Monday, November 11, 2019

Integratron and Giant Rock, Mojave Desert, California

If you stand directly under the hole in the center of the room and say something the sound reverberates through your head and body and sounds like peaking to a large outdoor or indoor audience with lots of echoes and large speakers. Very strange no doubt. If you whisper from one side of the room, people on the opposite side can hear you clearly, which Is why I got strange looks when I said my watch was running backwards from the electrical effects. There was a presentation that covered some of the history of the builder and the bulging.When they got to the part about aliens I sort of lost interest. Everyone was Invited to take a blanket and lay out on the floor for meditation and a sound massage session with sounds provided by vibrations from crystal bowls and goblets. Remember how you can run your finger around the rim of a crystal goblet and get a nice humming sound? Well here in the Integration it really is magnified and enhanced creating a peaceful and relaxing interlude while la ying on the blankets. I however sat in a plastic chair. Several fell asleep based on snoring sounds.Founded in 1954 by aeronautical engineer and biologist George Van Tassel, the Integration offers something called a â€Å"sound bath†, and though we were not quite sure what a â€Å"sound bath† would entail, we were pleasantly surprised to find that while the energy vortex may not have been subjugating our poor abused livers, the experience was Indeed quite relaxing. For 30 minutes, our host â€Å"Torn† played varying tones on a set of quartz crystal slaying bowls as we meditated, listened to each other breathe, cough, and In some cases, nap.As It turns out, Van Tassel was not your run-of-the-mill OF;chasing desert eccentric. An aeronautical engineer and test pilot who worked for both Lockheed and alongside Howard Hughes at Hughes Aviation, he moved to the Mojave Desert in 1947 to operate an airport and inn. It was there that he claimed to be contacted ellipticall y by the Venusians, who were entrusting to him the secrets of cell rejuvenation. Acting on these instructions, Van Tassel began building the Integration, a 38 Ft. High dome inspired by Moses' Tabernacle and the writings of Tests.While not the rejuvenation center and time machine that Van Tassel had intended, it Is does serve as the only all-wood, acoustically perfect sound chamber in the U. S. According to Van Tassel, the site of the Integration Is actually a magnetic vortex, an Intersection of geometric forces that would amplify energy required for human cell rejuvenation ND healing. All that was needed to harness this great gift to the human race was a parabolic dome was designed to focus that energy, much like it focuses sound, toward the center with it's spherical shape.Not meeting the standards of life-saving rejuvenation chamber Just yet, the Integration still serves a purpose as a meditation spot, event location, and unusual desert stop to feel closer to our Venusians friends in the stars. Outside of the dome itself there is a dry garden with a clump of hammocks serving as â€Å"Hammock Village†, and tons of interesting folk art and alien-themed knick- knacks such as the â€Å"Alien Clings to Rock† piece you see here. To enjoy our sound bath, we found a blanket or yoga mat and claimed a spot in the circle, feet facing out.Our host described how the sound chamber works, and demonstrated how if we heard someone breathing or coughing as if they were right next to our ear, it was actually the person directly across from us on the other side of the dome. After a unusually long and stern warning regarding snoring during the bath, we closed our eyes as our host played the singing bowls. Bending the sound in ways that made it feel like it was owing in and out of our heads in waves, the intense sound was both soothing and unsettling.There was surprisingly a lot of snoring, and the earlier warning no longer seemed frivolous. After 30 minutes of hypn otic sound, we felt refreshed and ready to take on the rest of our desert adventure. Recently honored with a dedication and historical monument by the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clamp's Vitas, Billy Holcomb Chapter, the Integration today receives many visitors drawn to experience the Integration's enhanced energy fields. An overnight stay at the Integration is said o result in waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.

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