Monday, September 30, 2019

Impact of Environmental Regulations on Industry

| IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS ON INDUSTRY| Individual Project BEng AE3082| | | | PIYUM CHATHURANGA PALLIYAGURUGE – K0920258 25/11/2011 | Marked By – Dr Andy Lung Contents Introduction2 Objectives3 Deliverables4 Literature Review (Findings up to date)5 1. General environmental issues and legislations5 2. Environmental legislations and issues on the manufacturing industry and materials6 3. Aerospace related environmental legislations and issues. 7 Gantt Chart9 Discussion10 Reference11 Bibliography11 Appendix11 Introduction The development of the world around us has been increasing rapidly in many areas during the past years.As a result of the development the human lifestyle has become easier and efficient. Unfortunately these benefits from development have come at a price, the price been environmental pollution. The developing process affects the environmental stability of the world in many different ways such as climate change, global warming and health hazards. With the intention of preventing or minimizing these negative effects, governments and other officials have brought forward many environmental regulations. These regulations have an influence on our daily lifestyle and on how industries operate.The history of environmental regulations in Europe goes back to the 19th century when the industrial revolution took place. In 1972 European officials introduced environmental policies with three main objectives. The main objectives were to prevent and reduce environmental damage, to support environmental stability and to balance the use of natural resources. Since then the environmental policies has been changing and affecting many industries around the globe. Some main industries include the building industry, automotive industry, manufacturing industry and aviation industry.Different industries handle environmental regulations using different approaches and the specific impact on the industry differs from one to another. Although the impac t on the industries differ the general out comes by enforcing regulations will remain the same. It is vital to look in to the bigger picture of global environmental protection rather than just concentrating on minor drawbacks which can occurs during the protection process. [EU Environmental Policies,2006] Environmental regulations also have a significant effect on the general public.It is reasonable to state that environmental policies have changed almost every aspect of our lives. Presently more and more people consider been eco-friendly which can be seen from their decision making. There is a direct link between the public and the industries. If the industries introduce more eco-friendly products the public will appreciate them and will consume, the best example for this is the hybrid car. This scenario also works the other way around; if the public insist to have more efficient and eco-friendly products the industry will fulfil their needs.By making this connection stronger it wi ll be easy to restore environmental stability and maintain it with less aggravation. Industries have taken many steps to minimise pollution and to prevent future pollution. This project will look in to the environmental impact on the aviation (aerospace) industry and how it will affect the future of the industry and it will also investigate where the aviation industry stands presently when it comes to environmental regulations. Aviation pollution is highly experienced in and around airports.This is the reason why I selected this specific project. My future plan is to study further on Airport Planning and Management; furthermore my ambition is to work for my country â€Å"Sri Lanka†. Sri Lanka is a developing country which has less experience on the subject of environmental pollution which is another reason for me to select this project. Objectives In order to make the progression of the project easy, the project is carried out in three main stages. This will also help to be o n track according to the project plan; these three stages are illustrated as following.Stage 1 – This stage helps to get an idea on what the project is really about and gives an idea what to expect in the future. Stage one mainly involves general broad reading. Objectives for stage one is as follows. * Planning the project * What is environmental pollution about * The history of the regulations established to protect the environment * Critical analysis of environmental regulations * How environmental regulations effect the general public * Environmental regulations and different industries * Future of the regulations * Introductions to aviation and environmental regulations * Any other general readingStage 2 – The stage two helps to build up own opinions and gain more information on the actual subject. One other main objective in stage two is to think about possible applications for the project. The objectives for stage two is as follows. * Altering the project plan if needed * Regulations on the aviation industry * How the industry act according to the regulations * How different is the aviation industry when compared to other industries * Building up an own opinion on the subject * Possible applications for the project * Report submission (the planning report)Stage 3 – This is the final stage of the project where the possible application is developed based on own opinions of the subject. The reading done in this stage should be more specified on the subject. By doing research it is important to do an in-depth analysis of specific subject data. By stage three the application of the project should be specifying a particular subject, if the application is too general or talks about many issues it will be hard to reach to a conclusion for the project. The objectives for stage three are as follows. * In-depth reading on specified subject area (aviation) Working on one specific application * Coming to a conclusion based on the specified applic ation * Presentation on the project * Report submission (final report) Deliverables General aim of the project was briefly explained earlier in the introduction. If it is to be recapped again, the general aim is to evaluate the impact by environmental legislations on the aerospace industry. For this particular topic there can be many end applications since it is a broad subject area, therefore it is important to narrow the subject matters into a one specified section and continue with the application.By the time the application is completed there will be some deliverables. To explain the deliverables a probable application is used. The application used here might not be exactly the same as the final application of the project since it is only an initial application. Application – Air Traffic (aviation) and environmental legislation What will be looked into? (What will be found out during the project? ) * How airlines operate (in the EU and Global) * Growth of the air transpor t * What is the impact What is the attitude from the airlines towards the regulations * Environmental damage including the present past and future * What will be the future for the aviation under the regulation * Comparison aviation to other industries (environmental aspects) * Some other points ( manufacture of aircrafts/economy/other related pollutions) * Finally criticizing the analysis with the own opinion Deliverables change according to a selected application. One other possible application that can be use is to look in to the manufacturing of aircrafts, materials used and how waste is treated according to environmental legislations.In order to gain all the mentioned deliverables the project should be at the end of stage three as stated in the objectives. Since this project is still at stage two the deliverables might change as the project progresses. Literature Review (Findings up to date) The initial literature review was done in three categories which are, 1. General (any i ndustry other than aerospace) environmental issues and legislations. 2. Environmental legislations and issue on manufacturing industry and materials. 3. Aerospace related environmental legislations and issues.This way of reading was used to make sure that a broad general knowledge is gained on environmental subjects before stepping in to the specified topic. 1. General environmental issues and legislations History of the environmental policies, legislations and organisations [EU Environmental Policies,2006] As mentioned earlier in the introduction the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first brought forward official policies in 1973. Up to now 5 major regulation changes were done by the EPA. Changes were done to address current environmental issues which existed during specific times.EPA gatherings during the past years is as following, * 1st EPA 1973 – Made rules to save water, air and soil. Since it was the first EPA many other new rules were established. * 2nd EPA (1977 -1981) – Did not publish any new regulation. It was held to review the progress of the first EPA. * 3rd EPA (1982-1986) – Discussion on the impact of environmental legislations and economy. Emission rules and how to effectively get rid of waste. * 4th EPA (1987-1992) – Increasing the general quality of the regulations. Introducing taxing and emission permits.Discussion on waste cycles. Analysing impacts on the economy caused by environmental regulations. Discussion on climate changes. * Last EPA up to date (1997-2003) – Renewal of emission standards. * Nest EPA – climate change, natural resources, recycling etc. A critical analysis of EU environmental legislations [EU Environmental Policies,2006] * Environmental regulations change all the time. * In some cases environmental regulations has an influence on economy. * It has been 30 year from the beginning of the EPA but still they are unable to complete some projects.Natural resource use has been in creased and destruction of natural habitats has also increased. * The laws are not effective and regulations are not accessible for the public. The public should be educated more about pollution. Construction industry and environmental impact [Natural Building Technology,2011] * The construction industry induce 7% (from the total) carbon dioxide in the UK. Using of buildings induce 50% carbon dioxide. * Getting rid of the waste is a major issue faced by the construction industry. * Construction industry requires natural resources such as wood. This leads to environmental pollution. Most of the natural resources are taken from China, India and South East Asia, therefore the damage is not directly done to the county where buildings are constructed. Environmental legislation impact on the automotive industry [The Open University,2003] * First emission standards were introduced in 1959 for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission. * Most of the world use emission testing for vehicles. * The regulations are tight on the diesel engine use. * Due to the regulations engine life span is getting less and new designs are introduced frequently. * Regulations has changed customer point of view.They are looking for more efficient engines with less noise for a reasonable price. * Due to the hybrid and electric vehicles the future of the diesel engine is not promising. 2. Environmental legislations and issues on the manufacturing industry and materials Environmental Materials [UK Centre for Materials Education, 2011] * Stages of material usage include extraction, production, product design and disposal. * The subject environmental materials look in to the material structure, chemical and physical properties. Other than that it also looks in to the economical point of view. Picture below shows the lifecycle of a material Diagram 01, Life Cycle Analysis [UK Centre for Materials Education, 2011] The impact of environmental regulations on the UK manufacturing sector [Nottingham U niversity, 2011] * In a country the economy and environmental pollution is not proportional if that country has proper regulations. * Current regulations act as a helping hand towards the development. * Some regulations are not helping innovation. * More flexible regulations are good for the economy. * UK manufactures always select the short term regulations. * Many companies now use materials with produce less waste. . Aerospace related environmental legislations and issues. Growth of aviation [Professor John Whitelegg ,2000] * Since 2006 the growth has been 30% and it will double by 2020. The growth from 1995 to 2015 is nearly 300%. * Aviation has the highest growth rate of all modern transport methods. * Global revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) increased by a factor of 4. 6 (since 1970-1995). RPK growth for different regions are- North America 27. 5%/Europe 12. 5%/America to Europe 11%/ Asia to America to Europe 12. 7/rest of the world 36. 5%. But by today Asia (china and India) has the highest RPK due to the rapid development. By 2015 310 million passengers will go through UK airports (in 1995 it was 126 million). Noise pollution by aviation[Professor John Whitelegg ,2000] * The noise pollution is commonly experienced around the airports. Officials claims that the noise footprint of the UK airports has gone down, but complaints from the public against the new terminal 5 in Heathrow airport proved that claim was wrong. * In Netherland noise pollution by aircrafts is 12%. * UK officials claim that the number of people exposed to noise pollution has rapidly gone down, but Germany had done an investigation on the same matter and came up with a different claim.They stated that there is an increase in the number of people who are exposed. * Noise pollution effects human health in many different ways. Pollution by aircraft emission [Professor John Whitelegg ,2000] * Gasses which pollute the environment – carbon monoxide/ nitrogen oxides/ ozone / particula te matter (PM)/ volatile organic compounds (VOC)/ sulphur dioxide. * UK officials claim that aviation pollution is insignificant, but US data for Zurich and Stockholm airports show that aviation emission pollution is significant in well-defined geographical area. Table below shows the Heathrow airport annual emission data Diagram 02, Heathrow airport annual emission [Professor John Whitelegg ,2000] * Prediction shows that by 2050 carbon dioxide will increase by 588% and nitrogen Oxide by 411%. * Aircraft emission at upper troposphere and lower stratosphere can cause serious climate change problems. Policy measures and management in aviation [Professor John Whitelegg ,2000] * There are fewer regulations for the aviation industry when compared to other industries. * Aviation industry should also follow regulations as other industries do. Current environmental regulations on aviation are out dated. * Aircraft fuel is not under any taxing. * To control pollution it is important to manag e the transport demand. * If a new regulation is introduces it should be introduced step by step. All the above mentioned points are from initial literature review. These data are brief descriptions obtained from broad reading. More detailed data are available in the log book. Gantt Chart The time period from 29/09/11 to 25/11/11 represents the stage one and two from the objectives.By the time this report is completed this section will be completed. Stage one and two has only got four slots allocated and it is only a quarter of the total slots available. This shows that the amount of work which has to be done in stage 3 is comparatively high. The time allocation for specified reading, preparation for the final report and project seminar report and poster submission is relatively high. These are very important tasks of the project therefore they are going to consume more time relative to other tasks. The third stage starts on the 26/11/11 and it ends on 26/04/12.Note – A full sized Gantt chart is attached in the appendix. Discussion The initial literature review shows general connections and areas where environment regulations have failed to achieve the required results. The regulations have been there for almost 30 years now but still most of the issues are not completely solved. Greenhouse gas emission has considerably decreased during the past years, but the rate of decline is not that impressive. The natural resource use has also rapidly increased up to a point where the general public can feel the effects of it.It is fair to say that the world is in desperate need of finding alternative sustainable energy methods to survive in the future. There is a hidden truth behind the use of natural resource by developed countries. Most of the developed countries have limited their natural resource use but in order to fulfil their needs, natural resources are imported from other developing countries. This may seem great on the developed countries side but what they do not realise is the fact that negative effects from harvesting natural resources (no matter where it comes from) is going to be global.By going through the data I feel like the environmental regulations has gone easy on the aviation industry when compared to other industries. Best example for this is the fact that automotive emission percentages are declining while aircraft emissions are on the rise. As an excuse for this most officials (mainly in the UK) compares data from 30 years back and claims, there is a drop in emission levels, but what they are not doing is, comparing data with other industries. If the emission is compared with other industries it will be glaringly obvious that more work should be done on aircraft emission standards.One main reason for the slackness towards the environmental regulation on aviation industry is that aircraft traffic only contributes a small percentage towards the total pollution of the planet. But this claim is not that accurate, it doe sn’t take in to account the manufacturing process of aircrafts, natural resources used in the process and vehicle emissions due to airport traffic. Emission is not the only environmental problem caused by aviation, noise pollution is another main issue caused by aviation. New research shows that exposition to high noise levels can cause serious damage to people.People who are continually exposed to high noise levels are more likely to gain noise related health issues, due to this fact living near airports can be a prime reason for health hazards. Likewise there are many unsolved problems involving the environmental pollution and aircraft industry. More details regarding issues and practical solutions for the issues will be researched and criticised in the next stage of this project. Furthermore an appropriate application will also be used to narrow the subject in order to make it more specific.Reference * EU Environmental Policies, 2006 – A short history of the policy strategies. [Online ] Available at : < http://www. eeb. org/publication/chapter-3. pdf> Last accessed 20th Oct 2011 * Natural Building Technology, 2011– Environmental Impact. [Online ] Available at : < http://www. natural-building. co. uk/environmental_impact. html> Last accessed 30th Sep 2011 * The Open University, 2003– Environmental legislation as a driver of design. [Online ] Available at : < http://oro. open. ac. uk/13233/1/13233. df> Last accessed 3th Oct 2011 * UK Centre for Materials Education, 2011– Environmental Materials. [Online ] Available at : < http://www. materials. ac. uk/guides/environmental. asp> Last accessed 24th Oct 2011 * Nottingham University, 2011– The Impact of Environmental Regulations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. [Online ] Available at : < http://www. nottingham. ac. uk/business/lizrr1_Profrep. pdf> Last accessed 26th Oct 2011 * Professor John Whitelegg ,2000– Aviation: the social, economic and environmental impact of flying [Online ] Available at : < http://www. reco. org/air10. pdf> Last accessed 27th Oct 2011 Bibliography * The Economic Impact of Environmental Regulation (Page 1) (http://web. mit. edu/polisci/mpepp/Reports/Econ%20Impact%20Enviro%20Reg. pdf) * Carbon Capture & Storage (http://www. scottish-enterprise. com/~/media/SE/Resources/Documents/ABC/Carbon-capture-and-storage-opportunities-for-Scotland. ashx) * Environmental law (http://www. ukela. org/rte. asp? id=14) Appendix

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Abuses of Technology

For the skeptic minds, this quotation is enough to rest the debate, however for many, It becomes important to make them see the other side of the picture as well. Social networking, news and knowledge on the go, cures and diagnosis of many diseases, connectivity around the world and turning the world in to a global village are some of the benefits of the technology. Sadly, humans have become so shallow that we close our eyes to any harmful effect of the things that give us the benefit of even the slightest percentage.Ladies and gentlemen, the problems that we are facing today's are Like a tribe with technology as their tribal flouters ancestor. Allow me to state my stance. Teen depression. Teen suicide. The figures attached to these numbers are massive and the rate of growth In these numbers Is high as well. The mall reason attached behind Is the abuse the teenagers face especially on the social networks such as Faceable. Everyone becomes a victim. No one has a personal life anymore. Privacy becomes an issue. Pictures of girls are circulated around the globe. One rumor is enough to ruin the life of an individual.Family ties are limited online as well. The emotional level is as unpredictable as a network connection. Weapons in the hands of the army are a symbol of valor and safety, in the hands of racist groups are the symbols of terrorism. This is the exact scenario for the social networking platforms. Little good has come out from social media activist than the harm from the rest of the world. Technology is used by many to gain knowledge. Everything is just a click away for the world. But let us question our self on an honest note, what type of knowledge do we gain from it. For how long can we sit and study.Books are the most renewable resource of information and knowledge and even while sitting online, we are referred to books. The harmful causes attached to it, eye sight, and constant vulnerability to radiations lead to cancerous diseases. Let us go back. Ir aq! What good use did technology bring? Nuclear bombs? Weapons of mass destruction? They said technology will lead to the exact location. Let me remind everyone where it led after killings millions, to a single word, Sorry. In the end ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case for the intellect of your mind to decide without being bias.By Sarah Alicia Abuses of Technology By Sarah-Alicia it becomes important to make them see the other side of the picture as well. Social are like a tribe with technology as their tribal fictitious ancestor. Allow me to state my and the rate of growth in these numbers is high as well. The main reason attached behind is the abuse the teenagers face especially on the social networks such as world. Technology is used by many to gain knowledge. Everything is Just a click away killings millions, too single word, Sorry. In the end ladies and gentlemen.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

“Marrying Absurd” by Joan Didion Essay

Marrying Absurd is a writer based on marrying in Las Vegas and how easy is getting married. This write is writing by Joan Didion, he is a novelist and essayist. His purpose in this essay was to show readers that everyone can marry in Las Vegas whenever they want. A couple just should pay for the license and an ID that show that they both have the age requirement to get married. Marriage over there is a way super-fast and ship. Las Vegas, Nevada is a state that everything in the party because of the casino and the tourist visiting every year. Las Vegas has made such as the title of â€Å"What happens in Las Vegas stay in Las Vegas†. Because of this title, people are more likely to go to Las Vegas and go wild. This title is more know that people find love or a partner in crime over there, it is just a place to have some fun. Las Vegas never sleep because of the casinos, places, and the tourist that are rounding around. Didion stays that you can go to Las Vegas single, find a par tner and get married, avoiding that there is not love. Just with eighteen years old, a girl can go and marry without getting parental and the men just swear that he is twenty-one. In contrast to Florida girls with eighteen years old steel need parental sign until twenty-one. Didion specifies that they must swear, but yes they need to show an ID. Nothing more is required. All you need is want to get married, is that absurd? Didion stays what is likely and absurd is to get marry on Nevada. Didion focused on be sarcastically and show how to marriage in Las Vegas is absurd compared to the traditional way. The traditional way to get married, is known each other first, get in love on day by day basis. Then get to know the family, where they come from if it is a good family. Because it is going to be your family too. Sometimes living together before marriage could help building a good marriage in the future, or decide whether is the person you want next to you. Nowadays most couples live together before marriage and they become a successful family at the end. Then the ring ceremony, this date the groom prepare a good place and give a special ring to the future wife. Later, picking a special date to get married that for both mean something. Pick a good Dress for the girl and a men suit. This part is very important and most time for the bride. A good place for the wedding, and a delicious food. Everything must be perfect for the bride sake. The traditional way has been for years important for many people. It is special and people has memories remains forever. According to the text, marrying in Las Vegas is a way faster to get married. It is way more ship that the traditional one because the couple just pays for the license that is way more ship than a hiring a pop and get married in an expensive hotel. Getting married in Las Vegas just take one day, the traditional could take a minimum one month. In the end, it is the same marriage certificate and the same legitimate certificate, but it is still a bit different still. In Las Vegas, the couple marries without the family being there, sometimes an unknown person walks the bride, and there is unknown witness sign for the couple’s â€Å"love†. There are still people that think that a marriage certificate does not define the love that they feel for each other. These couples live for years have children, grandchildren and still does not want to get married, and yes they are the happiest one. Inside them, a piece of paper does not define anything. Other couples, all they think is getting married no matter what, and when they get married, they fail. Their relationship based on a certificate and that is not everything. And these are the couple that goes to Las Vegas and got married because all they want is a marriage certificate. Also, some women get married to an old man just to get his money. They forget that marriage is about love. Most couple that marries in Las Vegas does not love each other. Sometimes they are drunk because Las Vegas is like that, 90% of people that goes to visit Las Vegas get wild. In my belief, marrying is very important and Las Vegas is demonstrating that anyone can marry whenever they want without getting in so many details. If you have 20 boxes, you can just go with your partner and get married. They give you everything, dress, main suit, witness, everything you need. At some point that insane. Sometimes the couple just met at the casino or bar and they are drunk, they do not each other, just take the decision to get married at that time. The Court of Nevada is giving the couple that does not even know their name the opportunity to get married. What happens next, they get the divorce at the next day, because they do not know each other that much to make the thing that a married couple is supposed to do, or just live in different cities. A lot of tourists go every year, or once in all their lifetime to Las Vegas casinos and get drunk, wild, and that is awesome, but they are getting crazy about the â€Å"marring thing†. As we all know Las Vegas is the city of marriage. And yes, a lot of couple marriage there and as today they are still together, but that’s not all the cases. What about if the bride is the fifth teen and the bridegroom is sixty. It is the same they can get married in Las Vegas. Las Vegas has no law that the bride must bring the birth certificate or more than one proof to demonstrate that is eighteen years old. So, it is a big concern if the bride is fifty teen years old, looks like twenty and have a fake license ID. It can happen though and still get married to an old person or just a man that is basically 5 years more. There is no law that says to them that they cannot get married. But that is not even legal, but they can get married. There is no love between a fifty teen years old and old men of sixty. The fifty teen years old probably feel an illusion calling that love, and the old men just are his middle life crisis and want to be with a young girl. Without so much paperwork everyone no matter race, age, or religion can get married. Marring in Las Vegas is very controversial; couples can have their honeymoon at the same time. For some couples choosing Las Vegas for the day most important in their life is like a dream. A broom can give a dream ring in the middle of the casino if the girl says yes, they can marry at that exact moment. They are just following the emotions of what happened at that exact moment. They can dress like stars. These are most common on emerging adulthood stage between twenty-five and twenty-four, when both couples are in love and do not know the significance of marriage, and want to live a crazy moment like Las Vegas court propose to them. These marriage thing is engaging more young people to marry early in life, and became wife and groom when they are not prepared. On my perspective on this topic, marrying in Las Vegas is wrong. Most people that get married in Las Vegas do not love each other. If the couple loves each other, they get the time to prepare a wedding according to their money but very special to them with the family and friends, not in Las Vegas without the people that care about them. And maybe get the honeymoon on Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada court is good for people that do not have any money and they want to get marriage and a marriage certificate is so important for them. And by the way, Vegas is not that ship to go, so if they go to Vegas is because they got the money to pay a flight, is better if they invest that money on a near court. The court is just a low profit for people getting crazy about Vegas and the marriage thing and getting wild and drunk. It should be a law that restricts the way of the wedding in Las Vegas. It should be more paperwork like others court to sign a yes, and start to live a married life. People sho uld marry in the traditional way, and it would stay memories last. To summarize, Didion point of view say that marrying in Las Vegas is absurd and explain the reason why and how is the marrying is done. I think the same as him, Las Vegas court of Nevada is making more people get married and are increasing the divorce papers. Wedding taking over there does not last long, it just part of the getting wild in Las Vegas. As it says â€Å"What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas†.

Friday, September 27, 2019

SarbanesOxley Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SarbanesOxley Paper - Essay Example Furthermore, the law covers significant corporate issues as follows ("Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - SOX, Investopedia" n.d.): In view of the provisions of the SOX, companies covered are required to submit report on their internal controls to ensure that they are compliant with the law in general. As per Section 404 of the Act, Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers must file Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports, the forms of which are published by the Securities and Exchange Commission. ("Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - SOX," n.d.) Moreover, the said section requires management to document and evaluate the effectiveness of their internal controls over financial reporting. As part of the reports, companies must provide verification that their internal controls have been appropriately assessed. Such provisions present new challenges to businesses, particularly in terms of documentation of control procedures related to information technology.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Canadian Involvement in Afghan War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Canadian Involvement in Afghan War - Essay Example Each participating nation has contributed on both levels to the overall battle. When it comes to a public relations standpoint, it has left many wondering when, if ever, the needs of back home will be attended to. Things such as health care for those who need it, funding education, taking care of roads that need repaving, etc. Many have argued that, while the intent of riding the world of terrorism is an understandable cause, the amount of time and energy spent on the issue, could very well be allocated elsewhere as well. In such areas that are desperately seeking an assistance from the necessary state and federal agencies and if they don't receive such assistance, may run the risk of falling by the waste side. An example of such a country with real economic concerns for their citizens and the desire to investigate the expenditures given to the war in Afghanistan, would be Canada. America's neighbor to the north but a neighbor that has issues at home that are just as important to them, as American and other countries issues are to them. Just as the case is for other nations that are faced with the issue of assisting with the war on terror, such as combat issues in Afghanistan, Canada too has been faced with the dilemma of deciding how best to proceed. In regards to Canadian intent, "At the Conservatives' behest, Parliament voted in March 2008 to end Canada's military role in Afghanistan in 2011," (Annis, p.1). A clear indicator of the desire amongst many to return the attention of the Canadian government back to where most feel it should be. That is, handling the many issues within its borders that average Canadian citizens feel remain un-noticed, all the while, the economy of the country remains locked into the impending cost assessments of its continued involvement in the war effort. From a more human level, "The war is going terribly wrong for Ottawa by any measure. Thousands of Afghans have died or suffered injury. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have been displaced, forced into exile and otherwise lost their livelihoods," (Annis, p.1). Such an assessment, would serve to bring into focus the cost of continued involvement with the war, that can easily be overlooked. That is, the cost to the lives of those who are faced with the continued responsibility, on whatever level, of maintaining the present action in Afghanistan and forgoing anything else. From a standpoint of economics, the GDP (or Gross Domestic Product) of a nation, affirms its strength as a producing country. According to the U.S. State Department, the following are figures in regards to Canada's GDP which come from 2007. In the section under economy, they are: GDP(2007): 1.266 trillion Real GDP growth rate (2007): 2.7% Per capita GDP (2007): $38,435. (Background Note, p.1). Economically speaking, the citizens of Canada have real and pressing needs to be met that would be assisted by the re-direction of funds back to aiding the funding of those programs and services. Keeping education funding at the level at which it would need to be in order to best serve Canadian students, would better be met by the re-allocation of funds that are presently being spent on military operations in Afghanistan. From a standpoint

CVS Caremark ratio analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CVS Caremark ratio analysis - Assignment Example The company is therefore focused in the reinvention of pharmacy and the provision of highly innovated solutions that improve the well-being of the customers. The company also has a strategic plan to offer high quality health care service at an affordable cost, to cater for the needs of people with different financial background. The company has also implemented a health care program for the members of staff. The program involves free health care services to the employees. The program also constitutes the employee motivation strategy for the company. The company has more than 7,300 pharmacy stores spread across the United States. The accounting standards The International accounting standards and the general accounting principles have established rules and regulations governing the accounting practices in organizations. These rules and regulations are intended to guide the organization’s management team into practicing the generally accepted accounting methods. The company†™s financial statements reflect a commitment by the company to following the standards set by the international accounting standards. Such standards include the guide to revenue recognition, the concept of consistency, the concept of materiality and earnings management. The accounting standards state that revenue is â€Å"the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants.† According to IAS 18, revenue is supposed to be recognized exclusively under the following criteria: when a business unit has completed the transfer of ownership of goods; when a business has ceased exercising applicable managerial authorities and has given up any form of control over the goods; when the amount of the expected revenue can be determined with consistency; when it is certain that financial inflows resultin g from a certain business transaction will be directed to an entity; and when expenditures and costs related to a business transaction can be measured with consistency (Oppermann, 2009). On the other hand, revenues obtained through the provision of services should be recognized â€Å"where the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably, associated revenue should be recognized by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period. The importance of distinguishing between the terms in financial reporting is to facilitate the provision of reliable material information to the users of financial statement. After a keen evaluation of the company’s financial statements, it has been proven that the accounting standards have been given first priority. The company has strictly followed the rules guiding the revenue recognition when preparing the income statement. The concept of consistency is an accoun ting term that states, similar items in a financial statement should receive similar treatment. For instance, item X in the current financial period should be treated the same as item X in the subsequent financial periods (Oppermann, 2009). CVS Company has considered this concept during the financial statement preparation. To illustrate further, for the two financial periods under consideration, the account receivables have been given a similar treatment. That is, they have been recognized as assets. The concept of materiality states that a financial state

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Distribution Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Distribution Systems - Essay Example They are carried to different areas to be distributed in different retail outlets. At times, the distribution centers are located near the bottling plants of Coca Cola. The objective of the distribution centre being near to the plant is easy transportation of the bottles into the carrying vans (Berry, â€Å"ColaLife MDCs and Coca Colas Manual Distribution System†). Coca Cola endeavors that everyone should get to enjoy a sip of the Coca Cola drink, no matter where the person is located. For this, the company has a strong distribution system. The entire functioning of the distribution system is looked after by the distribution department. This department covers the purchase point, reaching to the final consumers, delivery, sales and warehousing in the supply chain of Coca Cola. Moreover, the distribution department has the responsibility of looking after the delivery of inventory in more than 8000 centres all over the world. There are four important core areas of the distribution department. These four important areas are – Consumer and Customer Service Systems, Managing Demand and Planning Operations, Infrastructure Planning and Development. The system of customer service and consumer is a way to develop a structure for executing strategies of consumers and customers. The purpose of this framework is to understand the needs and requirements of the customers. Customer is the king in the modern economy. The company wants to promote the strength of its brand through proper consumer and customer services. The system also intends to link the consumers with marketing mechanisms, logistics and warehousing. Distribution of products is pointless without a proper study of consumer demand. Consumer demand is arrived at by the application of quantitative tools. The Demand Management System links up all important stakeholders of the company like the distributors and the suppliers in the final

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Studies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Studies - Research Paper Example The imposition fact is ascertained through the investigation and study of politics in different parts of the world. While bulk of the African continent is characterized by impoverished state of existence, there are exceptions that invoke serious thinking beyond a pre conceived mind set. One of the examples given by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu is that of Botswana- a minnow state in continent, yet its standing compared to the neighboring region is far more different in terms of the social and economic level of prosperity. Its standing in terms of the per capita income allows it a seat amongst the likes of Costa Rica, Argentina and Russia. The very near neighboring zone comprising of the likes of Congo and other names of destitute depict a sorry tale of affairs in political and economic domain. Hence it is the doing of local brain, internal assessment and administration that determine the overall outlook of a nation in terms of its success or failure. Other similar example present ed by the author is that of the Korean Peninsula. The two adjoining neighbors (South Korea and North Korea) enjoy a different level of social standing, prosperity, GDP, per capita income). The demographics of the two countries are as identical as the biological twins, yet it is the policies, maneuvering of the economic and political activity that leads to either prosperity of poverty. The same stands true on the GDP per capita income of the two nations with South Korea ranked at a position of 48 (World bank Indicators) while North Korea at the rock bottom of the list, all to the internal policies and priorities. The former adopted a policy that was people friendly, ushered economic activity, provided freedom on business fronts, incorporated businesses locally and abroad. It is the mindset within that restricts prosperity. Number of events and traces can be extracted from the era of Industrial revolution. Industrial revolution was one event in the modern history that significantly ch anged the outlook of businesses, economy and countries standing among others. However despite the effective presence of such a vibrant force of industrial revolution certain societies failed to attain the goals and fruit from the potential of industrial revolution. One of the country that stands at the top of this list is Russia. Driven by a Tsarist ruler, Peter The Great, the fear of people’s empowerment led to the distancing of technology, advancements from people. The ruling elite feared that the weapon of progress and prosperity via Industrial revolution would give people more power to act, think and respond accordingly. His power, authority, resources, brainstorming, think tank, all were vested around the strengthening of the political grip rather than cashing in on the valuable gem that had been gifted to the entire Europe in form of industrial revolution. Hence the maintenance of status quo demanded keeping the effective tool of industrial revolution from the people. T he decay process was not just limited to internal hatchery of unjust acts, rather the process of stagnation, isolation and exploitation was accomplished and aided by the external force in the form of Colonial powers intrusion into different societies. The colonial trends resulted in a visible gulf between the locals and the usurpers who had forcefully handicapped the culture and society of the locals therein. Adam Smith has invested his thoughts and research in determining the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Compare two texts listed below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare two texts listed below - Essay Example However, there are important differences. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus and Jocasta's marriage is one that is marked by more than immoderate affection. There appears to be love in it. For Capellanus, this breaks the rules of courtly love. The medieval Capellanus's rules regarding marriage are more formal than those belonging to the ancient Greeks. Life in the olden times was much more difficult than it is today. Relationships were not convenient and they were rarely the type of relationships that people wanted to be a part of because of desire. In fact, marriage was often performed between two people of differing tribes with the aim of bringing these people together. Tribes were united through marriage. Similarly, marriage was used for political purposes. Marrying into a family might give an individual more power. As Capellanus wrote in his book, Marriage should not be a deterrent to love. If love was what you were after, then you should find it outside of a marriage as it was not the purpose of marriage in the first place. Real love is not public and marriage is a public institution. Everywhere in a court one might expect, according to Capellanus, to find examples of hidden love. This was his contribution to mens' idea of married love. He believed there was little love in real marriage, but a lot outside of it. Sophocles' play tells a different story.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Qualities that a ‘good’ teacher should have Essay Example for Free

Qualities that a ‘good’ teacher should have Essay Task 1 – List 5 qualities that a ‘good’ teacher should have and give reasons for your choices. Which of these qualities do you consider to be more important, and why? 1. a good teacher should really love teaching because in my opinion you cannot be a good teacher if you do not like what you do. 2. a good teacher should be lively and entertaining because children do not like boring teachers, they need somebody who changes learning into pleasure. as my experience schooled children love games and it is one of the best way of encouraging them to take part in the lesson. 3. a good teacher is able to motivate learners as motivation is one of the most important aspects while learning. children who are well motivated are eager to learn thus they learn more. 4. a good teacher should have good rapport and interaction with the class because it is crucial to have a nice atmosphere in the classroom. I believe that children cannot be scared of the teacher, they must like him/her and then they are open and more involved in the lessons. 5. a good teacher should be able to correct student without offending them or affecting their motivation as if he/she does it then the children do not want to take part in the lessons because they are scared of making mistakes. i always tell my students that they shouldnt be scared of making mistakes as nobody is perfect and Im there to correct them. and explain that they are learners so they cant know all of the answers correctly. As far as I am concerned, I really believe that all of the qualities I chose are equal. you really need to have all of them to be a good teacher. it is really difficult for me to decide which one is more important and which one is less important. Task 2 – State what you consider to be the five most important roles of a teacher. Describe each role and say why you think it is important. 1. organizer teacher organizes to do various activities. it is important as children need instruction, need to be organized into groups or pairs. teacher must initiate and finish activities and give feedback. 2. participant teacher participates in the lesson as an equal. it is good  method as children can see that the teacher wants to be a part of the class so it is a good way of gaining trust. 3. observer teacher monitors what is going on in the classroom. it is important as teacher must know the improvement of the students and what needs to be revise. 4. model teacher (native speaker) is the source of real, live English. it is important because sometimes it is the only way for the students to encounter foreign language with foreign accent. native speaker is also a good source of cultural information. 5. assessor teacher gives feedback, correction, evaluates and grades. children want to know whether they make mistakes or not, as they want to improve their skills and try not to make the same mistake again. Task 3 – List 5 qualities you would expect to find in a ‘good’ learner. Which of these qualities do you consider to be more important, and why? 1. a desire to learn it is crucial to want to learn a language as if the students find learning language useless they simply dont want to take part in any activities and they dont want to study. 2. a willingness to ask questions students must ask questions as it is the way of finding more information and also practise their speaking skills. 3. a willingness to listen to the language listening to the language can improve not only listening but also speaking skills. it also helps to gain foreign accent. 4. an ability to think about their own learning process and methods every students is different and prefers different methods of learning. it is important for students to realize which method is the most helpful and useful for them while learning language. 5. an acceptance of error correction students must realize that when teacher corrects them he/she does it not to embarrass them but to improve their learning. students should try not to make the same mistakes over and over again. Task 4 – What are some of the major differences you would expect to find between adult and young learners? Young learners are sometimes less motivated than adults. what is more, young learners are more receptive to the new sounds and grammar. it is widely known that young learners can acquire foreign language faster than adults.  adults has longer history of learning experience than young learners, and they believe they can succeed with the language. Task 5 – List the levels of language ability that learners are often grouped into and give a brief summation of each level: beginner from zero knowledge of English to a very basic one which cannot be quickly or easily activated. elementary students are able to form basic sentence structures and communicate on simple topics. low/pre-intermediate able to communicate and understand a great variety of topics but lacking general fluency and depth of language awareness. still likely to make many errors even with basic structures. intermediate able to understand and communicate on a wide range of issues using limited vocabulary store but still lacking in accuracy and fluency. upper intermediate should be able to actively communicate on almost all topics using a great range of language but still lacking in accuracy. advanced students should have a very good knowledge of the English language and now will be studying more suitable language items. Task 6 – Give as many reasons as possible why students are motivated to study English. The reasons that you give do not have to be in the unit reading material. students are motivated to study English because they realize that English is an international language and you can communicate with almost everyobody all over the world using this language. they know English can improve their future career prospects. they realize it can make their travel abroad much easier. they also want to study English to improve their grades and achieve success in exams. they study because they want to communicate with prints, parents, colleagues. very often they just want to learn language because they are interested in English and English culture.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Plan for Indian Restaurant

Business Plan for Indian Restaurant BUSINESS PLANNING UNIT SIX FOR THE NEW RESTAURANT CALLED ‘THE STAR OF INDIA’, AN INDIAN CUSINE. CONTENTS PAGE (Jump to) SECTION 1 Business name Business activity Type of Ownership Objectives SECTION 2 Market analysis Price list of Potential suppliers Competitors Information on Banks Loans Target Market Competition Analysis SECTION 3 Marketing plan Price list for Items in the ‘The star of India’ Place Promotion SECTION 4 Production process SECTION 5 Resource requirements Financial resources Physical resources SECTION 6 Financial analysis and planning Sources of funds Business Plan for the new restaurant called ‘The Star of India’. SECTION 1 Business name and address: The Star of India 137 Earls Court Road London SW5 Business activity: The new restaurant will sell a wide variety of Indian Cuisine from its secondary retail location which is the Earls court area of London. The different types of foods that will be served in the restaurant will include Samosas, Nan bread, Tandoori, rice, biryani, balti, jalfrezi, karahi, bhuna, vindaloo, madras, noodles, burgers, desserts, beverages, special dishes, and side orders such as aloo and potatoes as appropriate for the different seasons as it unfolds. In addition, the restaurant will provide a free delivery service for orders above  £10 within a 3 mile radius, and will also include a 10% discount for orders above  £15. Suppliers will include retail outlets in the Earls court area that sell Asian foods such as Rajah and TRS products from wholesale suppliers in Earls court, Wembley and Southall, which are established cash and carry wholesale outlets for Indian foods in the London area. Wholesale stores such as Tescos and ASDA will also be visited if necessary. Type of Ownership: In this case the business will be a partnership based business, in which the major stake holder will control 55 percent of the whole business and the remainder will be controlled by 3 other stakeholders (4 stakeholders’ altogether). Objectives: The objective of the business is to provide high quality prepared foods and high quality service to the general public. In addition, we foresee to generate sales in excess of  £100,000 in the first year! SECTION 2 Market Analysis: Primary Data A questionnaire was not deemed appropriate as the area of location does permit an influx of people, in which it can be said with hind sight that it will be worthwhile to press ahead with the opening of the business. Price List: The following is a table of a price list for potential suppliers: Gandhi Oriental Foods Southall Food Suppliers Rajtha Food Suppliers (Wembley) Pounds ( £) Pounds ( £) Pounds ( £) Bag of gold self raising flour 25kg 8.25 7.99 7.99 Case Barson (Gram Flour) 6 bags 2kg 8.45 6.25 7.99 Drum vegetable oil 15 ltr KTC 7.79 5.99 6.99 Tin Mustard Oil 4 ltr 4.45 3.99 4.99 Tin pure ghee 2 kg 6.25 5.99 5.49 Tin chilli powder 18.9 17.99 17.99 Tin haldi (tumeric) powder 14.9 12.99 13.99 Cinnamon 2kg 5.45 4.99 5.25 Packet Tejpatha (Bay leaves) 750 grams 3.45 2.99 Case boiled chick peas (12) 411 grams 2.85 2.99 2.99 Packet Chana Dai 2kg 1.95 1.99 0.99 Jar mint sauce 3kg 2.95 2.99 1.99 Bag Salt 12.5kg 2.95 2.99 1.99 Case cathey container 26.9 25.99 22.99 Case carrier bag large 250 12.49 11.99 11.99 Case Cobra Beer large (12) 650ml 16.5 13.99 13.5 Kingfisher beer (12) 660ml 16.95 14.99 15.99 Basmati Rice (2kg) 12.99 11.99 12.99 Tilda Rice (2kg) 14.99 13.99 13.99 Sureeya Rice (2kg) 11.99 9.99 9.99 Lamb (per kilo) Chops 3.99 3.99 3.99 Liver and Heart 2.17 1.99 2.17 Leg 7.49 6.99 7.5 Shoulder 7.29 6.99 7.25 Back Chops 6.19 5.99 5.7 Chicken (per kilo) Leg Boneless 3.65 2.99 3.45 Wings 2.99 2.99 2.99 Roasters 2.17 2.25 2.2 Leg 1.18 1.25 1.1 Boneless 4.99 3.99 3.99 Sheep (per Kilo) Chop 3.5 2.99 3.25 Neck 2.64 2.49 2.5 Ribs 2.17 1.99 1.99 Leg 4.99 4.99 4.99 Shoulders 4.89 4.99 4.5 Back Chops 4.15 3.99 3.99 Competitors: Names Strengths Weaknesses Lapappardella Ristorante (Italian) Located off earls court road, very busy at weekends. Limited range (mainly pasta) Zizzi (Italian Restaurant) Located on the high street (Earls court road) New and modern European) It is a bit cramped in the sitting area Nandos Restaurant Very popular for its grilled and flamed chicken. Very busy at most times of the day and weekends. A very strong competitor Limited range of food served (mainly chicken) Dragon Palace (Chinese Restaurant) Very competitive in terms of its different types of foods served. It is cramped with limited space for more customers Masala Zone Recently opened and new in the area. It serves mainly Indian foods. It is a powerful competitor as its items are geared towards city life, i.e. city workers etc. It is not as popular yet. It range of items sold to the public is limited. Bibimbub (Oriental fusion dishes) Quite a wide variety of oriental dishes and cuisine. Very busy at the weekends Its foods are geared towards nutritional and healthy diets Although located on the high street, it is very cramp with limited space for a large number of customers to eat. Lotus Garden (Chinese restaurant) A wide variety of Chinese food As mentioned the sitting area is cramped. Information on Bank Loans: Having carried out an in-depth search for the best rates offered by banks, one came to the conclusion that the rates offered by the Halifax, offered the best rates when it came to obtaining a bank loan. For loans between  £5,000 and  £100,000, there is a variable discounted rate of 0.10% below Bank of Scotland Base Rate. For the remaining term of the loan the rate then changes to 3% above Bank of Scotland Base Rate and remains on variable rate terms for the rest of the loan. For the fixed rate business loan the rates are published on the Halifax website every fortnightly, in which the interest rates are based on LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered Rate) plus a margin. In addition, security is required on any property or assets that this agreed with the bank. The overall cost of comparison is 11.1% APR. The actual rate available will depend upon the outcome of the initial start-up capital. Secondary Data Most of the information collated with regards to the price of items and competitors were gathered by the stakeholders of the restaurant. The factors that are deemed as possible effects on the demand for the service are: The price of the items sold to customers. The quality of the menu and how it is served to customers. The type of products used to serve the menu items, e.g. fresh farm produce, organic foods, and completeness. The customer service offered to customers will be a deciding factor in how the restaurant is viewed on from its initial opening. The way the competitors mentioned above respond to our presence in the Earls court area will play a part in how our customer base grows. The state of the economy, e.g. rising personal incomes, changes in interest rates and the change in house prices. In addition, because Indian cuisine has been a rising trend in British society over the past 6 years, it is expected that the demand for this growing in-fashion trend will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. Target Market: The majority of existing customers we expect to come into the restaurant will be based within a 4 mile radius of the Earls court area. Typically, they will be single people, couples, tourists and families all wanting to go out and have a good meal. It is expected that they will be middle class and above, who come from very affluent backgrounds. Most of the potential customers expected will be people who earn on average, incomes starting from  £17,000 upwards. Competition Analysis: The potential strengths and weaknesses of competitors have been commented upon in the competition table. In retrospect, it is believed that the prices we will be offering with regard to items on our price list will be set below the average price of our major competitors mentioned i.e., Masala, Zone, Nandos, and Zizzis. This will enable us compete with our competitors head-on and with hind sight we will be able to carve out a growing market share into the future for the business. In addition, the items we are offering has a much wider range than our competitors in which the quality of the products used (fresh farm produce and organic), will set us above the competitors mentioned. Also, the service we ascribe to present to customers will be far reaching than our competitors. I.e. a waiter/waitress will always be on hand to attend to customer questions, taking customers to their table, and always making sure that the customer is satisfied with how they are being treated and offered in the ‘Star of India’ cuisine. SECTION 3 Marketing Plan: The use of the marketing mix will be used to start off the business. They are product, price, place and promotion. Product/Service: The product / service that will be offered to customers as a whole will mainly be organic foods which include fresh farm produce from suppliers, whole sale outlets and also canned items from the suppliers mentioned above. The service will consist of customers coming into the restaurant to have a meal or take away, in which there will be a seating area for smoking and non-smoking. Also, a waiter/waitress will be on hand to serve and assist customers on the wide range of different cuisines available. As stated previously, there will be a free delivery service for orders above  £10 and a 10% discount on orders above  £15. This will change subject to seasonal demand. Price: The use of pricing strategies such as penetration pricing, promotional pricing, and price discrimination will be used to market the items offered by the restaurant. Penetration pricing will be used to set a low initial price in order to penetrate the market quickly and deeply, so as to attract a large number of customers quickly and win a large market share. With time the high sales volume will result in falling costs, allowing the restaurant to cut its price even further. With promotional pricing, the restaurant will temporarily price its items or products below the list price and sometimes even below cost. This will take several forms. I.e. a few items or products will be priced as loss leaders so as to attract customers into the restaurant in the hope that they will buy items at normal mark-ups. Price discrimination will be used to offer customers different prices for the same items or products offered by the restaurant. For example, if a customer ordered a special dish, it would automatically come with a side order of rice, in which the price is already included in the price of the special dish. However, if they ordered rice separately and the sauce separately, they would have to pay different prices for the two items. Price list for ‘The Star of India’ The Star of India Appetisers Price ( £) Chicken Samosa  £3.20 Veg Samosa  £3.20 Lamb Samosa  £3.20 Papadom  £0.40 Sheek Kebab  £2.40 Shami Kebab  £2.40 Chicken or Lamb Tikka  £2.40 Chicken Chatt  £2.40 Aloo Chatt  £2.40 King Prawn Butterfly  £3.50 Potatoes of the day  £2.75 The Star of India Breads Nan  £1.30 Keema Nan  £1.80 Vegetable Nan  £1.80 Peshwari Nan  £1.80 Garlic Nan  £1.80 Balti Nan  £1.80 Paratha Nan  £1.40 Stuffed Paratha  £1.80 Tandoori Roti  £1.20 Chapati  £0.80 The Star of India Tandoori Delicacies Half Tandoori Chicken  £4.70 Whole Tandoori Chicken  £9.20 Chicken or Lamb Tikka  £4.70 Chicken or Lamb Shaslik  £5.50 Coconut Chicken  £5.50 Tandoori King Prawn  £8.40 Garlic Chicken  £5.50 Tandoori Mixed Grill with nan  £7.95 The Star of India Rice Delicacies Pilau Rice  £1.60 Boiled Rice  £1.50 Mushroom Rice  £1.95 Egg Fried Rice  £1.95 Lebu Rice  £1.95 Garlic Rice  £1.95 Narial Chawal  £1.95 Vegetable Rice  £1.95 Special Fried Rice  £1.95 Keema Rice  £2.25 The Star of India Biryani Delicacies Chicken, Meat or Prawn  £5.50 King Prawn  £8.40 Chicken or Lamb Tikka  £5.75 Tandoori Chicken  £5.75 Vegetable  £4.95 Mushroom  £4.95 The Star of India Special  £6.50 The Star of India Balti Delicacies Chicken, Meat or Prawn  £5.75 King Prawn  £8.40 Vegetable  £4.80 The Star of India Special  £6.95 Chicken or Lamb Tikka  £6.75 Chicken, Meat or Lamb Sagwala, Jalfrezi, Dhansak  £5.95 The Star of India Jalfrezi Delicacies Chicken Jalfrezi  £4.60 Prawn Jalfrezi  £5.70 Lamb Jalfrezi  £4.60 King Prawn Jalfrezi  £7.40 Chicken Tikka Jalfrezi  £5.60 Lamb Tikka Jalfrezi  £5.60 Vegetable Jalfrezi  £4.95 The Star of India Karahi Delicacies Chicken Karahi  £5.20 Prawn Karahi  £5.70 Lamb Karahi  £5.20 King Prawn Bhuna Karahi  £7.40 Chicken Tikka Karahi  £5.60 Lamb Tikka Karahi  £5.60 Vegetable Karahi  £4.95 The Star of India Bhuna Delicacies Chicken Bhuna  £4.40 Prawn Bhuna  £5.40 Lamb Bhuna  £4.40 King Prawn Bhuna  £7.40 Chicken Tikka Bhuna  £5.70 Lamb Tikka Bhuna  £5.70 Vegetable Bhuna  £4.95 The Star of India Vindaloo / Madras Delicacies Chicken / Lamb Curry  £4.10 Chicken / Lamb Madras  £4.50 Chicken / Lamb Vindaloo  £4.50 Prawn Curry / Madras / Vindaloo  £4.80 King Prawn Curry / Madras / Vindaloo  £6.50 Vegetable Curry  £3.95 The Star of India Noodles Malabar Seafood  £5.70 Chicken Madras  £5.20 Konkan Chicken  £5.20 Malabar veg  £5.20 Veg madras  £5.20 The Star of India Burgers Lamb Burger  £5.20 Chicken Burger  £4.80 Veggie Burger  £4.80 The Star of India Special Dishes The Star of India Special  £5.90 The Star of India Khazana  £6.95 Nawabi Chicken  £5.90 Murgh Charga  £5.90 Achari Chicken  £5.90 Chingri Bahar  £7.95 Lamb Nashilee  £5.90 Ghoust Laziz  £5.90 Jerra Chicken Massala  £5.90 Kufta Massala  £5.90 King Prawn Delight  £7.95 Shaslik Massala  £5.90 Garlic Green Chilli Massala  £5.90 Special Tandoori King Prawn Massala  £7.95 Butter Chicken  £5.90 Peshwari Chicken  £5.90 Black Pepper Chicken  £5.90 Black Pepper King Prawn  £7.95 Chicken Tikka Podeena  £5.90 Chicken Tikka Massala  £5.90 Chicken Tikka Pasanda  £5.90 Chicken Tikka Markhani  £5.90 Chicken Rezala  £5.90 The Star of India Desserts Gulab Jamun  £2.10 Falooda  £3.00 Chocolate, Vanilla, and Raspberry Ice Cream  £2.10 The Star of India Beverages Fruit Juices  £1.30 Mango and Coconut Lassi  £1.20 Masala Chai  £1.00 Coke or Diet Coke  £0.65 Mineral Water  £0.65 Place: The business will be located in the Earls Court area of central London. The reasoning b

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Favourite Holidays

My Favourite Holidays This is a pretty difficult topic to write on, since I tend to love all of the holidays! As soon as it hits October, I am floored for every holiday between Halloween and New Years. Growing up, it was all about what I would get as gifts on these holidays or the fantastic family dinners. I get excited for Fall, the local Algonquin Mill celebration, the beauty of all the leaves changing, the smell of them burning in the evening, the streets teaming with Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. I remember how exciting it was to wake up early on Christmas morning and sneak around the brightly lit tree, hoping not to wake up Mom, trying to guess what was in each colorful package with my older sister. I also remember the frustration of not being able to fall asleep because I was so excited. With all of these holidays, I know that everyone has their favorites. There are many different traditions that people follow but are we really celebrating these holiday traditions in the right way or even for the right reasons? Just the entire season would be my favorite time of year, but I shall focus on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Halloween, though it is known for its fun colors and costumes and gorging yourself on candy, actually started out as a Celtic holiday. The Celtics began celebrating this holiday because it was the last day of their winter solstice and apparently they just wanted an excuse to party since this also meant that they were done with the yearly harvesting time. Also, this day was used as a day to honor loved ones who had passed on, since it was said to be the day that the veil was lifted and the dead were able to once again walk with the living. The day after became celebrated as All Hallows Eve which marked the end of the dead being able to walk among us, at last until the next year. Nowadays we parade around in skimpy outfits in cold weather, attending parties to drink and be judged in our costumes. Speaking of drinking, my favorite Halloween myth would be that of the origin of pumpkins, or rather, Jack-O-Lanterns. The legend actually involves a hollowed turnip, the Devil, and a man named Stingy Jack. Stingy Jack, the stereotypical Irish drunkard, was known as a manipulator and loved to trick people. This brought him into contact with the Devil who went to collect his soul after hearing of all of his bad deeds. But, Jack was sneaky. He managed to trick the devil up into a tree and trap him there by carving a holy symbol, a cross, into the trunk of that tree. The Devil, demanding his release, agreed to Jacks demand that his soul would never be taken into Hell for all of his past misdeeds. This comes back to haunt poor Stingy Jack as when he does eventually die, he is not allowed into Heaven because of those same deeds, and the Devil had promised not to take him! He did, though, give Jack an ember, which Jack then carried around in a hollowed out turnip, doomed to roam the earth forever. Now, though, the turnip is a pumpkin and this year, my sister carved hers to make it look like it ate a Trick-or-Treater. Not exactly following tradition, is it? I would say that this would be a nice moralist story to tell our young ones since it shows that there are often bad consequences to bad actions. My second favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving. My family has a three day tradition for this holiday, which I got to join when I turned 21. The night before Thanksgiving, we go to the local bar for the band that plays there every year. Then, we wake up the next morning, more than likely hung over, and cook our Thanksgiving dinners, attending the big family meal in our pajamas because we are so exhausted from the night before. Afterwards, we all lapse into a turkey-coma and wake up early the next morning for the biggest shopping day of the year! Now, Im sure that this is not the same as everyone elses traditions, and I know it is definitely not the same as the real reason for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, another harvest festival, like Halloween, is a holiday in which people are supposed to express how thankful they are for their family, friends, and everything else they have. Growing up, I remember coloring the Pilgrims and the turkeys made out of hands. This was also back when we we re still allowed to pray in school, so our class would have our lunch of turkey slices and mashed potatoes and gravy and say a prayer together. A lot of the religious value behind this holiday has been lost. Lately, it seems to be all about the football game, the big meal, and the shopping ads for the next day race to Christmas. I am sure that if the holiday were observed properly, if we were asked each Thanksgiving to give a list of things that we are thankful for, people might just focus on the more important things in life: family and friends and their own idea of religion. This brings me to Christmas which is another of my favorite holidays. I love the snow on the ground- as long as I dont have to be in it- the colors everywhere, the Christmas carols on the store radios as you try to figure out what to get for whom. I like walking past all the houses and seeing the trees all lit up in their windows Wait a minute, lit up trees? Why do we even have the trees? Christmas, in my family, is all about getting the whole family together for dinner. Everyone is so focused on paying their bills that there is no real gift giving except for that of our company. We like to laugh and have fun and its normally pretty loud at whichever house we congregate in. The real focus of Christmas, though, is actually on religion, which my family does not really follow. This is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ, our savior. The star at the top of the gaily decorated tree is to depict that of the star over Bethlehem that guided the shepherds to where Jesus was born. The tre e was established as part of our tradition by Martin Luther who used it as a symbol of the Tree of Life from the bible tale of the Garden of Eden. Another tradition that is attributed to Christmas is that of Santa Clause, or Father Christmas, or Saint Nick, my all-time favorite man. How could you not love a man that runs around in red pajamas and gives out candy and gifts? Even though he is so loveable, he is not the real reason behind Christmas and it would be nice to see that people, especially children, realize this. Instead, they spend the last ten or so days before Christmas hoping you and jolly old Santa forgot all their past transgressions so that they dont get a lump of coal in their stockings. This does tend to make Christmas more fun, but I only hope that other people get that kind and warm-hearted feeling that I always get around Christmas. It is a time when people are nicer to everyone else and I think that it is the greatest time of year because of this. Of all these holidays, I have my favorites and you have yours, all for different reasons. But in todays society, are we really celebrating them in the right way? In watching the news it is plain to see that America is facing a problem with youth and their values, or lack thereof. Maybe if we tried to spread the old traditions of some of these holidays and to celebrate them right instead of letting them become so commercialized, todays society would remember that there are actual reasons that we partake in these holidays, not just to be able to ask So, what do you want for Christmas this year?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alienation and Isolation in William Falukners A Rose For Emily :: essays research papers

Alienation and Isolation in William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily† displays themes of alienation and isolation. Emily Grierson’s own father is found to be the root of many of her problems. Faulkner writes Emily’s character as one who is isolated from the people of her town. Her isolation from society and alienation from love is what ultimately drives her to madness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emily’s isolation is evident because after the men that cared about her deserted her, either by death or simply leaving her, she hid from society and didn’t allow anyone to get close to her. Miss Emily is afraid to confront reality. She seems to live in a sort of fantasy world where death has no meaning. Emily refuses to accept or recognize the death of her father, and the fact that the world around her is changing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emily attempts to recapture her past by escaping from the present. She wants to leave the present and go back to a happier past. Miss Emily wants to find the love she once knew. â€Å"After her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all† (243). Emily alienates herself from everyone when the two people she has loved most in her life go away. She becomes afraid to grow close to anyone in fear of losing them again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miss Emily’s isolation is able to benefit her as well. She has the entire town believing she is a frail and weak woman, but she is very strong indeed. Everyone is convinced that she could not even hurt a fly, but instead she is capable a horrible crime, murder. Miss Emily’s actions range from eccentric to absurd. After the death of her father, and the estrangement from the Yankee, Homer Barron, she becomes reclusive and introverted. The reader can find that Miss Emily did what was necessary to keep her secret from the town. â€Å"Already we knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years† (247).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

OHare International Airport :: Chicago Airport

A plan to expand O'Hare International Airport has begun to look more promising, but backers of a proposed airport near Peotone said last week they don't expect the plan to change the debate over a third airport. "It's still not going to add air capacity, and won't solve their long-range problem," said Don Goff, chairman of the Third Airport Alliance. "I don't see it as any setback," he said of the plan to build more terminals and gates. Goff said that even if O'Hare expansion proponents later use the World Gateway project to justify building more runways, a third airport will still be needed. "They're still going to have to build another airport," Goff said. But those who hope plans for an airport near rural Peotone will be scrapped see the plan as a sign of hope. "I'm very happy about that," said Jill Holzaepfel of Peotone, who said she hopes the planes and traffic stay close to the city. "I chose to live out here on the farmland," she said, adding that those who are impacted by more noise and pollution at an expanding O'Hare chose to live near the airport. Some Peotone opponents propose expanding the airport in Gary, Ind., or building at another site. The major airlines that serve O'Hare International Airport and city officials reached a tentative agreement to move ahead with a $3.2 billion renovation at the world's second busiest airport, a city spokeswoman said. Mayor Richard Daley has called the project the "World Gateway Program." It has involved months of negotiations between the city and the two major carriers that serve O'Hare — United Airlines and American Airlines. "Right now, we have an agreement in principle," Chicago Department of Aviation spokeswoman Monique Bond said Friday night. "We feel confident that we're moving forward and we are pretty optimistic about the finality of the agreement." The renovation, which is expected to take eight years to complete, is expected to increase the number of boarding gates by at least 25 percent. It is also intended to increase the number of flights and make connections in and out of the airport smoother. "This is basically what we are doing to better use the existing facility with more efficiency," Bond said. She said the redesign will help accommodate the airlines' increased use of larger planes, such as the Boeing 777. While Bond would not confirm the number of new gates involved, a report appearing in next week's Crain's Chicago Business cites sources familiar with the negotiations saying

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Machiavelli in Relation to Macbeth

Throughout history many have oversimplified and extorted Machiavellian idea s about power and adhering in an attempt to create empires and rule almost always at the expo ensue of the people they rule. Throughout the play Macbeth exhibits the ambition of a Machiavellian chart term, but often lacks the the form or any kind of rigidity that would land him firmly ammo nag Machiavellian clear cut classifications for power figures. Still it is clear based on the plot and details of Macbeth that Shakespeare was influenced by Machiavelli in writing his famous s â€Å"Scottish play†.As we read Macbeth we see the story of a man, Macbeth, filled with ambition who even begins the story in a mindset similar to that of a Machiavellian prince. In his most famous work Machiavelli cites a man named Stagecoaches â€Å"Stagecoaches, the Sicilian, became King of Syracuse, not only from a private position but from a low and abject one. This man, the son of a potter, through all the changes in his fortunes, always led an infamous life, nevertheless, he accompany ended his Wassermann 2 infamies with such great ability of mind and body, that, having devoting whims elf to the military profession, he rose through its ranks to be Praetor of Syracuse. (Mac heavily 4950) Macbeth is a ruler of what Machiavelli would have called a principality obtained through wickedness† (Machiavelli 49) Machiavelli belie Veda that â€Å"All states, all powers, that have held and hold rule over men have been an d are either republics or principalities. Principalities are either hereditary, in which the family has been long establish deed; or they are new. The new are either entirely new, as was Milan to Francesco Sports, or they are it were, members annexed to the hereditary state of the prince who has acacia red them, as was the kingdom of Naples to that of the King of Spain.Such dominions thus acquired are either accustomed to live under a prince, o to live in freedom; and are acquired eith er by the arms Of the prince himself, or of others, or else by fortune or by ability. † (Machiavelli 1) Under Machiavellian classifications, Macbeth is a grey area. His principality coo old potentially be considered hereditary because, although he had to murder Du NCAA he did technically inherit the throne, although, Macbeth is not a relative of Duncan s o the principality could be considered new. In her Tyranny in Shakespeare, Mary Ann McGill w rites that â€Å"[Macbeth] asks what is a tyrant?Or, what does a tyrant do that sets him apart from others Of great political ambition? † (McGill 21) Wassermann 3 When Machiavelli discusses â€Å"principalities obtained by arms† (Machiavelli 30) he states that â€Å"states which rise rapidly, like all other things that arise and grow rapidly in an true, cannot leave† This would lead one to believe that Macbeth is not Machiavellian in nature. Pee reaps not overall, yet Machete's reign of Scotland does still exhibit Machiavellian properties. For example where Machiavelli says: â€Å"Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved?It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be fear d than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is t o be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer y their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Admission Essay to CRNA program Essay

My desire to pursue a career in health care is greatly influenced by its unlimited opportunities for career development and the desire to impact another person’s life positively. As a kid, I always had a burning desire to become a nurse or a medical doctor but my parents’ influence and their perception of the engineering profession while in Nigeria lured me away. I trained and practiced as a Materials Engineer back in Nigeria, where I worked as a research and development officer for five years. However, coming to the United States created the turning point in my life. I searched for engineering jobs unsuccessfully for many months, and none was forthcoming despite availability of many job openings in nursing and healthcare related fields. In order to confirm my readiness to pursue nursing as a career, I entered a Practical Nursing program at the Wilbur Wright College in Chicago. At this time, I was still driving cab to support myself, while I dropped it completely upon graduation and passing LPN board examination. A couple of years after becoming a LPN, I applied to DePaul University’s Master entry program to further my education, and thereby became a full-fledged RN. My dogged persistence paid off. In one way it deterred me from getting stuck to cab driving, despite a very good tax free – income. On the other, it allows me to envision my future as a great nurse. My insatiable appetite for knowledge coupled with compassion and commitment to nursing shape my desire to pursue a DNP in nurse anesthesia. Clinical rotations in OR as a close observer during an open Heart Surgery at the IMMC, while a student at the DePaul University also afforded me opportunity to see administration anesthetic drugs by a CRNA. In concretizing my interest to purse a DNP in Nurse Anesthesia, nothing can be more absolute than witnessing the births of our three children and the joy that they have brought in to my life. I saw firsthand as the nurse anesthetist administered the epidural anesthesia to assuage my wife’s labor pains. I am interested in becoming a nurse anesthetist because of the fervor that I have for it as a profession, the potential that I posses and the life experiences that have made me the person that I am today. These experiences have strengthened my resolve not only to do the utmost that I can by practicing the profession of nursing but also to help in improving the delivery of quality nursing care and overall image of nursing in general. The values and goals presented in the School Mission are a perfect fit for my ultimate career goals. The entirety of my life has been a challenge and the fact that I am applying to a great school such as the NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia is a further proof beyond doubt that coming from the humble roots that I was born in to, I can only be on the path to great success at this juncture. I have been engaged in nursing care of critically ill patients for 7years and I have consistently received outstanding evaluations these past years. With strong backgrounds in sciences, mathematics, computers coupled with good communication and interpersonal skills gained from work experience and college involvement, I believe I have all it takes to be successful in this profession. I have also learnt that patience, perceptiveness, honesty, trustworthiness and ability to work as a team member are essential in fostering effective working relationship. I work well as a team-member as well as independently on my own initiatives, using good judgment and overlook personal preferences where the good of all is concerned. At the present time, I am a member of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and I also participate in various continue education activities that seek to increase my knowledge and overall clinical skills. My short-term professional goals include passing successfully certification examination for Adult Critical care, also known as the CCRN certification by October this year. I hope to set enough fund aside to augment my tuition for the School of Nurse Anesthesia. I also plan to attend a Medical Spanish class, in order to hone my Spanish language proficiency. It is also in my plan to work part time upon the start of the program in order to keep my clinical skills up-to-date. My long term goal is to successfully graduate from the NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia and pass the Nurse Anesthesia Board Examination. After passing the exam, I hope to join the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) and other relevant professional associations for networking opportunities, mentoring and support systems. All the goals enumerated above are designed to help crystallize my future plans. I intend to be a successful nurse anesthetist and a well rounded professional. There is too much at stake to fail and to whom much is given, much is expected. I intend to be a shining example to my children and to my community. My DNP project would focus on the effect of anesthetic agents on the intra-operative respiratory Care of obese and COPD patients. Besides finding this profession endlessly interesting and rewarding, I cherish the opportunity to make a positive difference in my  patients’ day-to-day lives. My experience has a nurse has taught me that helping someone attain their utmost in good health transcends the patients’ ethnic background or what social class they belong to. It is amazing how irrelevant the sex or race of an individual is when they come in to the emergency room with a broken arm or had been in a vehicle accident. I am thrilled at the possibilities of learning and practicing that lay ahead of me as a professional in one of the greatest and most noble profession known to man. I intend to take up the challenge and use my expertise to help as many people as possible irrespective of their age, class, race or religious belief. I look forward to the opportunity to start t he Nurse Anesthetist’s program at the NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia, and I accept the challenge, knowing fully well that it is a nail that would help in holding my future together.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Political Philosophy and Machiavelli Essay

â€Å"And if all men were good, this teaching would not be good; but because they are wicked and do not observe faith with you, you also do not have to observe it with them† (69). Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince is arguably the most famous and controversial political science book of all time. Many think of Machiavelli as synonymous with evil. The father of the idea that the ends will always justify the means, the term Machiavellian has become connected with selfish, brutal, or immoral actions. Machiavelli has long been associated with totalitarianism, conquest, and tyranny. But is this label deserved? Is The Prince a book that expresses evil? Many argue that Machiavelli is not a teacher of evil, but bases his teachings on a pragmatic realism that has long been a part of politics. He would certainly not be the first to have such a view, and he is certainly not the last. In promoting his realistic view of power and politics, Machiavelli does not teach evil, instead, he uses necessity and practicality as the criteria in which his thought is based on. In this way we see that he does not put the matter of good or evil as a priority in his actions, but uses practical methods to make his choice in each instance as to what is necessary and beneficial. Through the exploration of the basis for Machiavelli’s treatment of ethics and his agenda for writing The Prince we see that his teachings are not evil, but based on political pragmatism and necessity. He himself makes it clear as he advises the Prince on how to be able to do what is necessary whether it is good or evil. â€Å"And so he needs to have a spirit to change as the winds of fortune and variations of things commanded him, and as I said above, not depart from good, when possible, but know how to enter into evil, when forced by necessity † (70). Machiavelli treats morality and prudence not as guides for a Prince, but as tools to use for political gain. In this way we see that Machiavelli is not preaching evil, which would be to encourage the opposite of virtue and morality, but to use them in different ways depending on the situation. Virtue is a key concept when discussing moral living and actions, and vice is the opposite of virtue. The concepts of virtue and vice are age-old ideas ingrained within human society. But the traditional view of virtue and vice, laid out by such thinkers as Aristotle and Plato, is changed to fit the pursuit of power in Machiavellian’s The Prince. Classic virtue comes from a criterion based on just and beneficial interaction, while pursuing an end, within a civil society. This interaction can involve the impact of an individual on another individual, a citizen and a state, or even an impact an individual has upon himself. Thus a man who sacrifices his life to save his friend, city, or beliefs is thought of as virtuous. On the other hand the reciprocal of this action would be vice, a man who sacrifices his friend, city or beliefs to preserve his life may be viewed as possessing a vice. Virtue finds its anchor in morality and ethics, and upholds that, it is focused on preserving qualities like justice and harmony. The change in the Machiavellian code of morality comes as a result as result of an entire shift in what the foundation of this morality is built on, namely the ends being pursued. The Machiavellian concept of virtue not only divorces virtue completely from its ethical foundation, but places it on a foundation of ability to execute what is necessary in order to achieve what is desired. In this case what is desired is power, which is to be strictly maintained and used to achieve glorious ends, whatever they may be. From this foundation of the pursuit and maintenance of power comes the Machiavellian outlook on everything else, and is the reason in which he is able to separate ethics from politics. Morality in its classical sense would only serve to get in the way of power and prudence; it creates unnecessary dilemmas between what is politically necessary and morally correct, interfering with being a wise ruler. Therefore the Prince must take the necessary actions regardless of their moral ramifications. â€Å"? [If] one considers everything well, one will find something that appears to be virtue, which if pursued would be one’s ruin, and something else appears to be vice, which if pursued results in one’s security and well-being† (62). Machiavelli removes the foundation of prudence and virtue from morality, and reinterprets them in regards to necessity and power. Correct policy within The Prince is based on the Machiavellian conception of virtue and prudence. Stemming from this, Machiavelli at times refers to virtue and prudence in their classical definitions, pertaining to high morality, and just actions. But at other times in The Prince, he refers to them as directly pertaining to the proper execution of power. For example he often compares a ruler’s success, not morality, with virtue. No matter how brutal the ruler, if he is able to hold power well then he is virtuous. Prudence is thought of as being careful, observant and logical in the classical sense. But Machiavelli uses it to describe a ruler who is very sharp, decisive, and makes the correct choices. â€Å"A prudent lord, therefore, cannot observe faith, nor should he, when such observance turns against him, and causes that made him promise have been eliminated† (69). It therefore would be prudent for a ruler to massacre a rebellion, if it meant the ultimate preservation of power. In this case necessity calls for action, even if those actions go against classical morality. A ruler, who has correct judgment and knows what is the best course of action, would take the proper measures to stop the rebellion and pay no attention to the morality of his actions. The ends in this case change the conception of the codes in which the means are to be judged by; no longer is the end such universally beneficial ideas of peace and justice, but power and conquest. Virtue and prudence to Machiavelli hold meaning only in the sense of ability and accomplishment. To Machiavelli cunning would be a virtue, as would decisiveness while wielding power. A vice for a ruler would be stupidity, or ignorance of ones own subjects. Something that is virtuous in the classical sense would only be followed if it were deemed compatible with the situation, and did not in anyway undermine the ends being pursued. The Machiavellian view is based on and around a realism seen in politics and history, and is amoral. The entire intent of the book was to write a pragmatic and realistic approach to dealing with power, not a lesson in high virtue and morality. He states, â€Å"But since my intent is to write something useful to whoever understands it, it has appeared to me more fitting to go directly to the effectual truth of the thing than to the imagination of it† (61). He finds that necessity is what guides most actions. â€Å"? [Because] men will always turn out bad for you unless they have been made good by a necessity†(95). A military training manual written on the best way to execute killing would not go into a debate on whether or not killing is right or wrong. The manual would be almost amoral and not go into the debate, those who have already settled that debate in their minds would read it, and the same follows for The Prince. One should not associate the teachings of The Prince as something that Machiavelli himself feels is moral, just and proper, but rather what history has shown to be the ideal and efficient way to handle power. Survivor in the political world creates certain necessities, and forces individuals to undertake certain actions in order to ensure success. â€Å"? [for] it is so far from how one lives to how one should live that he who lets go of what is done for what should be done learns his ruin rather than his preservation† (61). The purpose of The Prince is not a guide to being a moral Prince, but how to abide by necessity and pragmatism. Just as a purpose of the war manual would not be the ethics of killing. The manual would not debate war as a just or unjust means to an end, but instead would accept it as reality, and try to approach it with the same harsh reality. In fact the entire purpose of The Prince was to serve as a guide to restore Italy to greatness, a path that can only be achieved by power. He uses examples from throughout history of rulers who acted successfully when faced with a situation, drawing from these examples he shows the correct actions that a Prince should follow. There is no room for being a virtuous and honest ruler, as it will be at odds with the reality of political life. Because he uses realistic examples from history, we see his true pragmatic nature; his ultimate goal is the achievement of his ends, not the correct actions. Machiavelli uses the actions of past rulers whether or not they are just, as long as they prove successful for the ends being pursued. Machiavelli himself states that he has taken a realist approach, and outlines the reason as to why he has taken this approach, as being necessary and efficient. If one were to examine the way in which Machiavelli looks towards allowing freedom towards his subjects, or the treatment of honesty toward his subjects, one would conclude that Machiavelli himself was not in favor of these things. It would be a mistake to reach this conclusion, it is not so much that he is against freedom or truth, but he realizes that these things will damage and undermine ones power – the goal and focus of The Prince. â€Å"For a man who wants to make a profession of good in all regards must come to ruin among so many who are not good† (61). Machiavelli is not favoring things that we would view as brutality, deception and in many cases evil; instead he is using them as tools in an act to obtain what he desires. Machiavelli spends much time on the behavior that a Prince should follow in order to be successful. Although Machiavelli goes through many different traits and practices a ruler should follow, the two that he deems very necessary are to be loved and to be feared. Machiavelli stresses that a ruler should seek to be loved, but above all make sure that he is not hated, because if he is hated it will ultimately be his undoing. This follows the Machiavellian line of pragmatism and necessity; it is not motivated by a lust for evil or deceit, but is something that many people who are appalled by his amorality would agree with. If Machiavelli were a teacher of evil he would never make such a statement. A leader who is feared will ultimately deter any action against him by his ability to control the actions of the people with his fear. . Morality will only serve to hamper a prince’s abilities. â€Å"This has to be understood: that a prince, especially a new prince, cannot observe all those things for which a men are held good, since he is often under a necessity, to maintain his state, of acting against faith, against charity, against humanity, against religion. And so he needs to have a spirit disposed to change as the winds of fortune an variations of things command him? † (70). The most efficient way to deal with a problem is usually not the moral way, and Machiavelli time and time again points to this as the reason in which he chooses the path he does. His book is not for idealists, and as he states idealists rarely accomplish what they want. His book is for the guidance of a Prince towards power, and the ability to maintain that power. All of these things follow the strict Machiavellian criteria of necessity for power. Whether these things are good or evil in our eyes is not the topic of discussion for Machiavelli, therefore it does not concern him, what he seeks is the necessary actions to gain and maintain power. â€Å"Hence it is necessary to a prince, if he wants to maintain himself, to learn to be able not to be good, and to use this and not use it according to necessity† (61). This doctrine of pragmatism within The Prince was not invented by Machiavelli, one can look at it as merely an expression of the practical political ideas of his time, and perhaps forever. We see that Machiavelli puts forth an ethics of political convenience. It does not hold to or allow itself to be hampered by morality, virtue, or Christian values, but allows them only when opportune and beneficial. The Prince’s doctrine supports actions including murder, deceit, and betrayal given that the Prince will benefit from it. The ethics found within Machiavelli is entirely based upon a realistic outlook upon the political world and caters to political convenience. To Machiavelli this moral code of convenience and pragmatism is a political necessity. He states that when it is politically necessary to act in accordance with a vice then one must do so in the interest of power. â€Å"And furthermore one should not care about incurring the fame of those vices without which it is difficult to save one’s state? â€Å"(62). He holds that the world will swallow up idealists, and that it is unrealistic to expect someone to exercise morality when dealing with a political situation, or their enemies. Through the exploration of the basis for Machiavelli’s treatment of ethics and his agenda for writing The Prince we see that his teachings are not evil, but based on political pragmatism and necessity. Machiavelli treats morality and prudence not as guides for a Prince, but as tools to use for political gain. By removing the foundation of prudence and virtue from morality, he reinterprets them in regards to necessity and power. The amoral Machiavellian view centers on a realism seen in politics and history. The entire purpose of The Prince is not a guide to being a morally, but a guide to necessity and pragmatism. This doctrine of pragmatism within The Prince was not invented by Machiavelli, but used masterfully by him to craft a powerful instructional book on power. The concept of morality is not attacked or thrown away, but put aside and only referred to or used when necessary. In the real world few will be honest, or moral, so it becomes necessary for one to also set these things aside as it will conflict with ones ends. This is the reality of politics and Machiavelli recognizes this and refers to it many times in the book as the reason to why he chooses the path he does and not out of evil or some wish for deceitful actions. Political reality deems his method necessary, thus it is a realistic and pragmatic way to approach the subject.