Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Swift Essay - 648 Words

Swift was a neoclassical writer who wrote to enlighten people. He wanted people to look at the world that exits beyond them selves and discover virtue. Through his work Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift demonstrates to the reader the importance of virtue. I this story the main character am Gulliver; a world traveler who takes a journey to different lands. Each place that Gulliver lands has different ideals that are the foundation of their society. Their views on life are completely new to Gulliver. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are fatal errors in the way each society functions. The Yahoos are considered to be unintelligent savages. The Houyhnhnms are creatures that use rational thinking in every aspect of life and perceive†¦show more content†¦Since they think they Enloe 4 are perfect, they cannot conceive of a reality that they did not perceive. Their vanity has blinded them. The Houyhnhnms have no desire to improve their state of being, because they had believed they are flawless. They are complacent with their ignorance. It is virtuous to aspire to find truth. The Houyhnhnms have no desire to find the truth. Therefore, they lack virtue and will no be enlightened. Swift believes it will improve our state of living to strive to be virtuous. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beowulf, Gulliver’s Travels, and Canterbury Tales were wrote works of literature written to encourage their readers to evaluate their values. Each writer exposes the necessity of morals to the building of a fully developed human being. The work expresses pagan’s virtues within their society. Beowulf vowed an oath to Lord Hrothgar to slay the monster that has taken over and killed his people. His virtue is demonstrated by obedience to his oath. This enables the reader to learn and understand the values of the people in the Anglo-Saxon era. The Christian traditions and the practice of Germanic Heroic poetry allows the literature fuse together in to a one piece of work that distinctly creates Pagan and Christian interpretations of the way things once were. Beowulf always portrayed virtues that were extremely contradictory in that he claimed to be Christian but displayed the qualities of a Pagan. Chaucer presents hisShow MoreRelatedSwifts Gulliverâ €™s Travels by Jonathan Swift Essay1267 Words   |  6 Pages Swifts Gulliver’s Travels enables us to critically and harshly analyse our world and encourages us to evaluate the customs of early 18th century English society in relation to an ideal humanity. In order to address the injustices prevalent in human constructs and behavior, Swift uses literary techniques to induce a state of extreme self-doubt. 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