Monday, December 30, 2019

Feral Cats - 1467 Words

Feral Cats have become a large problem in Oregon, as well as surfacing across the nation. Feral Cats should be Trapped, Neutered, and Released instead of being Trapped and Killed. The Cats should only be euthanized in the case of irreparable diseases. These cats deserve animal liberation in the sense that they feel pain just as we as humans do, and we as humans possess the moral duty to prevent that pain. With a non-egalitarian view of Biocentric Individualism view on things we can determine the solution to the outbreak of feral cats. There were two different videos on Wild, Feral Cats on Oregon Field Guide. One called â€Å"Wild Cats† and the other â€Å"Cats and Birds†. The first video â€Å"Wild Cats† shows a cat colony sanctuary near the†¦show more content†¦Just spaying and neutering pets is very helpful, and secondly pet owners can keep their pet cats inside so they cannot hunt for small animals or breed with outside, feral cats, by doing this it would cut down on the need to euthanize so many feral cats, and save birds, and other urban wildlife from becoming a play toy or dinner. Feeding a cat is humane for a day, but it is not enough. These animals need to be trapped, neutered, and released unless they have some horrific feline disease that would debilitate a natural and healthy life. Cats deserve to be liberated in a sense because we as humans can see that the cats have a sense of when they are in pain or when things are pleasurable, but in another sense these wild cats attack rare birds, and why do they do it? -Because it is in their nature as a wild cat, not because they want to exterminate a rare species of birds. Angus Taylor talks about the moral community and our duties in the moral community. For example, we should not let these animals suffer; they are wild, run the risk of being hit by a car, there is a high percentage of these cats who are carrying diseases such as feline leukemia or FIV, and will live a short painful life full of suffering. So what is our moral duty? We as human beings have the capacity to help the problem. We can stop the problem where is starts by realizing that we have a moral duty to stopShow MoreRelatedFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts : Tnr And More Essay2390 Words   |  10 PagesFeral Cat Mitigation Efforts: TNR and More With feral cats posing ecological and public health threats, many different techniques, reflecting a range of moral and ethical values, have been proposed and implemented. 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I have 3 cats, all rescues, 2 from adoption event sponsored by PetSmart and the othe was only with me until I could find her a good home. That was almost 3 years ago. Not every animal is lucky enough to have nice, warm, loving home or get adopted into one. The numbers are staggering. Having recently moving almost directly in middle of what I learned to be an undocumented feral cat colony, it breaks my heart seeing so many hungry and scared cat and kittens every night livingRead MoreThe A Cold Winter Night970 Words   |  4 Pagesdesolate, icy road and you are tired and in a bad mood. You spot a flash of red up ahead. A family of cats is hiding in a torn box on the edge of the road. You have two options, drive by and believe that they will be alright, thinking someo ne else will help them. Or two, take a few seconds out of your busy schedule, clean out the back of your car and carefully put the cats in, you know that you don’t like cats but are willing to help. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The War on Terror and the aAbuse of Human Rights Essay

September 11, 2001 was the date of one of the worst terrorist attacks ever to this day, this event has drastically change how people live everyday life, and also the course of history. In the morning on September 11th three planes were hijacked, with the intended purpose of killing American civilians. Two of these three planes were flown into the towers of the world trade center, while the third was aimed at the pentagon. Because of this for the last decade the United States, among other countries, has fought a war on terror around the world that has resulted in new laws and policies that have drastically taken away the rights of human beings both in foreign countries and domestically. The war on terror has changed the lives of millions†¦show more content†¦(Eviatar) Even though the American government is one of the most powerful governments in the world, they still have to follow laws and make laws that benefit the helpless people of the Middle East. Unfortunately for some the people in power get to make the laws that are followed, meaning that the laws often benefit those in charge, but they do so at the expense of hurting innocent people who are not as powerful. America has taken a hybrid war-law approach to the situation in the Middle East; however the hybrid of the two approaches takes away virtually all of the rights and freedom of the innocent people of the Middle East. Although what is happing in the Middle East is said to be a â€Å"policing action† they follow wartime laws that are much more lenient for combatants than our regular foreign policy. One policy is, â€Å"In war but not in law is it permissible to use lethal force on enemy troops regardless of their degree of personal involvement with the adversary â€Å"(Universit y of Maryland) which basically means you can kill anyone who helps the enemy, or is within their ranks, this would include the ability to kill another soldier even if it were to be a child who cooks for them. Also in war but not law collateral damage that is â€Å"foreseen but not intended† (University of Maryland) is permissible. This is the law that has allowed for the destruction of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Dave the Black Boy-Man Anger Free Essays

Introduction In his article, Zinnias (1993) says, without creativity, advertising could not exist, and due to its nature, creativity is hard to be measured. In his opinion, any advertising campaigns succeeded Just because they â€Å"break commonly accepted rules of what a commercial message should be or say’. As everyone knows, with creativity, practitioners could produce totally different and uncommon advertisements, while what about the rest of them? This paper is being written for discussing and impairing three different video advertisements of beer. We will write a custom essay sample on Dave the Black Boy-Man: Anger or any similar topic only for you Order Now Moreover, doing a further discussion about creativity in advertising, to find out whether advertising could still exist without creativity, and both the positive and negative sides. 2. Creativity in Advertising What is creativity? According to Darwinian and Jeweler (201 1), creativity advertisements are ads which make relevant connections between products and target audience and present commercial ideas, â€Å"in an unexpected way’. Creativity in Advertising is differing from that in other domains, due to the existence of products ND target audience. No matter what advertisement it is, it should serve the product or service, to increase its popularity or selling. That is how creativity in advertising cannot be like art creativity which could be whatever the artists like. The first paid newspaper advertisement is an announcement for selling estate in 1704 (Bishop 2013). After reading the text of that ad, we can tell that at the beginning of advertising, there was no creativity. Publishers Just expressed their selling messages directly. While in modern society, why creativity seems so important for advertising? Due to the development of global economy and technology, people have seen enough advertisements, especially ads of different brands in one same category. The use of creativity is to catch people’s attention, make them know the brand better than any others. Back to the topic, is it real that in modern world, advertising could not exist without creativity, or should it be advertising sometimes could be more effective with creativity? . Examples 4. 1 Carlton Draught – The big ad The big ad for Carlton Draught is an advertisement full of creativity. It matches the heartsickness of creativity which is â€Å"in an unexpected way’ (Darwinian and Jeweler 2011). This ad used the scenery Just like in the movie Lord of the Rings, the effective use of magnificent view and music catches audience’s attention right from the beginning. Th e funny lyric does not tell audience what ad it is until â€Å"for Carlton would cause people’s negative feelings. However in this ad, audience is already curious about the product. Furthermore, it describes men’s desire for Carlton Draught when the â€Å"body’ and â€Å"beer† run towards each other. This ad with creativity is tie memorable thus audience would hardly forget this ad and product. What is more important, is consumes’ positive emotion on this ad would turn into the emotion on the product. That is how advertisements with creativity could be effective. 4. 2 Heinlein – not expensive This is an old ad of Heinlein. Compare to the former one, this ad does not have creativity in it. This ad is more like an ordinary beer ad which expresses the commercial message in an ordinary way. This Heinlein ad describes the process of a man drinking Heinlein. It shows the characteristics of beer well. The purpose of this advertisement is to make audience eel desire for beer by effectively use scenes like beer flowing and water on the bottle. However, it is not that memorable as the Carlton Draught ads because it shows what any beer is. Consumers would not be able to remember this ad and its product over time. Moreover, the biggest problem of this ad is that it does not match its slogan which is â€Å"not that much more expensive†. This ad does not make full use of creativity as â€Å"the big ad† does, to make audience easily remember and like this brand. 4. 3 Toasting Beer – Space ship Comparing to the former two ads, this beer ad from China does try to use creativity. However, this ad could be any other brand or even any other product because it delivers the selling message in a common and expected way and the â€Å"creativity’ (a space ship) in it is really not relevant. It uses extremely normal commercial message when it tries to make audience feel they want to drink beer. And it tries to use a space ship flying over to impress the audience. It is an ad without creativity since the whole advertisement expresses the message in a very ordinary way. However, this kind of ads without creativity help this brand remains one of the top sellers for recent years (USDA 2010). The reason of this phenomenon is that, this brand is a very old brand in China and it already has great brand awareness. The use of this ad is to enhance consumers recall of the brand (Till and Aback 2005), and it works. 4. Advertisements with creativity 5. Advantages The creativity in advertising brings several advantages. First of all, advertisements with creativity could make audience remember the products much more easily. About the products. For example the Carlton Draught ad, audience would feel like watching a movie (Kenya 2007). This helps to make them remember this ad, thus remember the product much more easily. Secondly, ads with creativity will hardly cause audience’s nega tive feelings. Since there are already numerous advertisements in modern society, most people do not like ads keep showing around them. The consequence of consumers’ negative feelings on the ads is that they will have negative emotions on the product or service and normally people will not choose the brand they do not like. The advertisements with creativity could ratify this issue by making consumers like the ad thus like the brand. 5. 5 Disadvantages Although creativity in advertising is effective, it still has some drawbacks. Sometimes, practitioners over emphasize the creativity part and forget that the ads should be relevant between brands and target audience. It will make people confused and difficult to understand the ads. If audience cannot understand what the ad is trying to tell, they would not get the selling messages properly, and it would not fit the function of advertisements (Cover et al 1995). Furthermore, unlike ordinary ads, a creative ad is usually more difficult to produce and express. A wonderful creativity like Carlton Draught ad needs a group of practitioners’ wisdom and hard work to design and to implement. . Advertisements without creativity Advertisements without creativity are those who tell the commercial messages in expected ways, namely ordinary ads or normal ads. As the ad of Toasting Beer proves, advertisements do exist without creativity. 6. 6 Advantages Hegel said â€Å"all that is real is rational†, in this case, ordinary ads also have their advantages. Ordinary ads are much easier to design, produce and implement. Because they do not require for a large group’s brain storm, normal ads are usually cheaper than creative ads. Moreover, due to the fact that it does not have creativity inside, an ordinary ad could fulfill the function of advertising, which is to tell target audience the commercial messages, in a direct way. 6. Disadvantages Comparing to advertisements with creativity, the disadvantages of ordinary ads are obvious. Firstly, audience ignores ordinary ads (SCM 2012). People think these ads are boring and sometimes even forget about them. Secondly, ordinary ads can hardly possible. When it happens, ads could not even fulfill its basic function which is benefit claim. Thirdly, ordinary ads are all similar, especially ads of the products in the same category. Therefore it would be much more difficult for consumers to remember the ads and the products after watching them. So that normal ads would hardly be effective. The most important one is sometimes practitioners and publishers like to repeat the same short ads which have only a few words three or more times continuously. This method does help to make people remember the product. However, it will always cause peoples negative feelings. Negative feelings sometimes could be used for deeper promotion (Young 2006), however, sometimes are quite deadly and needs practitioners to be risky. . Conclusion Ultimately, it is widely accepted that the creativity is an important component of advertising. With the element of creativity, the practitioners could make successful ads and advertising campaigns. The creativity could be beneficial to the broadcast and benefit claim of the products, services or concepts. On the other hand, at the right beginning of advertising activities, there were only simply notifications without any creativity, and they still had the basic function of ads. This evidence shows that advertising could still exist without creativity. These ordinary ads are rational and sometimes are also useful based on different brands’ backgrounds and current situations. How to cite Dave the Black Boy-Man: Anger, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Communication in a Workplace for Openly and Professionally

Question: Discuss about theCommunication in a Workplace for Openly and Professionally. Answer: Introduction. An ideal workplace is characterized by great communication among workmates. In such an environment, employees communicate freely, openly and professionally. Interpersonal communication explains how well a person communicates with his/her colleagues (Eisenberg et al 2009). However poor communication exists in many organizations and is one of the major reasons for conflicts in these organisations and even in our relationships with others. Case study. I have witnessed this a lot of times in my relationships with friends and family. I have also seen it in one of the biggest Non-governmental organizations in the country. For example, there is an incident where my sister, an employee in this NGO found herself in a lot of trouble due to poor communication. She is a program manager in this organization which works with refugees and focuses on the girl child refugees. She has a boss, who is the regional manager called Jane. One day, a lady called Linda (a foreigner) went to Jane and informed her of her interest in helping to educate two orphaned girls between the age of ten and twelve. These girls should be refugees and if possible siblings. Jane informed my sister and asked her to make arrangements and identify the two girls. She quickly did so and started working on the papers to legalize the process. After two months everything was ready and the two girls, who live with their aunt were to move to the capital and start living with Lin da. Earlier on, she had asked the aunt for her consent and she had quickly agreed. She had used an interpreter who could speak the aunts native language since she did not understand English. However, when the time to travel came, the aunt was disappointed because she had agreed thinking that she would move too with the girls which was not the case. She went ahead and said that she was forced in to it and tricked by my sister. This case was quickly forwarded to the relevant authorities and my sister was being accused of child trafficking. To make thinks worse, Jane had not informed her boss of these developments all along hence there was a lot of confusion, friction, frustration and worry. If the aunt had understood what my sister meant when she was asking for her consent then maybe there would have been no such problem. If Jane had informed her boss, the country director, about the arrangement then such a problem would have been easily resolved. This is a very big organisation that was undergoing a lot of challenges due to poor communication. Being an observer, the incident did not affect me directly, however I was sad and really felt bad that my sister had to go through all that. I think the incident would have been avoided if the organisation had paid more attention to communication. I felt angry and disappointed that such a respectable organisation would face such mere challenges. My sister on the other hand was left so scared and even thought of resigning. However, the case was resolved but she was left demoralized and she has been seeking employment elsewhere since then. The lady was not able to help the two girls which was so unfortunate. Everyone was left disappointed. What were the reasons for the poor communication? Unclear objectives. One of the major causes of poor communication in most organisations is undefined objectives (Dixon 1998). The organisations objectives must be defined for there to be no conflicts. For example, the duty Jane asked my sister to carry out, this is, to identify the two girls does not fall under my sisters responsibilities as the program manager but due to undefined objectives, she went ahead and did it which was later used against her. Language barrier. My sister and the aunt could not speak the same language. If they had been able to communicate without the interpreter then maybe the aunt would have known what she was giving consent to. Poor leadership. There is a chain of poor leadership in the organisation. There is no communication among the managers and it is evident the managers hardly know their responsibilities and roles. Personal issues. Personal issues have an effect on communication between employees in organization. For this reason an organization should have a policy against romantic relationships in the workplace (Dwyer 2012). In case of fights and arguments, the employees should take it upon themselves to solve them(Tourish and Hargie 2004). Personal issues between Jane and the regional director has been witnessed by many. Maybe that was the reason she did not inform him of the on goings which led to more harm. How to improve communication Defining the organisations objectives. Objectives and goals should be defined. Everyone should know their roles (Gerard and Ellinor 2001). Sorting out personal issues. Jane and the regional director should sit down an sort their issues to avoid such cases in the future. Train on better leadership. The leaders should be trained as often as possible so as to make them better leaders (Walker 2011). If this does not work then it would make more sense to have them replaced with new better leaders. Insights gained for the development of interpersonal communication in work-based settings For there to be effective communication in a work place, every employee should work on his/her own communication skills (Gergen et al 2004). Team communication should be everyones priority. There are ways of developing interpersonal communications in this setting. They include: Having an open-door policy. This is where you let your office door be open to everyone at all times. Closing your office door creates a barrier ( Fairhurst 2007). It is hard for other people to interact with you. When you have an open door, it shows that you are open to interactions, discussion and sharing of ideas hence more communication. This shows that other employees can trust you. Work on your emotional intelligence. For there to be effective communication in a work place, you as an employer should work on how you relate with others. You should work on your self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management (Mazutis and Slawinski 2008). Research and plan. As an employee, you should make it a point of importance to collect relevant information and use this during important conversations to avoid confusion and inaccuracy (Isaacs 1999). Monitor expectations. Do not assume. Your assumptions may not always be write. When interacting with a co-worker monitor how he/she expresses himself/herself. Get to know what one expects from you. Understand him/her. Take note of your audience. Understand who you are talking to. Different employees have different personalities, character, weakness and strengths (Eunson,2012). Communicate with everyone with this in mind as per their personality. Self-evaluate yourself. Get to understand who you are. Know your strengths and weaknesses. You can ask for honest opinion and feedback from your fellow colleagues and even managers to help you learn more about yourself (Downs 2004). How can these insights inform the way you communicate with people in the future? Taking into considerations the insights mentioned above, I think in the future I will be able to communicate even better with my workmates. I have realized I hardly take time to understand my audience and this might have led to communication breakdown in the past. For this reason, I plan to learn on how to pay more attention to my audience to ensure the message is passed on correctly and with no misinterpretations. Working on my emotional intelligence is an insight I found the most important. This is not only good for communication with my colleagues but it is also important for me to grow as a person (Miller, 2012). Applying this in the future would lead to even better relationships in the workplace. Conclusion. I have learnt a lot about communication and I have come to realize it is one of the most important aspect in the workplace. Every individual in the workforce should pay more attention to it so as to ensure maximum productivity in the work place. Reference List: Dixon, N.M. 1998, Dialogue at Work. Making Talk Developmental for People and Organizations, Center for Creative Leadership, London. Downs, C.W. Adrian, A.D. 2004aa, Assessing Organizational Communication. Strategic Communication Audits, Guilford Press, New York. Dwyer, J. 2012, The Business Communication Handbook, 9th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. (Available via UTS Library Open Reserve) Eisenberg, E.M., Goodall, H.L. Tretheway, A. 2009, Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint, 6th edn, Bedford/St. Eunson, B. 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, 3rd ed., Wiley, Milton QLD. Gerard, G. Ellinor, L. 2001, Dialogue at Work: Skills for Leveraging Collective Understanding, Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Gergen, K.J., Gergen, M.M. Barret, F.J. 2004, 'Dialogue: Life and Death of the Organization', in D. Grant, C. Hardy, C. Oswick L. Putnam (eds), The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse, Sage, London, pp. 39-59. Fairhurst, G.T. 2007, Discursive Leadership, Sage, Thousand Oaks. Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New York. Mazutis, D. Slawinski, N. 2008, 'Leading Organizational Learning Through Authentic Dialogue', Management Learning, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 437-56. Miller, K. 2012, Organizational Communication. Approaches and Processes, 6th edn, Cengage Learning, Boston. Tourish, D. Hargie, O. 2004, Key Issues in Organizational Communication, Routledge, London. Walker, R. 2011, Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd international ed., South Western, Mason.