is to visualize the current relation in 2D plots. Any matrix element can be selected and enlarged in a separate window, where one can zoom in on subsets of the data and retrieve information about individual data points. A Jitter option to deal with nominal attributes for exposing obscured data points is also provided. interfaces to Weka All the learning techniques in Weka can be accessed from the simple command line (CLI), as part of shell scripts, or from within other Java programs using the Weka API. WEKA commands directly execute using CLI. Weka also contains an alternative graphical user interface, called Knowledge Flow, that can be used instead of the Explorer. Knowledge Flow is a drag-and-drop interface and supports incremental learning. It caters for a more process-oriented view of data mining, where individual learning components (represented by Java beans) can be connected graphically to create a flow of information. Finally, there is a third graphical user interface-the Experimenter-which is designed for experiments that compare the performance of (multiple) learning schemes on (multiple) datasets. Experiments can be distributed across multiple computers running remote experiment servers and conducting statistical tests between learning scheme. Conclusion Classification is one of the most popular techniques in data mining. In this paper we compared algorithms based on their accuracy, learning time and error rate. We observed that, there is a direct relationship between execution time in building the tree model and the volume of data records and also there is an indirect relationship between execution time in building the model and attribute size of the data sets. Through our experiment we conclude that Bayesian algorithms have good classification accuracy over above compared algorithms. To make bioinformatics lively research areas broaden to include new techniques.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

1970’s American Culture and the Impact on Dance Essay -- Sociology Ess

1970’s American Culture and the Impact on Dance The freedom of the American life and culture of the 1970’s overflowed to make a major impact on music and dance during this period. American culture flourished. The events of the times were reflected in and became the inspiration for much of the music, literature, entertainment, and even fashion of the decade. Choreographers wanted to motivate the dancers to leap into the unknown and experience the contact of dance in their own way. Free love and the idea surrounding it helped break down barriers from traditional dance movements. Men and women began using their bodies to portray physical acts, built on to each other creating unique and interesting positions. They were working with the physical forces of gravity, momentum, and inertia. They would use the force of one body hurling into another to find out what would happen. For the first time in history, it was not unusual for a man and woman to depict the act of making love on the dance floor. The term â€Å"bump and grind† did start during this era of free love. Another ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Integratron and Giant Rock, Mojave Desert, California

If you stand directly under the hole in the center of the room and say something the sound reverberates through your head and body and sounds like peaking to a large outdoor or indoor audience with lots of echoes and large speakers. Very strange no doubt. If you whisper from one side of the room, people on the opposite side can hear you clearly, which Is why I got strange looks when I said my watch was running backwards from the electrical effects. There was a presentation that covered some of the history of the builder and the bulging.When they got to the part about aliens I sort of lost interest. Everyone was Invited to take a blanket and lay out on the floor for meditation and a sound massage session with sounds provided by vibrations from crystal bowls and goblets. Remember how you can run your finger around the rim of a crystal goblet and get a nice humming sound? Well here in the Integration it really is magnified and enhanced creating a peaceful and relaxing interlude while la ying on the blankets. I however sat in a plastic chair. Several fell asleep based on snoring sounds.Founded in 1954 by aeronautical engineer and biologist George Van Tassel, the Integration offers something called a â€Å"sound bath†, and though we were not quite sure what a â€Å"sound bath† would entail, we were pleasantly surprised to find that while the energy vortex may not have been subjugating our poor abused livers, the experience was Indeed quite relaxing. For 30 minutes, our host â€Å"Torn† played varying tones on a set of quartz crystal slaying bowls as we meditated, listened to each other breathe, cough, and In some cases, nap.As It turns out, Van Tassel was not your run-of-the-mill OF;chasing desert eccentric. An aeronautical engineer and test pilot who worked for both Lockheed and alongside Howard Hughes at Hughes Aviation, he moved to the Mojave Desert in 1947 to operate an airport and inn. It was there that he claimed to be contacted ellipticall y by the Venusians, who were entrusting to him the secrets of cell rejuvenation. Acting on these instructions, Van Tassel began building the Integration, a 38 Ft. High dome inspired by Moses' Tabernacle and the writings of Tests.While not the rejuvenation center and time machine that Van Tassel had intended, it Is does serve as the only all-wood, acoustically perfect sound chamber in the U. S. According to Van Tassel, the site of the Integration Is actually a magnetic vortex, an Intersection of geometric forces that would amplify energy required for human cell rejuvenation ND healing. All that was needed to harness this great gift to the human race was a parabolic dome was designed to focus that energy, much like it focuses sound, toward the center with it's spherical shape.Not meeting the standards of life-saving rejuvenation chamber Just yet, the Integration still serves a purpose as a meditation spot, event location, and unusual desert stop to feel closer to our Venusians friends in the stars. Outside of the dome itself there is a dry garden with a clump of hammocks serving as â€Å"Hammock Village†, and tons of interesting folk art and alien-themed knick- knacks such as the â€Å"Alien Clings to Rock† piece you see here. To enjoy our sound bath, we found a blanket or yoga mat and claimed a spot in the circle, feet facing out.Our host described how the sound chamber works, and demonstrated how if we heard someone breathing or coughing as if they were right next to our ear, it was actually the person directly across from us on the other side of the dome. After a unusually long and stern warning regarding snoring during the bath, we closed our eyes as our host played the singing bowls. Bending the sound in ways that made it feel like it was owing in and out of our heads in waves, the intense sound was both soothing and unsettling.There was surprisingly a lot of snoring, and the earlier warning no longer seemed frivolous. After 30 minutes of hypn otic sound, we felt refreshed and ready to take on the rest of our desert adventure. Recently honored with a dedication and historical monument by the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clamp's Vitas, Billy Holcomb Chapter, the Integration today receives many visitors drawn to experience the Integration's enhanced energy fields. An overnight stay at the Integration is said o result in waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Novotel Value Chain Essays

The Novotel Value Chain Essays The Novotel Value Chain Essay The Novotel Value Chain Essay Novel gains its competitive advantage by ensuring customer expectations are met with personal warmth and consistent service standards are delivered. Their multi- killing approach allows staff to work as a team to perform tasks and duties flexibly. This will reduce core staff levels and it creates a more resourceful workforce. They have standardized procedures that are delivered to all locations worldwide. The use of the value chain analysis can provide a number of benefits to the management of Novel by identifying linkages between value activities within the organization. A system was set up to monitor standard procedures which became a template for learning and every staff was given a booklet with all the procedures. Standards were monitored by mystery shoppers. Nonvoters capabilities are valuable due to its hospitality concept being customer responsive welcoming their customers. They have the capabilities to attract and retain their customers by targeted approach to sales and marketing and this will win over their competitors. Nonvoters resources and capabilities are not rare although Novel Is a well-known hotel. It would not be hard to Imitate them on the basic level since hotel Industries have similar marketing and promotion schemes as well as partnership programs. But it would be extremely hard to Imitate them In terms of size, the number of hotels they already have worldwide and name brand Image. The organization Is strong and stable as they have been established for a long time and they managed to change system In order to maintain universal quality standards. They can exploit new areas fairly quickly and easily, largely due to the fact that they have management control.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay

How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay Classification is a method of developing an essay by arranging people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into particular classes or groups. After you have settled on a topic for a classification essay*  and explored it through various prewriting strategies, you should be ready to attempt a first draft. Here is how to develop and organize a five-paragraph classification essay. Introductory Paragraph In your introduction, clearly identify your subject - in this case, the group you are classifying. If you have narrowed your subject in any way (for example, types of bad drivers, rock guitarists, or annoying moviegoers), make this clear from the start. You may also want to provide some specific descriptive or informative details to attract the interest of your readers and suggest the purpose of the essay. Finally, include a thesis sentence (usually at the end of the introduction) that briefly identifies the main types or approaches that youre about to examine.   Heres an example of a short but effective introductory paragraph to a classification essay: Its a warm evening in July, and all across the country Americans are gathering to watch a game of professional baseball. Armed with hot dogs and cold drinks, they stroll to their seats, some in grand stadiums, others in cozy minor-league parks. But no matter where the game is played, you will find the same three types of baseball fan: the Party Rooter, the Sunshine Supporter, and the Diehard Fan. Notice how this introduction creates certain expectations. The specific details provide a setting (a ballpark on a warm evening in July) in which we expect to see the various fans described. In addition, the labels assigned to these fans (the Party Rooter, the Sunshine Supporter, and the Diehard Fan) lead us to expect descriptions of each type in the order theyre given. A good writer will go on to fulfill these expectations in the body of the essay. Body Paragraphs Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that identifies a particular type of approach. Then  illustrate each type with specific details. Arrange your body paragraphs in whatever order strikes you as clear and logical - say, from the least effective approach to the most effective, or from the most common type to the least familiar (or the other way around). Just make sure that the order of your body paragraphs matches the arrangement promised in your thesis sentence. Here, in the body of the essay on baseball fans, you can see that the writer has fulfilled the expectations set up in the introduction. (In each body paragraph, the topic sentence is in italics.) The Party Rooter goes to games for the hot dogs, the gimmicks, the giveaways, and the companionship; hes not really that interested in the ballgame itself. The Party Rooter is the sort of fan who shows up on Buck-a-Brew Night, often with a gang of fellow partiers. He cracks jokes, hurls peanuts at the team mascot, applauds the exploding scoreboard, blasts an electronic horn whenever he pleases- and occasionally nudges a companion and asks, Hey, whos winning? The Party Rooter often wanders out of the park in the sixth or seventh inning to continue his celebrations in the car on the way home.The Sunshine Supporter, usually a more common type than the Party Rooter, goes to the park to cheer on a winning team and bask in its glory. When the home side is on a winning streak and still in contention for a playoff spot, the stadium will be packed with this sort of fan. As long as her team is winning, the Sunshine Supporter will be roaring at every play, waving her pennant and shouting out th e names of her heroes. However, as the name implies, the Sunshine Supporter is a fickle fan, and her cheers quickly turn to boos when a hero strikes out or drops a line drive. She will stay around until the end of the game to celebrate a victory, but should her team fall a few runs behind, shes likely to slip out to the parking lot during the seventh-inning stretch.​Diehard Fans are also strong supporters of the local team, but they go to the park to watch good baseball, not just to root for a winner.  More attentive to the game than other fans, Diehards will study the stance of a power hitter, note the finesse of a quick fielder, and anticipate the strategy of a pitcher who has fallen behind in the count. While the Party Rooter is chugging a beer or dropping wisecracks, Diehards may be filling in a scorecard or commenting on a players RBI tally over the past few months. And when a Sunshine Supporter boos an opposing player for tagging out a local hero, Diehards may be quie tly applauding the expert moves of this enemy infielder. No matter what the score is, Diehard Fans remain in their seats until the last batter is out, and they may still be talking about the game long after its over.​ Notice how the writer uses comparisons to ensure cohesion in the body of the essay. The topic sentence in both  the second and third paragraphs refers to the preceding paragraph. Likewise, in the third body paragraph, the writer draws explicit contrasts between the Diehards and the other two types of baseball fans. Such comparisons not only provide smooth transitions from one paragraph to the next but also reveal the sympathies of the writer. He begins with the type of fan he likes the least and ends with the one he most admires. We now expect the writer to justify his attitudes in the conclusion. Concluding Paragraph The concluding paragraph gives you an opportunity to draw together the various types and approaches you have been examining in the body of the essay. You may choose to offer a final brief comment on each one, summarizing its value or its limitations. Or you may want to recommend one approach over the others and explain why. In any case, make sure that your conclusion clearly emphasizes the purpose of your classification. In the concluding paragraph to Baseball Fans, consider whether the author has been successful in his effort to tie his observations together. Professional baseball would have trouble surviving without all three types of fans. The Party Rooters provide much of the money that owners need to hire talented players. The Sunshine Supporters bring a stadium to life and help boost the morale of the home team. But only the Diehard Fans maintain their support all season long, year in and year out. By late September in most ballparks, enduring chilly winds, rain delays, and sometimes humiliating losses, only the Diehards remain. Notice how the writer hooks his conclusion back to the introduction by contrasting the chilly night in September with the warm evening in July. Connections such as this help to unify an essay and give it a sense of completeness. As you develop and organize your draft, experiment with various strategies, but keep this basic format in mind: an introduction that identifies your subject and the different types of approaches; three (or more) body paragraphs that rely on specific details to describe or illustrate the types; and a conclusion that draws your points together and makes the overall purpose of the classification clear.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Future Threats to Public Safety and Success in the War on Terror Research Paper

Future Threats to Public Safety and Success in the War on Terror - Research Paper Example Antonio Maria Costa can be quoted saying (2008) â€Å"Your citizens indeed say that what they fear the most is not terrorism, not climate change, not a financial crisis. It is public safety. And in the Americas, the biggest threat to public safety comes from drug trafficking and the violence perpetrated by organized crime†. Furthermore, Mr Costa stated that violence, gangs, kidnappings, brutality, and insurgences happening in different parts of the globe are drug related. Countless lives have been lost within in this gruesome problem. To make matters worse, innocent lives fall victims to it. From 2001 up to this date, it is still uncertain if we have really achieved success on the war on terror. The capture and execution of Saddam Hussein and the successful assassination of Osama bin Laden can be considered two of the greatest successes in what we call the war on terror. Assessing the war on terror is complex. We get different opinions from different people. Some way that it is a success, others say it is a depressing failure. We can read lots of resources which give us mixed views of the war’s status. One would be the fact that since 2001 there were no further terror attacks on American soil (Dart, 2012). This may mean that the war has been successful or it means that a terrorist plan has not been brought out yet. Although the war on terrorism may be hard to calculate, we cannot ignore that many nations are invested in the war. In spite of criticisms or compliments, everyone is pushing talks to counter

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion paper on New actors in international and global health Essay - 1

Discussion paper on New actors in international and global health focuse on NGOs - Essay Example piece of discussion I will also put light on all kinds of loop holes present in current and emerging NGOs and would end up with number of suitable suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of these supporting bodies within a country. NGOs plays a significant role in improving the struggling masses present in the third world countries and in developing nations to an extent for which, I would use various references from books based on facts and figures to make this discussion qualitative and reasonable for the reader to understand the original essence of the topic. This paper analysis and discusses about the issues raise in Non Governmental Organizations which are non- profitable at the same time around the globe. In this era, where communication is not an issue and distances are no more a deal, all the NGOs have worked together and settled down together with civil society organizations to make a remarkable difference. Some of the facts which are eye catching, as it is getting into power rapidly. â€Å"Nationally, the non-profit arts and culture industry generates $166.2 billion in economic activity every year:   $63.1 billion in  spending by organizations and an additional $103.1 billion in event-related spending by their audiences†. Non-profit sectors/non-governmental organizations work in every community which includes rebuilding cities, schools for primary education, supporting the workforce,  medical assistance, old age masses, elevating the arts, mentoring our youth, protecting natural resources, and much more. In this deal, many new names of business industry and actors are coming up with great deals to offer. They are working for humanity not in a particular region but throughout and around the globe. All these points will be discussed in detail later in this paper. As the masses of the globe situated at different corners were dipping more and more into crises like Health, lack of education, insecurity, poverty and hunger, and when these issues