Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethics Article Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Article Analysis - Research Paper Example These code of ethics help to ensure that the individuals who control the company’s infrastructure are recognizing their duties when it comes to financial decision making. Moreover these ethics greatly help in helping these individuals to take proper financial decisions in the business. Within a company a code of ethics is developed to which every individual of the company has to abide. However in some situations the code of ethics is not followed by the newer employees and they tend to break the codes. This in turn violates the code of ethics and the financial decisions become distorted. An example can be cited here about the senior financial officers who are already working in the company. These financial officers know that the information of the company should be kept confidential whereas if a new financial officer comes and he is unaware of the fact he might the leak the information out. And because of this leakage the financial decisions now taken would be not that effecti ve. Similarly the code of ethics also mandates it on the employees that they do not use the resources of the company inefficiently. However the company cannot measure all the minute activities of these employees and in order to abide by the code of ethics a company would be forced to involve more finances towards the check and balance of employees. While making financial decisions in compliance with the ethics it is necessary to see that the individuals who are involved do not have any personal or professional relationship with the issue. This can affect the financial decision making as the individuals who would have personal gains would tend to distort important information about the company. Financial Executives International is a company which abides by the code of ethics. `The company involves these ethics in all the financial processes that it implements. The company strictly follows these code of ethics and makes sure that all the positive cash flow is achieved after

Monday, October 28, 2019

Response to Filipino Paintings Essay Example for Free

Response to Filipino Paintings Essay As we enter the National Museum of the Philippines Spoliarium 1884, oil on canvas A National Cultural Treasure by Juan Luna surprise us upon entering the hall. The super- sized painting depicts dark hollow beneath the Roman arena referred as the Spoliarium where the bodies of slain gladiators are being dragged away for disposal. For Luna, the lifeless gladiators represent the Filipinos during the Spanish period. Across the Spoliarium is the stunning painting by Hildalgo of The Assassination of General Bustamante and His Son. The painting depicts the murder of the governor in the hands of the friars and supporters and it was also inspired by true to life took place in Manila, year 1717. There’s also a whole room filled with Fernando Amorsolos sketches, paintings and memorabilia. At the center of the room is the Jose Ruiz Kariton Kathedral- a contemporary artwork representing the church and the reality faced by the faithful. The museum’s visual arts collection extends to the galleries on the second floor. It is in this exhibit hall where visitors view sample works of pre-war artists like Simon Flores, Fabian de la Rosa, Dominador Castaneda, Diosdado Lorenzo, and Felix Martinez. Together they are displayed side-by side with the works of contemporary artists like Nunelucio Alvarado, Nena Saguil, Romeo Tabuena, Jaime De Guzman, and Julie Lluch. These artworks show us the creativity of Filipino and we can also see the life of the Filipino have in the Philippines as every point of it tells history. Rizal interpreted the Spoliarium as a symbol of our social, moral, and political life. And so do other paintings, humanity unredeemed, reason and aspiration. Through these paintings, we can see the country’s norms before where many Filipino were slaved and murdered brutally. Comparing for today’s’ where life has an importance. To conclude, these works of art has continued to move direction in terms of innovation, since art is functional. The artists behind those paintings help our country to be known by their creativity and imagination giving us enhancements and emotions. It brings positive outcome to children and especially on students like us, motivating us to rediscover, to be eager on history of the Philippines, and to recognize well our own artists.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Death Penalty Can be Fair, and Fun!

The Death Penalty Can be Fair    Every American should want fairness in all areas of public policy - this is especially true with regard to the death penalty, since the stakes are high. But the opponents of the death penalty make a most peculiar argument about fairness. They argue that if the death penalty is not administered fairly, and especially administered with racial fairness, it must be abolished.    Nobody would even think of trying to apply this principle in a consistent way. If we find that black neighborhoods get less police protection than white neighborhoods, would we withdraw cops from both black and white neighborhoods? If banks are discriminating against black home buyers in mortgage lending, would we demand they stop all mortgage lending? If we find the IRS discriminating against middle-class and poor taxpayers, would we want to abolish the IRS? All right, that does have an attraction, but nobody is seriously suggesting it.    What do the opponents of the death penalty say should replace it? Life imprisonment, perhaps? But there is no reason to believe this penalty is more fairly imposed than the death penalty. So are we going to knock the maximum down to 10 years? If so, we face the same problem.    In addition to the philosophical incoherence of the argument, the empirical reality of racial disparity in capital punishment is a lot more complicated than simplistic notions about racism run riot in the criminal justice system would lead you to believe. It's important here to understand that the opponents of the death penalty make two different arguments about racial fairness, and they are flatly contradictory.    The first thing that we see when we start looking at statistics is... ...pital defendants are a highly self-selected and hardly unbiased group.    So what we have, in the way of hard statistical evidence, fails to support the politically correct fantasy of massive discrimination. Is the death penalty administered with perfect fairness? No. Is it administered as fairly as other public policies, and especially as fairly as other criminal sanctions? Yes.    Public officials should work to make the system even fairer. In particular, better provision could be made for an effective defense in capital cases. And I think that a revival of executive clemency (which has fallen into disuse) in cases where a jury is perceived to have been too harsh would be a good thing. But the notion that unfairness, and particularly racial unfairness, requires the end of the death penalty makes neither philosophical nor empirical sense.      

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Graduation Speech: Go Where There is No Path -- Graduation Speech, Com

My fellow classmates, the magic word today is commencement. This is the big finale to a hectic, overwhelming yet no doubt unforgettable four years at County High School. Robert Frost once said: "The best way out is always through," and similarly we have also learned in our math classes that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. There will always be an infinite number of paths we can take to arrive at a desired destination. Yet, the decision we make to continue looking ahead, instead of behind or around, is ultimately what determines how quickly we will get there. As seniors, we have successfully traveled "through," and though our paths have not all been identical, they have indeed taken us to the same place, our graduation. In retrospect, high school will fondly be looked upon as a time of memories or a time of discovery. Yet, when it's a gorgeous day in June and one happens to be a student plagued with a severe case of senioritis, "Show me to the nearest exit" "Get me outta here!" is a little more accurate. Whatever you may be feeling right now, I'm sure...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Financial Analysis Coca-Cola and PepsiCo Essay

We will be comparing two companies; both are strong and have great credibility. Ideally with a solid competitor we want to show differentials and make a solid contrast. In this case we want to compare at least two years of financial data. A great way to exemplify this is to compare Coke to Pepsi. To say which one is better to drink is debatable, but what we are looking at is which is better to invest in. We will analyze the information provided in the appendixes and make a conscience decision as to which company is stronger, therefore a smarter investment choice. After all, I wouldn’t want you to throw your money down the drain. The three main characteristics used to determine a company’s success are liquidity, solvency, and of course profit. The aspects, when analyzed, can help you decide which is more successful and financially honored as a better investment. This can also help someone decide which is more successful and financially stable. While we look at these statements I would like to keep in mind how good it is to look at trend over time. This opens our next concept which is vertical and horizontal analysis. By taking a step back and going over the ratio analysis which is composed of the three main characteristics, we are able to see what has happened during the time period we compare with. Hence us making our intelligent investment decision. Going back, ratio analysis is where we divide two numbers in order to get a percentage which we will compare to the competitor. First characteristic is liquidity. This is where we see the company paying their debts, and on time. This is very similar to an individual person’s credit score. Are they paying their bills? This shows financial responsibility and that is a very important component in investments. The information is typically shown as a ratio or percentage of the liquid assets. The higher the ratio the bigger the safety margin is in which the corporation will fulfill their debts. You wouldn’t rent a home to someone with bad credit. Nor would you loan someone money if they had a bad tendency to not be responsible with money. Going back to business mind state, we can look at the potential ability to turn a good or service into profit. This is crucial to investing. It’s also crucial to compare companies within the same industry. It seems logical initially but there are ratios and formulas that are used that operate most efficiently when comparison is done within similarities. So, let’s get on with the fun stuff already! PepsiCo’s Balance Sheet and Liquid Ratio (Remember, we are dividing the current asset with the liabilities for both years, not dividing the annual comparison. Meaning; do not divide the two numbers next to each other. This is the essential difference between horizontal and vertical analysis. ) Current ratio 2005=10,4549406=1.11 Current ratio 2004= 86396752=1.28 Just to make a quick observation before we move on the ratio of 2005 is 1.11:1 and in 2004 it is 1.28:1. We now have the ratios; let’s get the percentage of total assets from cash and equivalents. Then we will do Coca-Cola’s and compare. Percentage of cash for 2005=1716 (cash and equiv)10454 (total assets)= .1641 Percentage of cash for 2004=12808639= .1481 That’s 16.41% for 2005 and 14.81% for 2004. This is solid statistic and I don’t really see much room for improvement based on the information found. It seems to be a solid bet, but we are far from done. Coca-Cola’s Balance Sheet and Liquid Ratio (Again, remember to divide the total asset with total liability.) Current ratio 2005=10,2509,836=1.042 Current ratio 2004=12,28111,133=1.103 So the ratio is 1.042:1 for 2005 and 1.103:1 for 2004. Don’t feel discouraged, we will take this information and further discuss. I would like to mention that liability ratio lowering isn’t a bad thing and can mean potential growth. That being said, I sense improvement. Now that we have our ratio numbers for both companies and both years we will determine the percentage of total assets from cash and the equivalents. Now we will get the percentages of total assets and compare with PepsiCo. Percentage of cash for 2005=4701 (cash and equiv)29427(total assets)= .1598 Percentage of cash for 2004=670731441= .2133 That’s 15.98% for 2005 and 21.33% for 2004. I’m not sure about you, but if my percentage of cash went down 5.35% I would fret. Now, that’s not to say I wouldn’t invest just yet, but it does raise concern. Unless this cash is being used to pay off debts or re-invest into the company however, one should raise concern. Now that we have our calculations let’s make our comparison. In 2004 PepsiCo’s ratio was 1.28:1 then in 2005 it was 1.11:1. Whereas Coca-Cola had 1.103:1 for 2004 and 1.042:1 in 2005. We can divide the total current assets and of the liabilities for the two years giving us the increase or decrease for the same company. Simply divide the total current asset or liabilities for the two different years. We can find the increase or decrease for asset or liabilities. This furthers our comparisons. Let’s get back to solvency. It is a comparison of current assets and current liabilities. It is determined by dividing one with another. This gives an investor a ratio, which is explained earlier, that provides the investor with good information. That being, how does the company do with long-term responsibility? Also how likely will it act in the future with obligations and goals? The lower the ratio is, the less likely they are to have the follow through we are looking for. A high ratio provides the investor with an imminent outlook on the corporation being free of debt and how the company chooses to re-invest its profit. Profitability can allow an investor to monitor the corporation’s ability to produce assets in comparison to the expenses they must pay off. To put it bluntly, if a company has a higher profit ratio or margin than another company than they are doing better. We can do the same thing with profit that we did with liquidity as far as percentages and ratios go. When looking at profits we must be sure to compare annually because many companies have a season where they are selling more product. What the intended affect would be is to get the average and avoid the fluke statistics. When investing, it is a good idea to take a good step back. Like looking through the window of a candy shop. One candy might look good but you take a step back you can admire the entire display and see what is really going on. The big picture. Horizontal analysis can be utilized to provide the investor with the corporation’s financial data over a monthly or annual progression. It can be expressed using a balance sheet, an income statement, or retained earnings statement. When an investor evaluates the horizontal analysis they can determine the stability of the corporation, giving them solid insight. First we will apply horizontal analysis to PepsiCo’s assets and liabilities. We start by dividing the difference of total current assets between 2004 and 2005. As I have provided the spreadsheet earlier with the information it won’t be necessary to repeat. We are still dealing with those highlighted numbers; this will make it easier to locate the correct statistics. 10454 assets of 2005 – 8639 (assets of 2004)8639 (assets of 2004) = .210 We can then turn this into percentage which would be 21% (technically 21.01%) total current asset increase from one year to the next. Now we’ll do the same with liabilities. 9406 liabilties of 2005- 6752 (liabilties of 2004)6752 (liabilties 2004)= .393 Let’s do this in percentage form, 39.3%. That’s increase of liabilities during the time span of 2004 to 2005. By analyzing this information we are provided with the fact that there is an increase in current assets. This can be done by obtaining loans and gaining credibility as a corporation. On the counterpoint here there is a possibility that debt has increased. Keep in mind that while numbers are increasing and numbers don’t lie, it’s the person analyzing them that puts things in perspective. Let’s make a comparison now with Coca-Cola. 10250 assets of 2005- 12281 (assets of 2005)31441 assets 2004= -.064 We made the horizontal analysis to see if Coca-Cola has gone through increase or decrease with assets and liabilities between the two years of information we were given. When we translate our answer from decimal to percentage we get -6.4% which is a decrease. Let’s divide liabilities for Coca-Cola now. 9836 liabilities of 2005- 11133 (liabilities of 2004)11133 (liabilties of 2004)= -.116 This gives us -11.6% decrease in liabilities from 2004 to 2005. Translating that to English, this means that while assets were low it seems they were clearly paying off debts. This is a responsible and promising thing for a corporation to act on. A good investor will recognize debts being paid off and see that they are making profits and creating a solid foundation for the future. By judging the company’s percentage of growth we can easily separate the stronger competitor. Now, let’s do PepsiCo’s vertical analysis. Year 2005=1716(cash and equiv)31727 (total asset)= .054 Year 2004=1280 (cash and equiv)27987 total asset= .046 In 2005 the percentage is 5.4% while in 2004 it was only 4.6%. Let’s now figure out how much of the assets are currently in possession of the company, first with 2005. Oh, and imagine how nice it would be if we could do that with people we’ve loaned money to. Year 2005=10454 (current asset)31727 (total asset)= .3295 Year 2004=8639 (current asset)27987 (total asset)= .3087 So, we have 32.95% in 2005 and 30.87% in 2004. Meaning that PepsiCo’s assets in possession went up 2.08% in a year. Promising, right? Well, what about Coca-Cola’s? Year 2005=4701 (cash and equiv)29427 total asset= .160 Year 2004=6707 (cash and equiv)31441 (total asset)=.213 In 2005 the percentage is 16% while in 2004 it was 21.3%. Interesting, huh? Let’s figure out the assets Coca-Cola owned in possession. This is where investor’s ears perk up and we can get to some real solid numbers that will eventually define our final decision. Year 2005=10250 (current asset)29427 (total asset)= .348 Year 2004=12281 (current asset)29427 (total asset)= .391 In 2005 the percentage is 34.8% while in 2004 it was higher with a 39.1%. One can easily come to the conclusion that Coca-Cola may have fewer assets in possession, but keep debts in mind. Investors are looking for exactly this. Sure, they own less but they are also being financially responsible. In conclusion with all that has been said and analyzed I would like to conclude this intense and considerate examination. Many statistics were provided by the appendix and several calculations were made to come to a logical and sound conclusion. By viewing over the ratios and percentages we can determine that Coca-Cola is a stronger company. With the fact they do have low assets, we consider how many debts are being paid off due to the profits that are made. The CEO clearly had a strong head on their shoulders and even though these numbers are but six years old, I can only imagine their consistence has stayed the same. Reason being, the corporation has remained out of debts and re-invested th eir profits into future proceedings which allow a positive outlook for investors. Resources: Hill, M.G (2009). Financial Accounting

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beginner German Mistake der Freund

Beginner German Mistake der Freund The word Freund in German is at times ambiguous since it can mean either friend or boyfriend. The same with Freundin, which can mean either a female friend or a girlfriend. The use of der Freund/ die Freundin relies on contextual cues to give you an accurate meaning. Consider the Following Sentences Er ist mein bester FreundMein amerikanischer FreundMein Freund HeinzEr ist ein Freund fà ¼rs LebenWir sind FreundeEr ist ein Freund von mirEr ist mein FreundEr ist ein FreundEinen festen Freund habenEin echter FreundMein echter freundHast du einen Freund?Ist er dein Freund?Hast du Freunde?Ich war mit einem Freund im Urlaub Which of the above sentences signify â€Å"friend†, which ones â€Å"boyfriend†? Fortunately, Germans have construed set phrases to differentiate between the two. To mean strictly a friend, er ist ein Freund/ sie ist eine Freundin von mir is usually said. To add more â€Å"amore†, then the possessive pronoun will be used: er ist mein Freund/sie ist meine Freundin. If you want to talk in general about a boyfriend/girlfriend, simply einen Freund haben/eine Freundin haben or einen festen Freund haben/ eine feste Freundin haben will do. For example, if you wanted to ask somebody if she has a boyfriend, you could say either Hast du einen festen Freund? or Hast du einen Freund? But remember above all, context is key. Avoid the Embarrassment In order to not mix up a friend with a boyfriend and avoid some eyebrow raising, a good rule of thumb to keep would be the following: Usually anything with a possessive pronoun such as mein (except for mein bester Freund and other phrases, see below), and fest can be safely considered to be boyfriend territory. Take note however that women are more apt to call their female friends meine Freundin, whereas men prefer to introduce their male friends as ein Freund von mir. The term ein Freund (without von mir tagged behind it) can be interpreted either way depending on the context and the speaker’s intent. Keeping all this in mind, the aforementioned phrases could be translated as follows: Er ist mein bester Freund. (He is my best friend.)Mein amerikanischer Freund. (My American boyfriend)Mein Freund Heinz. (My boyfriend Heinz)Er ist ein Freund fà ¼rs Leben. (He is a friend for life.)Wir sind Freunde. (We are friends.)Er ist ein Freund von mir. (He is a friend of mine.)Er ist mein Freund. (He is my boyfriend.)Mein guter Freund. (My good friend.)Er ist ein Freund. (He is a friend.)Einen festen Freund haben. (To have a boyfriend.)Ein echter Freund. (A true friend.)Mein echter Freund. (My true friend/My real boyfriend.)Hast du einen Freund? (Do you have a boyfriend?)Ist er dein Freund? (Is he your boyfriend?)Hast du Freunde? (Do you have friends?)Ich war mit einem Freund im Urlaub. (I was on vacation with a friend.) Why the Ambiguity? It is interesting to note that the Old High German word for Freund, namely friunt as well as the Middle High German vriunt was used interchangeably with both close friends and relatives even up till the 1700s. The meaning of Freund can be traced back to the pre-Old High German word frijond which was the present participle of the verb frijon, ‘to love’. Further, Germans tend to use the word Freund less liberally than Americans, since ein Freund is really reserved for close friends. In less close-knit friendships, the other person is often considered by Germans to be â€Å"ein Bekannter† or â€Å"ein Kumpel.† Synonyms for Freund: der Kamerad, der Kumpel, der Kollege, der Gefhrte, die/der Atze (Berlin).Synonyms for Freund as Boyfriend/Girlfriend: der Geliebte/die Geliebte, der Lebenspartner/ die Lebenspartnerin, der Lebensgefhrte/ die Lebensgefhrtin.Expressions with Freund: das Freund-Feind-Denken an â€Å"if you’re not for us, you’re against us† way of thinkingDas habe ich ihm unter Freunden gesagt that was just between the two of us

Monday, October 21, 2019

Narcissus and Goldmund Herman Hesse essays

Narcissus and Goldmund Herman Hesse essays Throughout this book Hesse continuously explores the idea of the conflict individuals experience when searching for their true identity. Narcissus and Goldmund, two medieval men whose characters are metaphors for the underlying theme of mans individual search for self and the human experience. Narcissus is a monk firm in his religious and intellectual beliefs or so he thinks, and Goldmund a youth hungry for knowledge and life experience. Narcissus the intellect living a purely academic life yet when Goldmund becomes part of his life, finds himself fighting the emotional part of his psyche. Goldmund is the total opposite, an individual born to live life to its fullest yet fighting those desires due to parental influences. The two men are diametrically opposite, even their names are metaphoric Narcissus the embodiment of pure intellect and Goldmund whos names translates as Golden mouth which indicates a hunger for life and worldly experiences. The story of both individuals are metaphors of the ways and degree that one can lead a life. Narcissus has a hermetic existence in his ivory tower with his pure thought , reasoning and self sufficient loneliness for companions. He is closed off from life in the monastery the acetic who is totally unaware of lifes cycles. Goldmunds so called vagabond lifestyle rich in experience, free spirit and free choices. I feel here that it is important to Hesse that it be stressed that the extreme of any life style such as in this story is actually dangerous to the individual, and according to Hesse himself ( Comments from a conversation with Rudolf Koester) the development to become a personality with privilege to think, feel, and act independently is the primary responsibility of the individual. Extremes such as a complete withdrawal into a hermetically sealed ego is as dangerous as the individual who succumbs to the allure of conformi ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Dumping essays

Dumping essays The World Trade Organization Agreement on dumping defines it broadly as a company exporting a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its home market for a like product. When goods are imported at a price below the domestic producers price, cries of unfair competition and dumping are often heard. Pressure is exerted among the countries government to do something to protect their market against the imported products. The government may impose duties to the imported product under three WTO agreements. The Anti-dumping Agreement and The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures take action against those importers who are importing at unfair import prices. The third agreement, The Safeguard Agreement, takes action when the import price is fair but the imports are seriously damaging domestic production. Domestic companies can request safeguard action if the market share of imports would otherwise substantially increase. This usually involves the obli gation of quantitative restrictions on imports, though these cannot be targeted at a specific country. Anti-dumping provisions, on the other hand, allow nations to retaliate against specific trading partners who are exporting goods at prices lower than those that thrive in their domestic markets. This retaliation generally involves charging a compensatory duty to bring the price of a specific good from a specific country back to a "normal" price. Finally, countervailing tariffs are measures designed to reduce the effect of foreign subsidy programs. All are intended to be short-term actions that resolve the issues quickly. However as seen in many dumping cases worldwide that is often not the case. When a country believes that goods are being dumped into their country, the first step they can take is to file a formal complaint against the importer. The domestic government, based on detailed requirem ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Paintings of Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne Essay

Paintings of Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne - Essay Example The essay "Paintings of Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne" analyzes Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne and their individual works â€Å"The Rocks† and â€Å"The Ravine†. . What can be demonstrated through art, as well as what this paper will show, is that to fully enjoy and understand art, the key idea to keep in mind is that understanding and interpretation comes through finding and knowing what it is that draws you to the masterpiece and how you got there in the first place. Just as with the case of history books, the paintings by the great artists of the time serve as a historical record of the goings on of the time. Often times painters chose to express the world around them the only way they may have known how, and that was through some for artistic expression. Little bits of color, as they are arranged throughout the canvas, find themselves forming together to create images of life, love and the wonder, as well as the amazement that can come with it. They serve as a portal to the imagination as no other artistic creation can. Many people travel to museums such as the Louvre in Paris to experience the greatness that hangs along its walls. To stare into the eyes of the portraits of subjects, or to witness the grander and vastness of the great seascapes and landscapes which provide for a sense of freedom from that which may be otherwise hindering creative thought. With that being said, the works in this analysis pay tribute to the notion that, with creative expression, can come insight.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Electronic Methods of Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Electronic Methods of Communication - Essay Example By thoroughly discussing these four questions, we can come to a more critical and intellectual viewpoint on this subject matter. The aim of this paper is to thoroughly discuss all of this, as well as any key elements which are in relation to this issue. This is what will be dissertated in the following. A virtual office is a location which allows many people doing business to share an office address and business machines, and is a facility which often includes such things as receptionists, mail support, telephone banks, fax machines, copiers, computers, and sometimes even call answering services. With the technology currently available, business can be conducted easily from basically anywhere. The virtual office is considered as being easily one of the most important applications of the Internet, although its recognition is surely lacking. The Internet is easily the most popular communication tool which is completely changing the entire concept of what it means to be an agency. "The key to making an office virtual is enabling everyone in the agency to be able to work together as smoothly as they would if they were all physically in the same place. The Internet is beginning to make this type of integration possible because it allows rapid, low-cost communication between individual u sers and businesses." (Anderson, 2000). The virtual office is certainly a thing of popularity and efficiency; however, not everyone is a candidate for working in a virtual environment. This type of setting requires a special type of person in order to function properly; the person has to be able to work from home, and a special kind of manager is also required to effectively manage virtual employees. Largely as a result of the falling price of telecommunications and the increased sophistication of such things as relevant technology, all businesses, regardless of size, are suddenly able to take advantage of global efficiencies that were once available only to large corporations and multi-nationals. "There are a number of implications of decentralization. The integrity of corporate data can be compromised in the absence of strong data management and storage policies. The inevitable proliferation of duplicated data sent over public networks to individuals or offices in remote locations also presents significant security risks. The management of outsourced services (with well defined service level agreements) requires a different approach to those supplied from in-house, and is likely to be even more challenging when services are undertaken in a different country. Differences in culture, time zone, standards, legislation and language are the obvious ones. Deficiencies in any of these areas can lead to reputation risks as well as increasing the costs of compliance." (Evans, 2006). Is Personal Contact Even Necessary at This Point In regards to technologically speaking, it appears rather obvious that personal contact is in fact unnecessarily in most cases. However, a matter of a related issue is that of is

SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT - Essay Example In the future, I would focus more on spirituality to make my approach universal rather than being specific because not all people welcome religion. The tool however helped for the interviewee to open up that sometimes he has a need for someone bigger than him when he feels lonely. The tool is non-judgmental and compassionate in approach and this helped me get through the defenses of the interviewee. The spiritual experience I had with my interviewee was fulfilling. At first he was resistant and does not want to admit that he too, just like all of us, needs some divine guidance. Eventually however, he softened and he in fact calls out for God during his moments of despair. The non-judgmental approach of the tool help him opened up which he used to find very difficult for fear of reprisal. On my end, the tool helped me connect and get through the seemingly tough exterior of the interviewee. It also helped me understand that the stress and negative experiences that the interviewee undergone made him hard and defensive. For example, when I asked about his down moments, the interviewee initially played tough that he can handle anything. The tool help me get through him and address his spiritual need. The experience affirmed by belief that all of us need â€Å"Somebody† bigger than us especially during our tough times. As the saying goes, â€Å"there is no atheist in a foxhole† because human strength will always fail us. We could appear tough just like my friend but it is really just a defense mechanism to make him look strong with his peers. Deep inside however, he also have spiritual needs which when explored, is actually bigger than most of us because it has long been repressed due to his negative experiences and fear that society may judge him as weak. When I made him open up, it was like a floodgate of pent up emotions and suppressed pains that has long been buried beneath him. I promised that whatever he tells

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Interview - Essay Example I also learned that teachers can make use of a great variety of tools in order to communicate. The methods available have naturally changed over the years with advances in technology. I learned though that despite these rapid changes the basis of teaching remains the same, and that is to clearly communicate in a way that can be understood by a diverse group of people. For students who do not have English as a first language it can be even harder. This is where extra effort is required on the part of the teacher, who should not place the same expectations on those students because of their lack of ability. I benefitted greatly from meeting with an expert because I was really able to do more than just scratch the surface and find the answer to questions that have always puzzled me. I am not sure that the teaching field will be my chosen career path, but it was still very interesting to get some quality time asking in-depth questions with an expert. The greatest benefit that I took from this interview was that teaching is not something that I should get myself into unless I am able to put my full heart and soul into it. If I just go along with the motions for a while then it wont be enough and my career would suffer as a result. Even though this might appear to be simple enough or common sense it was actually really good to hear about some real life experience and what can go wrong if the right attitude is not present. The surprising thing that I learned from this assignment is that the teaching field is far more competitive than I ever thought. I had always assumed that with a strong need for teachers there would be plenty to go around. In actual fact the teaching profession requires a lot of dedication and hard work. The pay is relatively low compared to other jobs of importance, but really the teaching field has the most potential of all because it will equip the students of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. Having a

Drugs and safety of teens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drugs and safety of teens - Essay Example The easy availability of drugs at street corners, students’ hang-out places and even residential areas facilitates the teenagers to remain vulnerable to such drugs. The most worrisome factor that concerns most of the parents is the addictive nature of drugs, as chemical reactions caused by intake of same stimulate and excite the brain; resulting in excessive dependence on these substances repeatedly. As there is no restriction or limitation on the availability of drugs, most teens become victim of drug overdose. This has dangerous repercussions and consequences that can harm the victim mentally and physically, lifelong. Side effects of drugs While discussing on the side-effects of drugs, it is essential to understand that varied substances have different product mix and accordingly can cause several types of side-effects. However many intoxicants like alcohol and amphetamines have direct affect on human brain, as teens start consuming same for stimulation. Amphetamines are ava ilable in different forms like pills, injections or powder that can be snorted and inhaled, which causes the severe damage by getting into the blood stream. However, alcohol, being widely used in our society, is the single most addictive substance that is consumed by teenagers for getting the required stimulation. While it affects our normal brain functions like reflexes, coordination and judgment, teens try to consume an overdose of the same to escape from their psychological pressure and stress. The immediate relief experienced by them with intake of lighter drugs is responsible for the youngsters to upgrade for consuming life threatening substances like inhalants and injections that directly attack the blood cells. Due to their immediate results, in terms of experiencing the height of excitement, teens are tempted to consume such drugs, regularly. In addition, they are available freely everywhere.(Vranken, 2008) Laws and the usage of drugs Referring to the usage of drugs, I regre t to underline that laws meant for preventing the drug abuse have remained irrelevant, as same could not stop their consumption by the teenagers. Contrary to the same, many teenagers have been fined and detained in the juvenile homes and rehabilitation centers. In such detention centers teenagers are placed in custody for violating the laws, mainly for their own and the society’s safety. (Hicks). However, they can interact with hardened criminals, at such centers, which can prove harmful and dangerous for their whole life. Considering such consequences of drug usage, these teenagers are closely watched by the relevant authorities, to ensure that they pay-off their debts and behave in a perfectly normal manner. Repercussions of alcohol consumption Reports of various studies conducted for this purpose have highlighted the dangerous consequences of alcohol consumption. One publication from USA government, â€Å"Prevention Alert†, has listed the side effects of teen alcoho l abuse, which include learning impairments in youngsters that can severely damage their academic career. In one study, it has been found that alcohol dependant teens, in the age group of 15-16, had difficulty in remembering words and simple geometric designs, after a short

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Interview - Essay Example I also learned that teachers can make use of a great variety of tools in order to communicate. The methods available have naturally changed over the years with advances in technology. I learned though that despite these rapid changes the basis of teaching remains the same, and that is to clearly communicate in a way that can be understood by a diverse group of people. For students who do not have English as a first language it can be even harder. This is where extra effort is required on the part of the teacher, who should not place the same expectations on those students because of their lack of ability. I benefitted greatly from meeting with an expert because I was really able to do more than just scratch the surface and find the answer to questions that have always puzzled me. I am not sure that the teaching field will be my chosen career path, but it was still very interesting to get some quality time asking in-depth questions with an expert. The greatest benefit that I took from this interview was that teaching is not something that I should get myself into unless I am able to put my full heart and soul into it. If I just go along with the motions for a while then it wont be enough and my career would suffer as a result. Even though this might appear to be simple enough or common sense it was actually really good to hear about some real life experience and what can go wrong if the right attitude is not present. The surprising thing that I learned from this assignment is that the teaching field is far more competitive than I ever thought. I had always assumed that with a strong need for teachers there would be plenty to go around. In actual fact the teaching profession requires a lot of dedication and hard work. The pay is relatively low compared to other jobs of importance, but really the teaching field has the most potential of all because it will equip the students of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. Having a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 3-Individual small Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week 3-Individual small - Assignment Example nvolved in the creation of Affordable Care Act mainly include reviewing whether there lays the necessity of making any sort of change in the current health insurance plans and identifying the new subsidies that may help in providing any sort of financial assistance among others. In contrast, the steps followed in the generation of Clinton Healthcare Reforms generally included making healthcare coverage plans that are affordable to all, making quality improvements in treatment procedures and bringing simplicity in the procedure among others (Cannan, 2013). It can be affirmed that the step of communicating the Americans about the message about the affordability of effective healthcare insurance plans eventually contributed in making the failure of Clinton Healthcare Reforms. Conversely, the step i.e. modernizing as well as upgrading the existing healthcare system in the US eventually emerged as one of the success factors of Affordable Care Act (Cannan, 2013). The stakeholders of both Clinton Healthcare Reforms and Affordable Care Act can be ascertained as corporate leaders, industry shareholders along with centrist academics and most vitally the community members prevailing within varied societies in the US (Cannan, 2013). The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism. (2014). What is the difference between Obama and Clintons health care plans? Retrieved from

Is gambling a good idea Essay Example for Free

Is gambling a good idea Essay There are many people gamble now a day. It is good or bad? some people think it is a good entreatment for killing time and relax, but is it a health entreatment for us? or it is just a activity that make us addicted and use all our money and time for it. Why people love gambling? there are lots of reason that a person get in to gambling. there are people said that when they gamble at the casino, they can throw all they problems away and be happy. some on the other said that it is a fun and relax when they gamble. the thrill of winning and getting back the money they lost. those are some of the reasons why people get in to gambling. There are good effects of gambling â€Å"Maryland will be following the examples set in the U. K. , where cash prizes are used to encourage citizens to buy savings bonds, and Michigan, which since 2009 has allowed credit unions to hold lotteries; anyone making a deposit of $25 or more is entered to win. †(1). This is some facts, For example, when a person is gambling, he \ she will use his \ her thinking skills (Critical thinking skills), that person need to use many strategies to win the game and that meanThe person makes use of judgment and decision making skills. The use of critical thinking and analytical skills are really health to our mind. The use of those skills can empower our brain by thinking and problem solving. Therefor when a person gamble, he \ she Is gambling a good idea! sharpening his \ her mind, on the other hand you can say it is health. Some other gambler play at the casino, and they describe it as a kind of a therapy. they said when they play at the casino, they can relax, because most casino offer free drinks and food. Some of it play soft music etc. The field of health aims to promote relaxation. The gamblers find relaxation in gambling which can cause some good effects to their health. Gambling is not all money. Many gamblers do not mind how much they win and lose. What is important for them is to have a great time and bond with their friends or even family. Most of the gambler are an addict, some of them even ignore their family life , focusing on gambling and gambling all alone â€Å"Significant child neglect has been reported, with 10-17% of children of compulsive gamblers being abused† ( by http:// www. scribd. com,A Bad Deal Gambling Facts) . they will not care about everything, for example their family and their work etc, and patrick murray said â€Å"Ive had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didnt†. For a gambling addict, nothing matter but gambling. Gambling can bleed your bank account dry. Those addicted in gambling almost end up saving money allotted for more important things like health or medical insurance. They find themselves in big gambling debts that they will never be able to pay for. If unlucky, they end up in a mess with loansharks who would go after their lives if they are unable to pay. â€Å"Problem gambling is harmful to psychological and physical health. People dealing with this addiction can suffer from depression, migraine, distress, intestinal disorders and other anxiety related problems. Ultimately, severe problem gambling can lead to Is gambling a good idea! suicide. The rate of problem gambling has risen globally over the last few years. †(2) Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. They knew they had problems, but only gambling seemed important. In conclusion, gambling is a bad activity â€Å"The effect from gambling for a problem gambler is comparable to someone taking a tranquilizer, a drug, or having a drink. The sensation experienced is similar, although no substance is ingested. The gambling behavior alters the persons mood and state of mind. The gambler is hooked and keeps repeating the behavior, attempting to achieve that same effect†(3). but it is not all negative. In moderation , gambling is fine to play, it is always fun to have a good time with your friends or family in the casino. Throwing a few dice and have fun, but please remember that the dealer is made to win. Casinos are design to trick people into playing longer, spend more and losing more. sometime people will get lucky, but most of the time you do not. There are many people have a really hard time shaking a gambling addiction, in my opinion, gambling just like drugs and alcohol, it will affects mostly the people you love and you care about. As i said, it is really bad and negative, but it dose not have to be â€Å"Gambling itself isnt bad, if you understand the game and can control yourself. The only bad thing is doing what someone else wants you to do, rather than what you want to do. Whether its gambling, or drinking or smoking, or any other activity, you should decide whether or not you want to do it. You shouldnt give in to pressure from other people† by (PokerChic). As PokerChic said, it is not a bad idea to gamble, but how you gamble and how you defined gambling is a big problem. No matter if you want to get in to gambling or not, this article is only for reference only. Is gambling a good idea! Reference 1. Christian Nordqvist (2012) How is gambling bad for you :Medical News Today 2. Brad Tuttle (2012) Gambling for good. :Time business and money 3. Christian Nordqvist (2012) How is gambling bad for you :Medical News Today.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Corruption In Turkey Politics Essay

The Corruption In Turkey Politics Essay In this report you can read about the corruption in Turkey. The purpose of this report is to show you where corruption in Turkey is taking place and how the Turkish government is fighting it. In chapter two youll find general information about Turkey. The corruption in Turkey, entitled Ergenekon, is described in chapter three. In chapter four the corruption in Turkey is being linked with one of the four syndromes described by Michael Johnston. The conclusion of this report can be found in chapter five. Turkey, as a successor of the Ottoman Empire, is a republican parliamentary democracy established in 29th October 1923 by Mustafa Kemal. Mustafa Kemal was honoured in 1934 by the Turkish citizens with the title of Ataturk, the Father of the Turks. Although Istanbul is the biggest and wealthiest city in Turkey, Ankara was chosen as the capital city of Turkey by Ataturk. Furthermore, Turkey has eighty-one provinces. In 28th August 2007 Abdullah Gul was elected president of Turkey by the National Assembly. A day later he appointed Recep Tayip Erdogan as the Prime Minister of Turkey. Just after two months, 21th October 2007, they successfully set with Turkey the next step towards democracy. In the future the president is going to be elected directly and not by the National Assembly. Going back in time, Turkey became an associate member of the European Community in 1964. In 2005, with Abdullah Gul and Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey began accession membership talks with the European Union. Tu rkey is a member of the UN since 1945 and also a member of the NATO since 1952.  [1]   2.1 Population In July 2009 the population of Turkey was estimated 76,8 million. Two-third of the population was estimated between the age of fifteen and sixty-five. More than twenty-seven percent of the population was estimated below the age of fifteen and more than six percent was estimated above the age of sixty-five. In 2008 the urban population of Turkey was estimated around seventy percent of the population. The majority of the Turkish population is Turkish, estimated around seventy-five percent in 2008. Eight-teen percent of the population was estimated Kurdish. With a minority figure the Arabs, Turkmen, Circassians and Greeks are also present in Turkey.  [2]  The EU issued in 2005 that Turkey didnt sufficiently guarantee the freedom of expression in line with the European Convention of Human Rights towards the minorities. According to article 301 of the Turkish Constitution, an insult to Turkish people is no longer used systematically to restrict freedom of expression. It is that articl e which the EU found not sufficient enough. The EU are of the opinion that Turkey must take more measures in line with the European Convention of Human Rights towards the minorities.  [3]  Next to that, most of the people in Turkey are Sunni Muslim. 2.2 Economy In Turkey the state is a major participant in basic industry, banking, transport and communication sector. Textile and clothing are the largest industrial sectors in Turkey. Today thirty percent of the eligible population is employed in the traditional agriculture. At the moment, the most notable progress in the Turkish economy is the rising of the automotive and electronic industries. That is a sign that the Turkish economy is modernizing. The GPD of Turkey grew between 2002 and 2007 with an average of six percent. Despite the strong economy, the GDP in 2008 grew with zero point nine percent and it was decreased in 2009 with five point nine percent, a thirty-four year record low. Explanation for that is the high account deficit en high external debts. The government of Turkey expects with further economic and judicial reforms and prospective EU membership to boost their economy with foreign investors. However, the global financial crisis in 2009 didnt affect the Turkish financial ma rkets. In their history, Turkey experienced in 2001 a financial crises. In that year Turkey implemented reforms in the banking sector which protected them from the global financial crisis in 2009. At the moment Turkeys future doesnt look so bright. The economical experts are expecting a decline in the export sector and because of the current political crisis, al lot of foreign and intern companies are afraid to invest in the Turkish economy. With an estimated GDP worth of 861,6 billion Euros in 2009, Turkey is ranked eighteenth compared to the other countries.  [4]  The top three of that same list is, respectively, dominated by the EU, the United States and China. 2.3 Military In October 2005 a National Security Policy Document was adopted by the Turkish government. That document increased the role of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) concerning the internal security of the state. Today the TSK leadership plays a key role in politics and considers itself the guardian of Turkeys secular state. They demonstrated their power sever times after the adoption of the National Security Policy Document. For example, in April 2007 they warned the ruling party about any pro-Islamic appointments. They are also responsible for limiting the progress of establishing a civilian supremacy over the military, which started in October 2005 after the Turkish government started to negotiate with the EU. The EU is of the opinion that the military power of Turkey must first decrease if Turkey wants to join the EU. The TSK has also been taken an international peacekeeping responsibilities and they took charge of a NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) command in Afghanis tan in April 2007. Furthermore, the Turkish military forces adopted an Aerospace and Missile Defence Concept in 2002 which set new priorities. The priorities included attaining a modern deployable, survivable, and sustainable force structure and establishing a sustainable command and control system. The affects of the Aerospace and Missile Defence Concept looked promising in 2008.  [5]   2.4 Corruption In December 2007 Turkey started, with the help of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the project on Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC) for a term of two years.  [6]  This project is funded by the European Union and by the Council of Europe. It is implemented by the Council of Europes Directorate of Co-operation. The projects main counterpart institution is the Council of Ethics for Public Service at the Prime Ministry of Turkey. In recent years the Turkish Government has taken a number of important steps in combating corruption. The country ratified the Council of Europes Civil and Criminal Law Conventions against Corruption in 2003 and 2004 respectively and joined the Councils Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) in January 2004. Moreover, in June 2004 the Council of Ethics for the Public Service was established and in 2005 the Regulation on the Principles of Ethical Behaviour for Public Officials, the Code of Ethics, was adopted. Despite t hese steps, corruption remains a serious concern for the people of Turkey. The Turkish authorities acknowledge that corruption is a priority issue requiring comprehensive and serious counter-measures.  [7]  The project will assist Turkey with their efforts in preventing corruption by supporting the implementation of specific measures, and provide support to other related reforms. The TYEC project has four main aims: Support the implementation of the Code of Ethics across the public administration in line with GRECO recommendations; Develop codes of ethics for other categories of officials or holders of public office; Develop systems of monitoring the effectiveness of prevention and other anti-corruption measures; Ensure and enhance coordination of anti-corruption measures. The corruption in Turkey is the continuing interference of judicial and military power in Turkish executive and legislative powers. This is problematic if viewed with historical hindsight. The weakness of the boundaries that divide Turkish powers seems to be confirmed by the Ergenekon trial, which saw more than three-hundred personalities involved in conspiracies aimed at weakening the government and possibly leading to a coup detat. 3. Ergenekon The state is not necessarily innocent, and the people convicted of crimes with political repercussions in the past may well be victims of a deep state operation. That is the main lesson Turkey has learned from the current Ergenekon investigation. The investigation itself is already related to several murders and terrorist attacks of the recent past. Analysts claim that the state and the relationship of the state organs with the society, terrorist organizations and the mafia will create a valuable opportunity to mobilize the public.  [8]  It will also create a political will and determination to reopen old dossiers filled with unsolved crimes and presumably victimized convicts. Allegations that the Ergenekon terrorist organization was behind two attacks, the Council of State attack in 2006 and bombs thrown at the headquarters of the Cumhuriyet Daily in the same year, ascribed to a certain segment of society, have changed the entire view to analyze politically influential crimes. I n this chapter I try to show you the link between Ergenekon and the corruption they caused on the fields of politics, economics and military. First I start with the describing a few cases. 3.1 Crime dossiers The Turkish history is full of crime dossiers, either left open or whose closure was disputed.  [9]  Starting from the infamous Sheikh Said Revolt of 1925, passing through to the Dersim Massacres of 1937-1938, the Taksim Square killings of May, 1977, the serial murders of secular-minded intellectuals in 1990 and more resentful and sophisticated attacks on symbolic names and institutions, question marks were left in the consciousnesses of the people. One reason was the inconceivability of state involvement in these crimes. The army, which still places first in public surveys of the most respected institutions, was not only beyond reproach, it was also unthinkable, unperceivable and unpronounceable to claim that army officers were committing crimes, not for the sake of the country, but for their own and evil interests. Now that the Ergenekon investigation has proven that Turkish officers are not sanctified angels and that they are judicable, detainable, liable to interrogation and arrest, that perplexed public consciousness is asking whether those old dossiers can be reopened and reinvestigated with this new framework in mind. The Istanbul chief prosecutor already announced that Ergenekon suspects would be trailed for their involvement in the Council of State attack of May, 2006, an attack which left a judge dead, and in the throwing of hand grenades at the headquarters of Cumhuriyet Daily. It is suggested that the indictment and subsequent court decision will influence the open cases and may also induce a reopening of closed ones. On top of the list of reopening closed cases are the murder of Necip HablemitoÄÅ ¸lu, the Gazi neighborhood events, the murder of ÃÆ'-zdemir SabancÄ ±, the murder of General EÃ…Å ¸ref Bitlis, the murder of UÄÅ ¸ur Mumcu and the murders that took place in the AdapazarÄ ±-Ä °zmit-Sapanca triangle. The Ergenekon decision will also influence the Ä °brahim Çiftà §i case, already waiting for th e Ergenekon trial to be finalized. Çiftà §i was killed in 2006 in a bombing soon after he confessed to a prosecutor that he killed HablemitoÄÅ ¸lu. The influence of the Ergenekon investigation wont wait for the prosecutors to open some of the older dossiers on their own. Already there are several criminal complaints about detainees of the Ergenekon terrorist organization from the relatives of lost and murdered people. Families of Serdar TanÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸, a Peoples Democratic Party Silopi district deputy and Ebubekir Deniz already filed a complaint about Brigadier General Levent Ersà ¶z, who is still being sought and is said to have left for Russia before the last round of Ergenekon related detentions. The two were detained by the TSK seven years ago and were never heard from again. Relatives of the people killed during the Gazi incidents of 1995 also filed a complaint recently about Osman Gà ¼rbà ¼z, who was arrested during the Ergenekon investigation. The Peoples Democratic Party was banned from the society and therefore doesnt exists anymore. 3.2 Politics Avni ÃÆ'-zgà ¼rel, a columnist writing on Turkeys recent history is not optimistic. He thinks no one would be happier if real the perpetrators of certain political crimes were revealed.  [10]  Look at the Ä °pekà §i murder. There is already an understanding that this was the job of nationalists. If this explanation proves incorrect, we will lose the entire paradigm. The society may be ready for this, but the state is not, he told Sundays Zaman. According to ÃÆ'-zgà ¼rel, the state is happy with the current state of what is known. Further investigation would not be well received within the state. The state would be ready to claim some of the murders if they were really committed for the sake of the state or the country; But what if an investigation reveals that the real reason was of a financial nature? What if notions like state and nation were used as a disguise for personal interests? he asked. ÃÆ'-zgà ¼rel is not hopeful for the results of the Ergenekon investigat ion and hence does not want to attach additional hopes to it. There is a political will in Turkey, but politics is a politics of bargaining. The AK Party is dealing with a closure case and no one knows what will happen with the Ergenekon investigation if the AK Party is closed. Look at the constitutional amendments on the headscarf issue. There was a political will there, but it didnt help. We should wait and see whether this investigation will reach a meaningful end, he explained. Mithat Sancar, a professor of law at Ankara University, agrees that the Ergenekon investigation is an opportunity to confront the dark past.  [11]  However, he thinks that neither the government nor the courts can do this. The political government will understandably deal with what it sees necessary for its own political interests. Prosecutors and judges are in no position to start an investigation into the events of the past on their own. Such an investigation necessitates a mobilization of democrati c circles, especially the democratic left wing which has traditionally fought with militarism and the deep state, he told Sundays Zaman. According to Sancar, public control over the legal and political processes is also important to guarantee that the political government does not enter into the mistake of bargaining. 3.3 The influence of the military Ergenekon prosecutor Zekeriya ÃÆ'-z is claimed to have came upon significant information about the murder of assistant professor HablemitoÄÅ ¸lu in 2002. ÃÆ'-z is claimed to have received strong evidence that Brigadier Geneneral Veli Kà ¼Ãƒ §Ãƒ ¼k, the prime suspect of the Ergenekon investigation, was involved in the abduction and killing of several Kurdish businessmen in the AdapazarÄ ±-Izmit-Sapanca area within the first six months of 1994.  [12]  The influence of the Ergenekon investigation on a confrontation with historical crimes was not always direct and organic.  [13]  The fact that the KahramanmaraÃ…Å ¸ Massacre, in which over 100 Alevis were killed by alleged nationalists in December 1978, the murder of journalist Abdi Ipekà §i on February 1979, the murder of frontrunner nationalist Gà ¼n Sazak in May 1980 and the Çorum Massacre of twenty-six, unofficially fifty-six, Alevis paved the way for the military coup of 1980 is showing signs towards t hat direction. The link between these events and the Ergenekon terrorist organization doesnt have to be organic. The fact that the existence of a terrorist organization that penetrated into state organs, including the army, and conspired to stage violent coups gives enough material to rethink the KahramanmaraÃ…Å ¸, Ipekà §i, Sazak and Çorum incidents.  [14]  It has to be kept in mind that the prime suspects of the Ergenekon organization were already colonels in the army in the run-up to the 1980 coup and that their involvement in these events may have been more than learning a lesson. In Turkey it is already felt that the plans of the Ergenekon terrorist organization is pushing the country into a period of unrest in order to legitimize a military intervention. Next to that, former military judge ÃÅ"mit KardaÃ…Å ¸ thinks that the political will that would confront the dark events of the past should have been powerful enough to confront Turkeys recent problems, such as the Kurdish issue.  [15]  The prosecution needs to have special support from not only the government but also from the media and the society, he told Sundays Zaman. According to him, the AK Party was and still is strong enough to give that support but, considering previous opportunities lost, there is not enough evidence to be hopeful of its support. It has lost a major opportunity in Ã…Å ¾emdinli. We also dont know whether the AK Party will be closed or not nor what will happen to the Ergenekon investigation if the party is closed. The investigation in itself is an opportunity, but there are reasons to be pessimistic that this opportunity will also be lost, he explained. 3.4 Finances Former mayor of Istanbuls Esenyurt district Gà ¼rbà ¼z Çapan, who is also currently under arrest on charges of being a financer of Ergenekon, was once offered immunity from arrest in Turkey by Ergenekon suspect retired General Veli Kà ¼Ãƒ §Ãƒ ¼k, according to claims of Bertan Zà ¼laoÄÅ ¸lu and Ã…Å ¾erafettin Dà ¼z, who served as the former deputy mayor and an aide to Çapan, respectively, during his term as head of the Esenler municipality.  [16]  Ãƒâ€¡apan was being sought as a suspect in a major corruption operation carried out by the TSK into various municipalities, including Esenler, when he was abroad in Germany. He also owns ten percent of the shares of Cumhuriyet Daily and is currently being charged with financing Ergenekon. Çapan was established as a suspect in the Ergenekon investigations when it became clear that he had meetings with Ergenekon suspects DoÄÅ ¸u Perinà §ek, leader of the neo-nationalist Workers Party and Kemal ÃÆ'-zden, hea d of the Nationalist Industrialists and Businessmens Association. Furthermore, prosecutor Zekeriya ÃÆ'-z, who is the chief prosecutor on the Ergenekon case, has frequently been target of various smear campaigns directed from different segments of society. AydÄ ±nlÄ ±k, Cumhuriyet and Sà ¶zcà ¼ newspapers claimed that in 1998, when ÃÆ'-z served in the Çine district of AydÄ ±n, he tried to extort money from businessman Mehmet Ocak. Metin Uyar, the former head of the Çine Industrial Zone and Ahmet KeleÃ…Å ¸, president of the Çine Drivers and Motorists Chamber, denied any truth to those allegations. The future will hopefully tell us more about the link between Ergenekon and the corruption they caused on the field of economy. Popular history writer AyÃ…Å ¸e Hà ¼r thinks the Ergenekon gang has a distinctive ideological position.  [17]  The ideological tools of the organization are yet to be revealed. So far this has been an operation against a criminal gang, she told Sundays Zaman. According to her, as long as the ideological tools have not been revealed, it is almost impossible to disclose the link between criminal actions of the Ergenekon organization and the earlier political crimes. For that we need a stronger will. Political will is not enough, she said. According to her, the society is not ready for a full-fledged cleansing and there is no real consensus on the nature of the threat. The opposition of the AK Party is undervaluing the operation, whereas we should have dealt with the facts and not with who said what, she explained. 4. The four syndromes According to Michael Johnston, established democracies tend to have mature market economies in which liberalization is largely considered. He also states that there are also reforming democratic societies in which political competition is still emerging or undergoing significant change. Furthermore, he describes that there are countries who are undergoing major transitions in politics and economics. He noted that Turkey is an example of such country. Last, but not least, Johnston also describes that there are undemocratic regimes who are by definition marked by political opportunities. Johnston links those societies with four syndromes: Influence Markets, Elite Cartels, Oligarchs and Clans and Official Moguls. Below you can see a table with an overview  [18]  . In the recent years Turkey made a huge progress in reforming its democracy and economy. That is the reason I agree with Johnston that the corruption in Turkey can be described with the Elite Cartels syndrome. The stronger the economical and state institution, the lesser corruption occurs according to Johnston. In the syndrome Influence Markets the corruption will most likely seen in the economical system. Johnston also recognizes that the stronger a constitution is, the bigger the chance will be that such institution will abuse its power by sealing deals with other powerful institutions. In this chapter you can read what the Elite Cartels syndrome is according to Johnston and why Turkey can be linked with this syndrome. I will close this chapter with the Turkish governments point of view about its future. The other two syndromes have similar corruption cases, but it is likely that in undemocratic regimes the corruption is bigger than in transitional regimes. 4.1 Elite Cartels syndrome In the Elite Cartels syndrome, the corruption is of defensive nature, protecting existing economic, political or policy advantages. Corruption is conducted through networks and elite parties, sometimes seeking each other to become allies for a greater purpose. Looking back to chapter three, Ergenekon can be seen as a network who is extremely powerful. They are powerful because they have, as it is determined by the prosecutors, economical, political and policy advantages. While these advantages are decreasing, still no one really knows how big Ergenekon is. Therefore the power of Ergenekon cannot be underestimated. Prove was found, and mentioned in chapter three, that in the past Ergenekon could operate freely and successfully. Many cases were closed without a legitimate reason and political parties were banned from the society. The AK Party was also close to getting banned from the society. The fact that the closure of the AK Party failed determines the moderate power of the state an d its capacity. 4.2 The governments point of view We hope the shroud of mist over the facts will be dissipated with this operation. We want the Ergenekon indictment to be completed as soon as possible, stated ErdoÄÅ ¸an.  [19]  ErdoÄÅ ¸an also said during his parliamentary group meeting that his ruling AK Party is the only address for Turkeys full membership in the European Union. He noted that Ataturks goal of reaching a higher level of civilization equals integration with the modern world. By making that note he wants to drive his country towards mature democratic society.However, some circles cannot stand democracy in Turkey. Whenever Turkey attempts to stand on its own feet, whenever it musters up its strength, these circles put hurdles before it. The basis of Turkish politics lies in a struggle between those in favour of Turkeys development and those who oppose it. While some want Turkey to become a global power, others want the preservation of the status quo in the country, he stated. With that statement, ErdoÃ⠀žÃ… ¸an confirms the fact that corruption in turkey is of defensive nature. ErdoÄÅ ¸an also noted that a movement which isnt in harmony with the fundamental principles of the constitutional order and which doesnt act in harmony with the basic characteristics of the republic will not be successful in Turkey. With that note ErdoÄÅ ¸an points his finger to the economical and political reforms his government made in the recent years and that Ergenekon should be consider as a dark chapter of the Turkish history. 5. Conclusion Turkey, as a successor of the Ottoman Empire, is a republican parliamentary democracy established in 29th October 1923 by Mustafa Kemal. In July 2009 the population of Turkey was estimated 76,8 million. The GPD of Turkey grew between 2002 and 2007 with an average of six percent. Despite the strong economy, the GDP in 2008 grew with zero point nine percent and it was decreased in 2009 with five point nine percent, a thirty-four year record low. The TSK leadership plays a key role in politics and considers itself the guardian of Turkeys secular state. In December 2007 Turkey started, with the help of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the project on Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC) for a term of two years. The corruption in Turkey is the continuing interference of judicial and military power in Turkish executive and legislative powers. The weakness of the boundaries that divide Turkish powers seems to be confirmed by the Ergenekon trial, which saw mor e than three-hundred personalities involved in conspiracies aimed at weakening the government and possibly leading to a coup detat. The state is not necessarily innocent, and the people convicted of crimes with political repercussions in the past may well be victims of a deep state operation. That is the main lesson Turkey has learned from the current Ergenekon investigation. The Turkish history is full of crime dossiers, either left open or whose closure was disputed. According to Sancar, public control over the legal and political processes is also important to guarantee that the political government does not enter into the mistake of bargaining. It has to be kept in mind that the prime suspects of the Ergenekon organization were already colonels in the army in the run-up to the 1980 coup and that their involvement in these events may have been more than learning a lesson. In Turkey it is already felt that the plans of the Ergenekon terrorist organization is pushing the country in to a period of unrest in order to legitimize a military intervention. The future will hopefully tell us more about the link between Ergenekon and the corruption they caused on the field of economy, in which there is already made important progress. Anyway, Ergenekon can be seen as a network who is extremely powerful. They are powerful because they have, as it is determined by the prosecutors, economical, political and policy advantages. That is why the Elite Cartels syndrome can be linked with Turkey. The fact that the closure of the AK Party failed determines the moderate power of the state and its capacity. However, ErdoÄÅ ¸an points his finger to the economical and political reforms his government made in the recent years and that Ergenekon should be consider as a dark chapter of the Turkish history.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Physics in Computer Games :: Physics video games computer

Physics is one of the key elements of any computer game or animation. This is especially true, when it comes to 3D environments. Physics applies to every aspect of the real world, from how objects act on each other through obvious collisions down to the more in depth conservation of energies and momentums. These same concepts apply to Computer Generated Environments (CGE). 3D CGEs always require a few key laws to be followed in order for them to look at least somewhat realistic. Without at least implementing these simple physics concepts, the interaction of polygons will look unrealistic. Polygons can easily be treated as simple masses, and thus, applying physic law to them is simple. One of the most important laws that must be followed is the Law of gravity. Without gravity, objects will either simply float about aimlessly. Making objects stick to the ground isn't a solution, or falling objects would hit the ground instantaneously, and it would look pretty terrible. The Laws of gravity must be followed. Second, the three laws of Newton must be followed. They describe the way that forces act on objects. The 3 laws simplified are as follows: 1. Velocity remains constant unless a force acts on the object. 2. Sum of the forces equals the product of the mass and its acceleration. 3. For every action, there is an equal reaction, just opposite in direction. Third, are the conservations. This includes Conservation of Momentum, Conservation of Energy, and Conservation of Torque. This page wont get into the latter, since it isn't really necessary for CGEs. To get more information about any of these Physics concepts and laws and how they apply to 3D CGEs, use the menu to browse the rest of the site. Have Fun! Don't hurt yourself, and keep an eye out for an easter egg. Gravity is one of those things that simply has to exist. A CGE that lacks gravity will more than likely have some other form of keeping objects together and on a plane, such as simply making all the objects stick to the ground. This isn't the best way to go about doing this. Gravity would create a much more realistic emulation of reality. Sure, objects simply tied to the ground can work, but if these objects were to fall, then the fall would have to be pre-rendered, or sequenced. A simple change in the height from which an object falls, and this wouldn't look realistic. The object would look as if fell too quickly, or the environment would be limited to set height increases. Physics in Computer Games :: Physics video games computer Physics is one of the key elements of any computer game or animation. This is especially true, when it comes to 3D environments. Physics applies to every aspect of the real world, from how objects act on each other through obvious collisions down to the more in depth conservation of energies and momentums. These same concepts apply to Computer Generated Environments (CGE). 3D CGEs always require a few key laws to be followed in order for them to look at least somewhat realistic. Without at least implementing these simple physics concepts, the interaction of polygons will look unrealistic. Polygons can easily be treated as simple masses, and thus, applying physic law to them is simple. One of the most important laws that must be followed is the Law of gravity. Without gravity, objects will either simply float about aimlessly. Making objects stick to the ground isn't a solution, or falling objects would hit the ground instantaneously, and it would look pretty terrible. The Laws of gravity must be followed. Second, the three laws of Newton must be followed. They describe the way that forces act on objects. The 3 laws simplified are as follows: 1. Velocity remains constant unless a force acts on the object. 2. Sum of the forces equals the product of the mass and its acceleration. 3. For every action, there is an equal reaction, just opposite in direction. Third, are the conservations. This includes Conservation of Momentum, Conservation of Energy, and Conservation of Torque. This page wont get into the latter, since it isn't really necessary for CGEs. To get more information about any of these Physics concepts and laws and how they apply to 3D CGEs, use the menu to browse the rest of the site. Have Fun! Don't hurt yourself, and keep an eye out for an easter egg. Gravity is one of those things that simply has to exist. A CGE that lacks gravity will more than likely have some other form of keeping objects together and on a plane, such as simply making all the objects stick to the ground. This isn't the best way to go about doing this. Gravity would create a much more realistic emulation of reality. Sure, objects simply tied to the ground can work, but if these objects were to fall, then the fall would have to be pre-rendered, or sequenced. A simple change in the height from which an object falls, and this wouldn't look realistic. The object would look as if fell too quickly, or the environment would be limited to set height increases.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Miner1 Shawna Pergeson Miss Miner English II 18 March 2014 Holocaust Experiments People all over the world go through a lot of hardship. Starvation, abuse, wars, bombing raids, genocide. People would suffer over the fallen economy. In Europe and even here in the United States, many people struggled to survive through the Holocaust Era. It’s weary out there. The people who had it the worse were the Polish, Russians, Gypsies, and especially the Holocaust victims; the Jewish Population. They were kicked out of their homes, shoved into cattle cars, killed, and made to work in a concentration camps and many other terrible things. The worst of all, they were experimented on. The following pages are going to tell you how the concentration camps were built, who ran the experiment camps. Also about the experiments and what the effects were. Shawna Pergeson Miner2 Miss Miner English II 18 March 2014 The medical experiments started in World War II. Buchenwald was one of the first camps built in the summer of 1937. The prisoners were made to carry very large rocks to build it during their â€Å"free time†. Prisoners were used for Virus Researches like Typhus and were infused with numerous types of pathogens to reveal the strengths of the vaccines. Usually killing the subjects, forced prisoners like the Jews and Gypsies were force to take part. The Buchenwald Camp was freed April 11, 1945. The day after that, President Franklin Roosevelt died. Soviets then used the camp as another concentration camp, not for civilians, but for their own enemies in Germany. The doctors during... ...ctors put in the tuberculosis bacteria in the prisoners at camp Neuengamme. Around two hundred adults died from this. They also cut off legs and shoulders from prisoners at Ravensbruck to attach them onto other subjects. This also included parts of bones, muscles, and nerves to analyze the healing process for the body parts. The result of the experiments were horrid pain, mutilation, disability, and death. Doctors of the Concentration Camps also experimented on birth effects. They meant to radiate and sterilize young men and study the changes in the reproduction organs. Women had substances unwillingly implanted their cervix or uterus which caused pain, bleeding, and spasms. Women were forced into artificial insemination. The subjects were told that they have monsters in their wombs and were cross bred from animals. This was probably the worse of the experiments.

Friday, October 11, 2019

L.A. Candy Summarization

L. A. Candy is one of a trilogy series written by Lauren Conrad. The author was inspired to write this book due to the fact that she participated in two reality television series, Laguna Beach and The Hills. The genre of this novel is young-adult literature. Jane Roberts and Scarlett Harp just graduated from high school and move to L. A. to begin an active new life style. Jane works for an event planner, Fiona Chen while Scarlett studies at the University of Southern California. A producer of an upcoming reality series came across the girls at Les Deux Nightclub and presented the idea of being apart of his new series know as L.A. Candy. The girls were thrilled with the idea but little did they know the malicious plots the Hollywood lifestyle had to offer. The series created a somewhat artificial friendship with Madison Parker, a charming but vicious celebutante and Gaby Garcia, a typical â€Å"dumb blonde. † Jane meets Jesse Edwards, a notorious playboy and falls madly in love , but when Jesse flirts with two blonde bimbos at his twenty first birthday, Jane is hurt beyond repair. Madison, craving attention, makes a malevolent deal with the Gossip magazine publisher, Veronica Bliss.This deal entitled Madison leaking pictures of Jane hooking up with Jesse's best friend Braden after his twenty first birthday when she was feeling desperate and vulnerable. Madison knew this would destroy Jane's career but she yearend for a cover in the magazine and this was the only way she could accomplish her goal. In the end, the news got around Hollywood faster than the bubonic plague and Jane was devastated. I recommend this novel to anyone who watched Lauren Conrad's reality television series The Hills and enjoyed the non-stop gossiping and ludicrous fights.The novel gives a superb insight into the behind-the-scenes look of a reality television show such as, the scripted scenes and the constant annoyance of cameras and paparazzi. Any teenage girl who is interested in the Hollywood scene would be infatuated with this novel as it has an unexpected story line and dramatic events. The characters are relatable and it is extremely simple to immerse yourself into the world in which the girls live in. Lastly, this book was number one in the New York Times Bestseller and I would highly encourage anyone who appreciated this novel to read the whole series.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Behavioral Change WIthin an Organization Essay

1.What characterizes a hyperturbulent environment? †¢A hyperturbulent environment is characterized by rapidly changing product lines, an increasing and changing set of competitors, rapid and continual technological innovation, and rapid market growth. 2.On the Adaptive Cultures diagram, describe the difference between a â€Å"satisficing† environment and a â€Å"reactive† environment? †¢The difference between â€Å"satisficing† and â€Å"reactive environments† stems from their respective differences pertaining to their environmental stability and adaptive orientation. A â€Å"satisficing† style is the result of a stable environment and a high level of adaptive orientation. This style of managing emphasizes a centralized decision-making structure, more levels of management, and coordination by formalized committees. A â€Å"reactive† style is the result of a hyperturbulent environment and a low level of adaptive orientation. Management typically deals with problems on a crisis basis. This style implies waiting until serious problems can no longer be ignored and then correcting them with drastic measures. 3.Which is the â€Å"best† situation on the diagram and the â€Å"worst†? †¢The â€Å"best† situation on the diagram is renewing/transformational management. This style is proactive; identifying solutions to problems before they occur, and constantly changing through innovation to stay ahead of competitors. Conversely, the â€Å"worst† situation on the diagram is sluggish-thermostat management. This style has a tendency to value tradition, which is a road block to change, and emphasizes formal control systems, processes, and procedures. As a result, this style can lead to failure through current success (things are working well right now, so why change them). 4.Describe Open System. Give an example. †¢An open system is based on interdependency. It is in constant interaction with its environment; influencing and being influenced. Feedback is obtained throughout this interaction so that the system can adjust and achieve a constant state of dynamic equilibrium. An example of an open system is a family. Parents, children, siblings, etc. constantly act and react to one another based upon what each individual member puts forth (work, money, love, daily problems, school, friendship, etc.). 5.Describe Socio-technical system. Give an example. †¢A social-technical system views the organization as an open system of coordinated human and technical activities. Under this view, the organization’s activities consist of the goals and values, technical, structural, psychosocial, and managerial subsystems. Any changes that occur in any of the organization’s process can have effects throughout the organization since all processes are related. An example of this is a bank. If management decides to change the way it take in deposits, this has an effect on the backroom operations of the bank (clearing and settling the deposit transactions), the bank tellers (how to take and handle the deposits), customer service (what type of information to relay to the deposit customers), and marketing (the information used for advertising may have changed). This change also effect the lending function (deposits are the source of funding for the bank’s loans, therefore loan pricing may be effected). 6.Give me a situation where you might use a â€Å"contingency approach† at work? †¢The contingency approach says that there is no one â€Å"best way† to handle all situations that may occur. Rather, a person needs to adjust to the situation and handle it based upon the characteristics at hand. A situation where I use the contingency approach is in dealing with my coworkers. One group of people I work with can handle very direct and candid responses to issues and problems; therefore I speak with them in this manner. Conversely, another group of individuals is not as susceptible to candor. I must use finesse and a great deal of emotion in relaying solutions to problems they want to solve. 7.How are the concepts of future shock and hyperturbulent environment similar? †¢The concepts of future shock and a hyperturbulent environment are similar in that both deal with a rapid level of change. As a result, organizations must be more adaptable and flexible than ever before to deal with the ever changing landscapes in which they operate. 8.OD focuses on the _________, _______, and ____.____ †¢OD focuses on the individual, team, and organizational behavior. Read the article on the Airline Industry (Fear and Loathing)—Write two or three paragraphs describing the problem. How could this be fixed? †¢The problem with the airline industry, based upon the article Fear and Loathing (BusinessWeek, September 10, 2007) is that the overall industry lacks leadership. That is, it appears that no one is in charge. Various members of the entire industry (the airlines, unions, small plane owners, community groups, the government, and the FAA) have only their self-interests at heart. As such, no one is being held accountable for what is needed most—change. While the airline industry has developed into its current form, it has not accounted for economic, technological, and environmental changes. The preferred fix for this problem—a lack of accountability due to a lack of leadership—would be for an independent group to take long-term oversight of much needed changes in the airline industry. This group would act in the best interest of the system (i.e. the airline industry). In addition, this group could provide much needed oversight in changing the overall self-serving mindset of the individual groups. Unfortunately, likely many government (or in this case quasi-government) situations, the adage of â€Å"if it isn’t broke don’t fix it† is followed. And, like past situations, it typically takes a large-scale catastrophe to promote change (i.e. sluggish-thermostat management).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why has Tesco's loyal card scheme been successful where competitors' Dissertation

Why has Tesco's loyal card scheme been successful where competitors' schemes have not - Dissertation Example It has over two thousand stores all over United Kingdom and has a wide range of products from everyday items of groceries to electric appliances to the mortgage market and even a clothing line. This indicates the level of diversity that this store has been into. The company does not target a specific niche; instead it has been very successful at capturing the mass market yet providing a customized approach to the masses. Thos customer centric and market oriented approach has helped Tesco become better than ever before, defeating all its competitors by making sure all their systems were intact. Its success involved its customer loyalty card which helped Tesco gauge customer interests, trends and ready-to-use market research that was in line with customer needs and wants. Surprisingly, when Tesco’s loyalty card scheme was thriving, other firms using the loyalty card concept were declining. There is no doubt about the fact that Tesco’s business model and effective strategi es helped it raise its profits and give benefits to customers at the same time. Following is an analysis of Tesco’s success and the impact of the loyalty card scheme on it. ... hat Tesco is a wonderful example of those companies who are benefiting greatly with the use of loyalty cards, by identifying consumer need and anticipating their demand by looking at past trends and regular patterns of buying. All customers who shop from there earn points for shopping and can later use those points for free shopping from any Tesco store. This helps gauge customers loyalty. On the other hand, Tesco itself makes sure that it shows its loyalty to customers too. Moreover, by classifying trends of consumers Tesco has been able to make huge profits even after giving benefits to customers. This mutual interest and benefit to both helps create a win-win situation maintaining loyalty of customers and raising company profits. In itself, this research, taking Tesco as a successful case of giving out loyalty cards to its customers will help analyze the circumstances in which loyalty cards actually work and whether it is worth giving benefits to customers in return for the inform ation that they provide. Even though competitors like Sainsbury also copied this scheme of Tesco, it nearly failed because for first, Tesco had a first mover’s advantage in this industry, and it was known for being customer focused instead of product focused. As a result of this, customers were probably more inclined towards a company that positioned itself as a beneficiary for the customers, giving them benefits of the loyalty card along with excellent customer care which made them feel loyal towards the company. Along with the Loyalty card, the credit of this trust and credibility that Tesco had earned was also because of its efficient processes and fast paced technological improvements that helped it stay perfectly on track with the proficiently functioning supply chain. Thanks to the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Formal Criticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal Criticism - Essay Example This paper will use formal analysis of a selection of scenes from the film 2046 by Wong Kar-wai to highlight Sontag's objection to such analysis. The film explores the experiences surrounding the many loves of the main character, Chow Mo Wan, but doesn't give a precise meaning for the events or even the relationships themselves. The film opens with the enigmatic and multi-layered image of a large, donut-shaped object. It is dark and smooth and shiny, yet also gives the impression of the spiral form of a shell. This represents the "hole in the tree" into which, according to a story repeated by Chow several times in the film, people whisper their deepest secrets, after which they fill the hole with mud to prevent the secret from ever being discovered. As Chow talks about a woman he once loved, we see a woman from behind, whispering her secret into the hole. We don't see her face. The film is filled with images that try to enlarge and deepen the impression that human memory and meaning are limited. The settings are few; a few hotel rooms, a rooftop, streets in which all that is shown is the street light or the wall of a building, a club, a restaurant, and the futuristic train that exists within the science fiction story Chow is writing. Also simplified are the appearances of the actors, almost always shown only from the chest up. They are frequently shown alone, even while conversing with another character. The colors red and black dominate the dcor and the clothing, and dark lighting is used in the majority of the scenes. On rare occasions light colors and daytime scenes are used, as when one of the hotel owner's two young and still somewhat innocent daughters is shown dressed in light green, or when a character is seen on the hotel rooftop during the day. Similarly, worldly women, or women who become worldly during the film, almost inevitably smoke and wear red, black, or gold. Many conclusions could be drawn from such repetitive symbolic content, but from Sontag's point of view, it would be a mistake to do so. Would smoking be interpreted as worldliness at all times and in all cultures, just as the colors a woman wears would always reveal her level of morality If we allow ourselves to see the red dress and the cigarette as symbolic of something specific and universal, do we then, for instance, start to ignore the facial expressions Even here the film seems to adhere to a pattern; the majority of expression shown by the actors is whether and when they do and don't look at one another. This could be interpreted as a device of emotional distancing between people who try to avoid intimacy while at the same time desperately yearning for it. Could it be that the visual elements of the film are simplified in order to force our attention to less obvious parts of the story, or to more subtle characterizations of the actors But it could also be said that the film us es such devices in order to render a flatness and hopelessness in the storyline that lets the viewer know well in advance that there will be no happy endings here. The film doesn't defend itself against this kind of analysis. In one particularly engaging sequence, Chow is writing a futuristic story in which he imagines himself as a Japanese man riding a train into the year 2046, "the place where people go to recover memories". It is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Components of a nutritional assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Components of a nutritional assessment - Essay Example In biochemical analysis, blood, urine, stool, and hair are analyzed in a laboratory. In clinical analysis, an individuals medical history information is assessed and a physical examination conducted to determine nutritional needs. Dietary data is collected through asking an individual to recall what he or she has eaten for the past twenty-four hours, or otherwise the individual is asked to fill a food frequency questionnaire (Johnstone, 2006). Each stage of development has unique nutritional needs. According to Jarvis (2012), it is imperative to breastfeed a newborn exclusively for the first six months as breast milk contains sufficient nutrients necessary for normal growth and development for an infant. Adolescence is a period of rapid growth hence adolescents have high nutritional needs. Therefore, they need increased intake of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support their rapid development (Jarvis, 2012). During middle adulthood, growth and development ceases. At this stage nutrients are mainly used for maintenance and repair hence energy giving foods should be reduced, calcium levels increased as there is a decrease in bone mass, and iron needs remain high for women to compensate for losses during menstruation (Jarvis, 2012). For the elderly, calcium and vitamin D needs remain high for maintenance of bone health, energy giving foods decreased due to reduced activity, and salts and fatty intake shoul d be reduced (Jarvis, 2012). As mentioned earlier, females require more iron to compensate for losses during menstruation. Men have larger bodies in terms of height, weight, and muscle hence require more energy. Additionally, men are more active than female hence require more energy. Daily nutrient intake for adult females are 2000 k/cal while that of men is 2800 k/cal (Jarvis, 2012). Johnstone, C. (2006). Nurses role in nutritional assessment and screening-part one of a two- part series. Nursing Times, 102(49): 28.